Travel to Carvina - Part 2


Demetrius, Juniper and Gio would be sharing a cabin room during their time on board, one was due to the limited space and the other was that as partners they had more privacy. They were shown to their cabins by the crew and told where to store their belongings. The ship was going to be moving soon, so they were advised to stay in the cabins until they had left Capital star.

The room was compact, but comfortable enough. There were storage space below each bed, the walls were painted white with light blue accents, making the cabin appear light. It wasn't much different from the type of dormitory rooms found in universities.

There was only one window but it was a long window that streched the length of the wall, which currently looked out over the city of Capital Star. Juniper thought it might be the best view of the stars when they start travelling, he had only seen such sights once when he was found by Javier and Garlen.

Juniper looked towards the bed, it took up a large area of the room enough to fit 4-5 people comfortably. There was only one bed though, which meant that they would be sharing a bed together. Juniper became nervous and embarrassed suddenly, he knew he was being silly but he just couldn't help but feel awkward. He felt his heart rate quickening and his breathing becoming irregular.

Juniper covered his face and turned away from them both.

Demetrius and Gio shared a glance.

Demetrius spoke first with a light laugh "There's no need to worry, we won't do anything you don't want to do."

Gio spoke up after ''Besides you havent fully entered adulthood yet, although we can do other things we can't go all the way. Nobody is going to force you into doing anything." He then smirked. "If you want to try something though you are more than welcome"

Juniper blushed at their words. It made sense that they wouldn't force him to do anything, however there was still one thing bothering him.

"..I must look like a child," Juniper said quietly. "I've never been in this situation before, I mean... I haven't done anything with anyone.. I am a bit worried about the estrus cycle, if it happens I..." He trailed off, he didn't know how to continue his sentence

Demetrius chuckled "We have plenty of time before then, I think I know what you want to discuss with us. Take it one step at a time and get used to it"

Demetrius took Juniper's hand and pulled him close for a hug, then kissed Juniper softly on the lips. Juniper's body stiffened momentarily and he remembered why he was so nervous. Still, he was relieved when he realised that Demetrius wasn't trying to force himself upon him. Then, he felt Gio next to him take his hands and pull him closer too, kissing him gently.

Juniper breathed heavily through his nose, he felt dizzy but he forced down his embarrassment and relaxed into Gio's arms. The kiss lasted only seconds, but it left him feeling breathless and excited. After a few moments, Gio broke the kiss, leaving Juniper with a pang of disappointment.

Gio smiled at Juniper and put his arm around his waist. "I'm not sure about you, but I am starving. Once we leave port should we get something to eat?''

''You will have to make do with nutritional." Demetrius interrupted "There isn't a cook aboard, so it will have to wait here until we reach our destination. However, there should be some raw ingreidents if you wish to make something here."

Demetrius pointed to the small kitchenette in the room which had some equipment.

Juniper had thought of something they could have that was east enough to prepare, that was hot pot. it was perfect for sharing.

They worked together to prepare the meal. Juniper chopped the vegetables while Demetrius mixed the seasoning for the stock and Gio was slicing up the meat. When they finished preparing the food, it was set to boil on the table. They each picked out a seat and sat down to enjoy the delicious meal.

While they ate, Juniper let his mind wander. This was the first time he was having dinner with them together, and he enjoyed the company. He was looking forward to the future and perhaps one where they would all live together like Ciro's family. It would also be the first night he would share a bed with two men for the first time. In fact, it was going to be the most intimate thing he had done with anyone in a long time, the last time he had shared a bed was when he had nightmares as a child.

After eating, they helped clear the table and cleaned up together and decided to relax in the room.