Travel to Carvina - Part 3


Juniper lay on his back, watching the stars through the window. Demetrius had to leave for a bit for work, so it was just him and Gio left in the room. Gio snuggled up behind him, wrapping his arms around Juniper and holding him close. Juniper ran his fingers through Gio's soft hair. Gio's breathing slowed and quieted, his body was warm against Juniper and his presence made Juniper feel safe and comfortable.

Looking down at Gio who had fallen asleep, he had some dark areas around his eyes from lack of sleep recently. Juniper knew he had been busy getting ready for the contracted beast competition that would be held, although not the main competition that would include the public it was one held with the beast trainers where it would be broadcasted from the wildlands in Capital star.

It worked as both a training session for those beast trainers and also an entertainment to the public. Juniper could understand why Gio wanted to get as much training in for it as possible, the recognition was huge and Juniper had no doubt in Gios abilities.

"I'm sure you will do well..." Juniper whispered, reaching over and brushing some stray hairs away from Gio's face

Gio stirred slightly. The motion was barely noticeable, but Juniper felt it.

"What... did you say?"

Juniper leaned over Gio and kissed him softly on the lips. He rested his head gently against Gio's, their noses touching.

"Panda eyes'' Juniper said as he touched Gio's eyelids.

Gio sighed and stretched out his hand to hold junipers. "It will be fine soon, afterall I have this whole month to travel with you it will be a bit of a vacation'' he smiled and Juniper returned it.

Demetrius returned to the room, carrying a large sack type bag.

Juniper turned over to look at Demetrius and then turned his attention to the bag. "What's in there? Is it food?" Juniper asked as Demetrius opened the door and entered the room.

"Yes, well we will be aboard for the next couple days it will be enough to last us. When we get to Carvina we will hunt and gather our own food" Demetrius replied, unzipping the bag and taking out separate boxes to put away.

Juniper jumped up from the bed and Gio followed to help out.

''We should still get signal on Carvina right?'' Juniper questioned

''Yes. Communication devices will still work.'' Demetrius confirmed

''Good, I was thinking of doing cooking broadcasts while we are travelling." Juniper smiled

''Its good to know we wont be living on nutirient packets or eating raw while we travel, I must of saved the universe in my last life!'' Gio said exaggerated squeezing Juniper in his arms

Demetrius also took out a bottle of alcohol which seemed to be like Wine or something similar to it. Juniper teased ''You can drink while doing your Military duties?"

Demetrius chuckled "Well technically not on duty now, I wont be leaving again now so its alright to have some. Have you ever tried it?''

Juniper had tried alcohol back on earth although he wasnt a very good drinker, however he had never drank it here so he shook his head. "No, I don't think I've even seen it before. Wouldn't it be expensive?''

Demetrius poured them each a glass and handed Juniper a glass. "This is wine, made by the planet's flora. It's quite nice actually. You'll see that there are a lot of things to offer once we reach Carvina. This is a special occasion."

"A special occasion?" Juniper raised an eyebrow and sipped the liquid, it had an elderflower type taste. He thought it was going to be made like on earth with fruit but it made sense if it wasnt since fruit and vegetables didnt seem to be so available.

Demetrius nodded. "It's our first trip together, although our main objective is looking for a contracted beast it still gives us plenty of time travelling and relaxing."

"Is this ship going to meet us back at Carvina after a month?" Juniper asked curiously, he had never travelled anywhere far and this would be his first experience doing so.

"Yes. After we will take a smaller transport ship to the planet Carvina and then we will land ourselves. After landing we will travel on foot until we find the beast, once a contract is made we will then return back to the main ship to Capital Star when the month time is up. The forest growth is too dense for us to travel in the transport ship so we will walk the whole way so you may be a bit tiring for you." Demetrius explained.

"I'm sure I'll manage somehow, I just hope we don't run into anything dangerous.." Juniper was slightly dizzy and had a pink tinge on his cheeks

Demetrius chuckled. "Don't worry, we're all here"

Juniper nodded with his head down and Gio closest to him noticed and put his hand over Junipers forehead lifting his head slightly.

''...cold'' Juniper murmered in a small voice as he rubbed Gio's hand slightly.

Juniper had drank only one glass of wine, he wasn't a big drinker, yet his body seemed to already be affected by the alcohol and he had a warm flush."

''You alright Juni?'' Gio asked gently.

Juniper nodded, "um''

He kept his head bowed and felt like a little kid who had been caught out misbehaving, Gio turned his attention to Demetrius. ''...I don't think he can handle alcohol that well.''

Demetrius spoke without taking his gaze off Juniper ''Let's put him to bed, it would be best if he sleeps it off''