Travel to Carvina - Part 4

Juniper felt that he was floating his body felt lazy but his mind wanted to stay awake, he could feel two pairs of hands on him, Gio's and Demetrius' their touch was gentle, almost like they were afraid to wake him up and then felt weight either side of himself soon after, both men were laying either side of him.They each held him close, one hand resting under his head while the other rested around his waist.

"Mmm..." Juniper mumbled sleepily. He felt a light touch on his cheeks before he drifted off to sleep.

Juniper woke up slowly and felt a weight on his waist, he remembered the alcohol he drank last night. He sat up and looked around, Gio was sleeping there still but there was no sign of Demetrius and the room was dark. It was hard to tell the time as they were travelling through space, but Juniper guessed it must have been sometime early morning.

Juniper yawned and stretched his arms, and noticed his clothing had been changed at some point into his nightwear; a shirt and shorts. He walked over to the bathroom about to wash his face and brush his teeth, he opened the door and as he entered he heard the sound of running water. The shower room was filled with mist. "Ah.." There was a figure standing under the spray, naked, his back to Juniper. Juniper stopped dead and froze and before he backed out the shower water suddenly stopped and Demetrius wrapped himself in a towel around his waist before stepping out where he dried his wet hair and smiled at Juniper. "Good morning, drunkard," Demetrius said with amusement.

Juniper flushed red and stared at the ground. 'Oh my god,' he thought to himself. "I didnt think I would fall asleep from one glass..." Juniper muttered.

Demetrius chuckled and went to grab his clothes before turning to Juniper ''Are you going to watch me dress or what?"

Juniper averted his eyes for a moment. "...I'll go make some coffee"

Demetrius smiled as he watched Juniper dash out the room. He shook his head slightly and got dressed himself.

When Juniper returned, he carried a tray with three cups and a pot of coffee to the table, Gio had just sat up from the bed at this time and took a coffee juniper handed over and looked at Juniper with concern. "Are you feeling okay?"

Juniper took a sip of his coffee and nodded "Im fine''

Demetrius came over and poured himself a cup ''It may be best if you avoid alcohol in future or at least only drink it while we are here.'' he added calmly.

They finished their coffees and made a quick breakfast, Demetrius, Gio and Juniper decided to go exploring after they ate, so they left the cabin and headed down the corridor that led to the front of the ship, They passed by many doors with signs saying what was inside them, Juniper had learned most of the interstellar language now and could read the letters fully. "...Fitness Room, Gymnasium, Medical Centre, Bridge... " Juniper read aloud.

Demetrius pat Juniper on the head "You have learned a lot since coming here."

Juniper blushed and felt embarrassed at being praised. "Thanks," he replied quietly.

The trio had a full tour of the ship from Demetrius and learned where the first stop would be, there are 4 other planets they will be making stops at before reaching their destination of Carvina, which will take them roughly two to three days to reach via jump. At last, Demetrius stopped and guided the trio through the different menus on a control panel until he found the star chart.

''I think you will like this'' Demetrius said to Juniper.

He brought up a map of a constellation the hologram filled the room with stars and planets, so close that Juniper thought he could touch them.

Juniper exclaimed looking around, Demetrius had known of Junipers love of looking out into the universe.

"This is the Constellation called The Golden Apex, its home to the planet and moon we're heading towards next, Carvina. This is the view of this system from space" Demetrius explained.

Juniper was transfixed by the sight, he stared at the stars and planets in awe. "Wow!"