Return to Capital Star

They continued through the cave until they reached a small opening, which led to a chamber filled with water in the corner a dark mass lay sprawled across the floor.

"A Litkyn, I'm guessing from the size of it," Gio stated.

Demetrius stepped over to the creature, it was still alive but barely, its left paw was severly injured, perhaps the bones shattered during an attack.

"It seems like we're going to need help getting it out," he commented, "We'll have to wait until morning though. The last thing we want is to injure it further, I took some equipment for wounds but it will be slow working."

When night fell Demetrius decided to stay watch with the Litkyn and asked Gio and Juniper to set up camp outside the cave.

"Will Demetrius be okay?" he whispered to Gio.

"Of course. Don't worry if anything the Litkyn will be greatful for his help... It is a high level beast so it should understand to a certain extent." Gio replied back.


They don't know how Demetrius did it but by the morning he had established a contract with the beast in question, Demetrius had decided to name him Kairos.

Kairos' wounds had healed quite a bit throughout the evening with the help of Demetrius but it would still be slow moving and would need further treatment back on Capital star.

After waiting for around midday they travelled back the way they came to get to their ship, it would take them a lot more time to start travelling back as Kairos was still injured. They travelled slowly only walking a couple hours each day unlike the contstant travel they did before, they had the time since the mothership to take them back wasnt scheduled for awhile so it took them about two weeks to get back to the ship.

Since they had plenty of time until they would be picked up they were leasurely, most beasts seemed to stay away with Kairos present.

Juniper also took the time to search for any plant type beasts nearby but to no avail, he also continued doing a daily cooking broadcast that consisted of beasts they hunted and food they had gathered in the wild it seemed to go down really well with his viewers as a new type of experience.

As the days progressed the three of them settled into a routine, Demetrius worked on healing Kairos's broken leg while Juniper continued to do the cooking and food gathering and Gio helped with hunting and setting up camp. The weather was cooling down now and the nights became slightly chilly so all three opted to turn in early and start waking up earlier than usual.

They spent the rest of the days near the smaller travel ship and waited out the next few days until the month was up when the pick up time was. Time passed quickly and before everyone knew it, it was time to head back home.


Once they arrived back in Capital Star Kairos was sent for more treatment after the trip, Demetrius had managed to heal some of the damage but it would need a few months of therapy and training to fully recover.

Demetrius had plenty of stuff to catch up on in the military during his absence and Gio also got busy as it was almost time for him to participate in the Beast trainers competition while Juniper was more relaxed on their return, he had missed seeing Ciro and Yong-Jin during this time so the first thing he did was plan some time aside to visit them.

It was turning to the end of summer once they came back to Capital Star, the air was getting colder by the day and It had become much darker inside the city as the sun set quicker and the nights grew longer.

Juniper stepped into his appartment, it now felt cold and unlived in now he had been surrounded by company over the last month. Juniper thought that he may look into getting a bigger place.. or maybe even deciding together with Demetrius, Gio and Yong-Jin if they wanted to live together. He now realised what Ciro meant by he would probably move out of here soon enough, it wasnt much of home now that it was just him here.

With that thought in mind Juniper decided to pay Ciro a visit the next day to catch up.