Litkyn Beast

When Juniper awoke it was morning, he opened his eyes to find Gio getting up and stretching, putting on his armoured uniform. Juniper watched his lover carefully, admiring how gorgeous he looked in full gear, he had lost a lot of the initial embarassment since they had taken the next step in their relationship.

He wondered briefly that he hadn't seen what beast form Yong-Jin's was, he had never asked before and would ask the next time they meet.

"Morning," Gio said softly, noticing Juniper staring at him.

"Did you sleep well?" Gio asked.

"I slept better than I thought I would," Juniper admitted, rubbing his face.

"You must have needed it," Demetrius added. Juniper smiled slightly at this.

Gio offered Juniper a cup of coffee, which he gladly accepted. Juniper sipped his coffee and listened to the others talk.

They discussed their plans for today, confirming that Demetrius was going to go ahead and scout out the area while the other two stayed behind.

''I will do a broadcast for breakfast if thats okay? '' Juniper requested.

"Sure, sounds good, I should be back in about an hour" Demetrius replied, nodding. Juniper ran over to his kit bag and began preparing himself for the live broadcast.

Juniper then searched through his equipment and pulled out the livechat. He switched it on and got ready to begin recording, adjusting the lighting as best he could.

He wanted to use the meat they got yesterday he learned that the beast was called an Asusk. It seemed to be a cross between a bear and a wolf. There was a reason why Demetrius wanted to capture it, it made a good delicious meat option.

He decided to make a potato salad which would have boiled eggs, chopped up asusk and some salad onions with a creamy sauce.

The video was being streamed live so Juniper was conscious of the camera's angles, the sound quality and the general atmosphere with it being outside.

''Hello everyone, today im going to be making a potato salad - It is perfect to have as a breakfast option and is easy to prepare at home. I am travelling at the moment so the background is a bit different, we will make do with the things that are found in the wild'' Juniper introduced

"Okay let's start by peeling the potatoes – try not to get too much water off them." Juniper began cutting the potatoes into cubes.

Juniper then put them into boiling water over the fire. and added the diced Asusk to another pan.

"Next, boil the eggs, keep track of how many minutes they need we just want them soft boiled," Juniper instructed.

"Then add the eggs to the bowl together with the diced Asusk. Chop up the salad onions and mix everything thoroughly with the dressing," Juniper explained, showing viewers how to make the dressing.

"You can add salt and pepper to taste and chives on top'' Juniper finished.

It was a pretty short broadcast only lasting about 40 minutes and because of the inconvenience of being out in the wild and needing to keep on the move he handed over comment rights to his room moderator DStar65, he did a good job in keeping the peace and comments in order. He would talk with him over comunnicator regularly now and he would send recipe info and anything he needed onto him. It was like having a personal assistant.


After breakfast they packed up and continued through the forest, there was a certain place that Demetrius needed to get to and Gio as a beast trainer had already discussed the areas where the beast he was looking for had been spotted.

They were currently in the foothills of the mountains. The greenery covered the trees and plants with a thick layer of foliage, creating a darkly green blanket.

As they travelled further along and deeper into the jungle, it became more dangerous. A few times Demetrius thought that they might encounter some kind of wildlife, but luckily no such animals appeared. They walked past various types of vegetation until finally reaching a large cave opening that had vines hanging down from above.

Demetrius led them forward

"I guess this is the right spot," he said after carefully checking the area around the cave. There seemed to be a lot of tracks leading away from the entrance and the ground looked disturbed, as if something had dug into the soil. "There was definitely an animal here. Let's check it out."

Demetrius, Gio and Juniper cautiously approached the cave entrance.

"Careful, try not to step on any twigs or branches," Demetrius warned.

Juniper nodded in understanding.

The beast in question they were searching for was called a Litkyn. It was a large cat-beast that had wings as well as a lion body and features. Its fur was grey colour with a darker shade around its paws and underbelly with patterns. It also had a patterned tail.

These creatures had been seen in the lower levels of the forest, Demetrius had read up on these beasts, the Litkyn was a solitary creature, preferring to hunt by itself rather than with others. Their diet consisted mainly of wild boars, They could be found in dense forests, with plenty of shade.

Demetrius had met one once on a military mission and decided he would have one of these as a contracted beast however the opportunity just didn't come up. Now he had finally got his chance.