Plant Beasts

After dinner with Ciro, Juniper made his way back to his own apartment.

Making himself a cup of hot tea, Juniper settled down on the couch and decided to check the live feed of the beast trainer competition. To his surprise, Gio's broadcast was blank, indicating that he must be on rest. Juniper hoped he was getting some well-deserved rest after a challenging day in the wildlands.

Juniper finally decided to retire for the night, he settled into bed, his thoughts filled with excitement for the days to come.

On the other side of the capital, with the sun setting on the horizon, Gio found a suitable spot in the wildlands to set up camp. He and his loyal beast companion, Bardo, were well-versed in surviving and thriving in the wilderness. He quickly assembled a temporary shelter, large enough to protect them from the elements.

Once everything was in order, Gio turned off the broadcast, giving himself a moment of tranquility away from the eyes of the viewers.

Gio and Bardo sat together, enjoying a warm meal made from the rations he carried. It was then that Gio remembered the snacks Juniper had prepared for him. He took them out, savoring each bite.

Suddenly, a rustling sound nearby caught their attention, and both Gio and Bardo immediately became alert. Instinctively, he reached for his weapon, ready to defend themselves from any potential danger. However, much to their surprise, the source of the rustling wasn't a beast but a peculiar plant-like creature.

The plant beast was attracted by the aroma of the food Juniper had prepared, and its vines seemed to be inquisitively exploring the area. Gio relaxed his grip on his weapon, realizing that the creature meant no harm.

Approaching the plant beast with caution, Gio observed its unique features. Its vibrant green leaves shimmered with an iridescent glow, and its tendrils moved with an almost dance like way. Despite its unusual appearance, it was rather cute.

As he extended a hand towards the plant beast with some of the vegetable snacks, he sensed a gentle energy emanating from it. The plant beast seemed to respond positively to his gesture, reaching for the food offered to it and a sense of trust began to form between them.

In his years of experience as a beast trainer, Gio had encountered various creatures, each with its own set of abilities and characteristics. However, this plant beast was mild tempered compared to what he usually dealt with.

Remembering Juniper's quest to find a plant beast, Gio realized that this might be exactly what he had been searching for.

Gio recalled some knowledge he had gleaned from his studies and research. The plant beast was called "Verdona," known for its innate ability to manipulate nature and accelerate the growth of plants around it. The creature's presence often indicated an environment of balance and harmony, as it was drawn to places where nature thrived however it is not known to show itself easily as it is weak in terms of attacking and defending.

Gio made a decision. He would bring Verdona back to Juniper once the main competition was over. Given that they were in the wildlands, a territory familiar to him, it was best to return to it together and ensure the process of contracting the plant beast went smoothly.

However, Gio knew he couldn't make any decisions about contracting Verdona without discussing it with Juniper first. The plant beast had appeared at a crucial time during the competition, and they needed to maintain focus and clarity and he can't bring it with him.

Gio considered contacting Juniper. But he hesitated, knowing that Juniper must be asleep by now. Gio decided to wait until the competition was over before reaching out.

"Once Juniper knows about Verdona, I'm sure he will be excited" Gio thought. "But for now, I will keep it as a surprise"

Gio knew that the area is now where Verdonas live, so he would return here at a later time. With that decision made, Gio focused on the remainder of the competition.

The next day, as the sun slowly climbed over the horizon, Gio and Bardo set off on their journey through the wildlands once more.

While back in the apartment complex, Juniper diligently prepared himself for another day before heading out to the arena.