Juniper's Evening and Meeting Ciro

After an eventful day at the arena stadium, Juniper headed home for the evening.

As the last rays of the setting sun painted the sky with hues of orange and purple, Juniper left the arena stadium. The cheers of the crowd still echoed in his ears, and he felt a mix of excitement and curiosity about the upcoming battles in the wildlands. However, as the evening approached, Juniper's thoughts shifted to more personal matters.

He decided to visit Ciro, who was currently pregnant. He wanted to discuss the current house move situation and see how Ciro was doing with the pregnancy. Plus he didn't like returning to the now empty appartment.

Juniper arrived at Ciro's apartment with a light knock on the door. It swung open, revealing Ciro with a radiant smile on their face. Their usually hyper and cheerful personality seemed to be amplified by the pregnancy glow.

"Juniper Come in, come in!" Ciro exclaimed, pulling Juniper into a warm hug.

"You look like you had a great time at the stadium. How was the broadcast?" Ciro asked, giving Juniper a bit of space.

"It was incredible, Ciro! The trainers put on an amazing show, and the beasts were truly awe-inspiring. You should have been there!" Juniper replied, his eyes shining with enthusiasm.

Ciro chuckled, rubbing his baby bump affectionately. "I wish I could have joined you, but you know how it is with my pregnancy. Can't be running around like I used to."

Juniper nodded, his expression filled with understanding. "Of course, Ciro. Your health and well-being are the top priorities. Speaking of which, how are you feeling? Is everything going well?"

Ciro patted their slightly rounded belly, beaming. "Great when he's got causing trouble."

Ciro's eyes lit up even more, if that were possible. "Oh, yes! We've decided to go ahead with the move by the way. My family and I have put down the deposit, and we're really excited to be neighbors. It's going to be so much fun."

Juniper smiled, relieved that Ciro and their family had agreed to the move. "I'm glad to hear that. It's going to be great having you nearby. I hope the move goes smoothly. Winter is just a few months away, so hopefully, you and me both will be all settled in by then."

Ciro nodded "That's what we're aiming for. I can already imagine all the great times we'll have together, especially when the little one arrives."

As they sat down for dinner, the conversation turned to pregnancy as Juniper was genuinely curious about Ciro's experiences and how they felt during their previous pregnancies. It was unhead of on earth with the human race, although there was spirits and other species that could though special means.

"Ciro, if you don't mind me asking, how did you feel during your first two pregnancies with Alton and Aiden?" Juniper inquired gently.

Ciro leaned back in their chair, thinking. "Well, with Aiden, my firstborn, I was a mix of excitement and nerves. Becoming a parent for the first time is a big leap, you know? But I had so much support from my family, that it made everything so much easier. Everyone chipped in."

"And what about with Alton, your youngest?"

"With Alton, it was different. I already had some experience, so I felt more confident. I was still excited, of course, but I knew more of what to expect. Alton is such a bundle of joy, and Aiden adores being a big brother."

Ciro's face lit up with fond memories. "Having Alton and Aiden has been the most rewarding and fulfilling experience of my life. Alton is he's such a bundle of joy. He's always curious and eager to explore the world around him more so than Aiden."

Juniper smiled, envisioning the scene. "He must take after his hyper and cheerful parent, I see."

Ciro laughed heartily. "Guilty as charged! I can't deny that. And Aiden, my firstborn, is a bit more reserved but incredibly caring. He's protective of his little brother."

Throughout the dinner, they continued to talk about life, parenthood, and the upcoming move. Ciro expressed excitement and nervousness about the changes ahead but also a deep sense of contentment and gratitude.

As the night progressed, the topic shifted to Juniper's own life, particularly his upcoming 21st birthday. "It's hard to believe I'll finally be considered an adult by this world's standards," Juniper mused.

Ciro grinned mischievously. "Oh, that's true,you will have your first experience so to speak..."

"Mmm, well.." Juniper conceded with a slight blush. "But it's still a significant milestone. The thing is, I'm not entirely sure about my actual birthday. Since Sena found me, I've celebrated it on the day he took me under his wing."

Ciro looked intrigued. "So, you don't know your exact birthday?"

"No," Juniper replied. "So I really have no idea when the first estrus may come, just that it was winter, thankfully the seasons here are very much the same."

Ciro pondered "As long as you're close to home you will be fine, you will feel heat at first in the upcoming days before so that should be your precursor to it. Well we should be moved in by then so there is no problem with you living with your partners at the right moment"