
The next morning, the soft golden light of dawn streamed through Juniper's window as he finished his last-minute packing. Excitement swirled in his chest like a playful breeze as he zipped up his backpack. Today was the day he would finally get a contracted beast.

Just as he was securing his bags, there was a soft knock at the door. Juniper's heart skipped a beat, and he knew exactly who it was. He opened the door to find Gio standing there, looking just as ready.

Gio grinned, his eyes lighting up as he saw Juniper. "Morning, Juni, ready?"

Juniper beamed and nodded. "Let's go!"

They made their way to Gio's hover car and Juniper took his place in the passenger seat, and Gio slid behind the wheel. As the engine hummed to life, they set off, the cityscape gradually giving way to the untamed beauty of the wildlands.

They arrived at the entrance, a sprawling gateway flanked by towering trees, their leaves glistening in the early morning sunlight. A sense of serenity washed over Juniper as he gazed upon the wilderness, a stark contrast to the bustling city they had left behind.

They stepped out of the car, and the wilderness greeted them with open arms. The air was crisp, carrying the fragrance of blooming flowers and earthy undertones. 

Gio led the way, his steps sure and his senses sharp. Juniper followed closely behind, his bright blue eyes scanning their surroundings with curiosity.

Their journey was not without its challenges. Along the way, they encountered a few beasts—some fierce, some curious, and some merely wary of their presence. Gio, with his natural confidence and combat skills, swiftly dispatched any threats. His earth abilities allowed him to manipulate the terrain, creating barriers or sending rocks flying to deter the creatures.

Juniper, on the other hand, had been diligently practicing his fox fire. He drew upon his inner energy, summoning the ethereal blue flames. Each time he used it, he felt the power within him growing stronger. He watched as the fox fire consumed, turning things to ashes.

Gio observed his progress. "Your fox fire is getting more potent, Juni. You'll be a force to be reckoned with in no time."

Juniper nodded, appreciating the compliment. "It's thanks to Demetrius guidance. I don't think i would be this good if I practiced on my own."

They packed up some of the animal produce of bones and meat before they continued their journey, Juniper's curiosity got the best of him. "Hey, Gio, I've been wondering. Is it okay to be killing these beasts?"

Gio considering Juniper's question he turned to face him "The creatures here in the wildlands aren't all like the ones in the competitions. Not all of them are spiritual. They're just regular beasts. They might be too wild to form contracts with people, and some are just naturally aggressive. It's the natural law if they are killed by stronger beasts."

Hours passed, and noon arrived. The sun hung high in the sky, and the duo decided it was time to take a break and recharge. Juniper found a cozy spot beneath a towering tree, and they settled in for a brief rest.

Juniper's fingers deftly worked as he unpacked their camping gear. "Time for lunch," he announced, his voice filled with enthusiasm.

Gio watched with interest, knowing Juniper's culinary skills were something to behold. "What's on the menu today, Chef Juniper?"

Juniper smiled as he produced a pot and a set of ingredients from his backpack.

He took out the boar's meat and, with precision, began to slice it into thin strips. "We've got a good catch here, Gio. This boar's meat will make a good meal."

Juniper spoke as he continued preparing the ingredients. "I'm thinking a boar stew with some vegetables. It's simple but can be done in one pot."

As Gio expertly started a small campfire, Juniper went to work with their recent capture. The two had an ample amount of wild boar that Gio had skillfully taken it down. Now, Juniper was ready to prepare a delicious meal.

With the meat prepared, Juniper tossed it into a sturdy pot and added water they'd collected from a nearby stream. He then added an assortment vegetables and herbs he took with him. The pot was set on the fire to simmer, filling the air with mouthwatering scents.

As the stew bubbled away, Juniper turned to Gio, "It's a shame I didn't bring my filming equipment. I'd love to do a cooking broadcast from the wildlands. I bet my viewers would enjoy it."

Gio chuckled, watching Juniper with admiration. "I have no doubt about that. We can plan a broadcast for another time, I'm sure we have plenty of time in the future."

They settled down on the picnic blanket, their knees touching. Gio served the stew into the wooden bowls, and the scent of the savory meal filled the air.

As they started eating, and it was as if the world faded away, leaving only the two of them and the delicious meal. The wild boar was tender, and the vegetables were bursting with flavor. They shared stories and laughter between bites, occasionally feeding each other a particularly delectable morsel.

Soon, they were packed up and back on their feet, ready to continue their adventure. Gio held Juniper's hand as they ventured deeper into the wildlands.