
After a prolonged and contemplative silence, Demetrius finally spoke, his voice measured and thoughtful. "Juniper, we were initially planning to wait until the merman wakes up before introducing you, but we thought it might be more beneficial if you knew anything about his origin or how he ended up here."

Juniper sighed shaking his head. "I appreciate that, Demetrius, but I'm afraid I know nothing about his world or how he arrived here. My own journey into this world was as much a mystery to me as it is to everyone else. I wish I could offer more insight."

Demetrius nodded in understanding and stroked the soft fur along Junipers ears. "It's alright, Juniper. We'll continue to monitor his condition and we will let you know as soon as anything changes."

After leaving the ward where the merman lay, Juniper and Demetrius headed down a winding corridor in silence. 

Finally, as they approached a large chamber, Demetrius spoke, "We have someone else here who's been through a lot."

Juniper arched an eyebrow. "Who?"

A deep, rumbling growl echoed through the chamber, and from the shadows emerged Kairos, Demetrius' contracted beast. Kairos was a majestic feline, with sleek black fur and piercing green eyes. The beast had accompanied Demetrius on many missions and had been through thick and thin.

Juniper's face lit up with a smile as he greeted the large feline. "Kairos, it's good to see you again."

Kairos brushed his head affectionately against Juniper's hand, purring louder in response. Demetrius watched the heartwarming reunion, his affection for both of them evident in his gaze.

Kairos purred, a low and contented sound. His powerful frame exuded an aura of strength and protection.

As Juniper and Demetrius continued to pet Kairos and engage in light conversation that confirmed Kairos was complete healed, they slowly transitioned into more personal matters.

"Juniper," Demetrius began, "I've been thinking about our plans for the future."

Juniper looked up at him, intrigued. "Huh?"

Demetrius sighed, his eyes reflecting a mix of emotions. "I know we've talked about moving, and I'm all for it as soon as you are ready. There is one thing we haven't spoke about and that's about our own families, here you may not have blood relatives here but our families will become your family so I hope you can take some time to visit them with me."

Juniper frowned slightly, understanding the concern in Demetrius' words, he hadn't thought about this issue. "You're right. I really didn't think much before but I should greet them, I haven't met Yong-Jin's, Gios or Daiju's family either… "

Demetrius nodded in agreement. "Once we're sure everything is settled and we are moved in, we can plan more effectively."

While petting Kairos, Juniper began to talk to Demetrius about a plan that had been forming in his mind. "You know, Demetrius, I've been thinking about that contract with a plant beast. Gio has been offering to guide me through the process in the wildlands so I won't be able to move just yet but it should be ok to go ahead next week."

Demetrius considered this. "Alright, then we will plan for next week. Meeting family can be put on hold until after."


Demetrius sent Juniper off and Juniper resumed his regular routine before packing for his trip into the wildlands.

Alone in his small but cozy space, he meticulously organized the essentials. Camping gear, rations, and sleeping equipment were neatly arranged on the table.

Juniper couldn't help but smile as he folded up a sleeping bag and tucked it into his backpack. The anticipation of contracting a new plant beast was bubbling within him.

He moved to his window where a potted, a vibrant blue and green plant sat, its leaves fluttering in the breeze. "Don't worry," he whispered to the plant. "I'll be back soon, and you'll meet your new friend." It was one of Juniper's peculiar talents, this ability to communicate with plants in a spiritual sense. 

Meanwhile, in a more spacious and austere apartment not too far away, Gio was getting ready also. He checked his weapons, a couple of sturdy daggers, and ensured his clothing was suited for the journey. His thoughts kept drifting to Juniper, their upcoming trip, although not too overly dangerous Gio wanted to challenge Juniper to keep up his guard and practice fighting, in a way it would relax him more to know Juniper was strong enough to look after himself if it ever came down to it. 

Back in Juniper's apartment, he zipped up his bag, his excitement building as he imagined the wonders they'd encounter. He picked up his communication device and messaged Gio, "I'm all packed and ready to go! Can't wait to meet that plant beast tomorrow ."

Moments later, Gio's response appeared on Juniper's screen. "I will pick you up bright and early tomorrow. See you soon, Juni." He attached a heart to the message. 

Juniper smiled and slipped his communication device into his pocket.