A broken heart.|| Rewritten 2

'Nobody wants you.'

'Nobody cares.'


'I hate you.'


They were all looking at me.

Judging me.

Hating me.

For something I never did.

'She's such a horrible person..'

'You mean NOTHING to us.'

Their fingers pointing at me. Cursing my name, loathing my existence.


"NO!" I screamed, my body jolted up. I was trying so hard to breathe. My heart leapt in my chest.

God, I couldn't even have the comfort of sleeping anymore.

I'm so tired.

"Miss Soliace? Are you alright?" A soft knock came to my ears along with her gentle voice.

I sighed heavily, my face in shaky hands. "I'm fine..you can come in." I replied, sitting properly on the bed.

Nothing worked, nothing will either.

What had life turned to?

Just a stop after stop you pass until the journey line comes to an end?

With a 'click' the door was open. A cup of water in the old woman's hand, a loving smile on her wrinkled face. "Here.." She handed me the liquid, hoping for it to soothe my racing brain. "I brought you some water!"

"..Thank you, Banette." I brushed my hair back with my fingers, finally looking at her. I took the cup, gulping it down. The cool water in my system definitely helped my nerves calm down. "Miss…I think—"

Ah, shit. Here we go again.

"He never deserved y-"

"Thank. You. Banette." I wasn't ready to hear her failed attempts of cheering me up again, I loved her, I really did. But it was 3 in the morning and my head was aching.

"..Okay miss." She said with a sigh, taking the cup from my hand. "I hope you have a pleasant night." With that, she left. She knew me.

Knew me better than my own parents.

I laid back down on the comfy bed, hugging the pillow to my chest. It has been like that for a while now. I stay in bed all day reading about how much of a monster I am, try to sleep, experience nightmares, wake up in the middle of the night, repeat. My managers had been calling me like crazy, especially my photographer and head manager. But hell, I was in no mood for talks. No matter what type of conversation it was going to be.

Everything will be cleared tomorrow morning, anyway.

Chirp, chirp!!

Bird singing?

Guess it'll happen sooner than expected.



T.M.R. entertainment.

There I was, standing Infront of the building my heart leapt whenever I caught a glimpse of it. Except, that excitement wasn't there. No, not anymore.

My black heels clacking with every step I took into that place, my blood red blazer and classic pants swaying above my white shirt with every step I took. My golf earrings, along with my small hand back added a touch of uniqueness to my look. I wasn't dressed to impress or to kill.

I was dressed for myself, and the probable amount of reporters I'll meet after this whole thing.

Everyone's eyes were on me, piercing through my skin. But I held my ground. Walking with confidence. Gossips, my hearing senses unfortunately couldn't miss them. As much as they annoyed me, I decided to swallow my pride and hold my tongue back.


The air was cold, so were their gazes. Icy. Nothing I wasn't used to.

"We're sorry, Miss Solace. We don't need you anymore." A director said calmly in his seat on the long table. I expected that. But fuck, did it hurt. "I kept in consideration that this would've happened. But I wasn't aware that you assholes are too easy to jump into action over a baseless RUMOUR!" I stated, no shits given at that point. There was no need to, but it's better to voice your thoughts in the end. "Shut up!" the old CEO of the company finally spoke, he was a man in his late 40s. and he hated me to the core. but he couldn't do anything about it since my father was a more powerful businessman than him.

The old man finally said, his tanned, wrinkled hands coming together as he spoke in a firm tone. A man in his late fifties, also known as Kadesh. The chief executive officer of TMR entertainment.

Also a man who hated me to the core, unfortunately his company was the next after my father's in popularity. I didn't have a choice here.

My father along with Cameron could've easily erased this company out of existence, though. Thus, him keeping himself out of my business. Entirely.

Kadesh saw absolutely no reason to tolerate me. Atleast not with the way I was talking in. I wanted a chance and they weren't giving it to me for god's sake.

With that, I chose to stay shut in my seat. It was apparent the good old boomer still had more to say. With an 'Ahem' he cleared his throat. "Listen, Andrea. This is a serious matter we can't overlook, even your father's company can't help you!"

He spoke, making me anxious for a moment. Why is it that serious? She's neither the first nor the last person who's having drama in the industry. It didn't make sense why the light was so fixated on her.

"G.L.D.N has been cutting their contracts with any company that chooses to work with you. And I'm not losing such a great partner for a mere model."

Once I heard that, I felt numb. Sitting there motionless. with a confused yet terrified expression. My eyes widened in disbelief.

I don't..get it. What exactly went wrong?

The words got stuck in my throat, nothing more for me to say.

It was Cameron's company.

The company of the man I loved and adored.

The CEO tapped his finger on the table with his eyes on me. Rubbing more salt to the wound. "You shouldn't have provoked

Miss Williams. I'm sure you know how much she peaks Mister Collins's interest." He said.

Everyone's eyes were on me,

Everyone saw how pathetic I was.

They're aware of the fact that it's me who's his fiancée, it's me who's supposed to stand by his side and walk hand in hand.

"Andrea…I'm sorry. But I must remind you with the situation at hand, it means no one is willing to take you in their agency, either. Everyone's afraid of G.L.D.N's wrath." A photographer said,he was being as respectful as possible.

I sacrificed EVERYTHING for him..

I never used my family's name or my title as Cameron's fiancée to get to the top. I worked hard, with blood, sweat and tears. I fought for it. For more than six long years of my life. I never allowed anything to come my way. I was aware how much people were afraid to approach me. They feared to offend me in any way possible.

"Yes. Not to mention your horrible attitude. Andrea, Nobody would tolerate you."



So many people in the room,too many people commenting..Most laughing at me and some feeling sympathy for me.

I snatched my bag with a heavy heart and a cold face. Employees kept snickering my way. Throwing their disgusting glances on me.

"God, finally!"

"We have to celebrate!"

"Haha,who did she think she is!?"

"Isn't she a mistress's daughter?"

"How stupid."

"Such a third wheel..even her family is ashamed."

More and more hurtful words were going stabbing my skin like sharp blades.


The door of the elevator opened and I Calmly walked in. I looked back for one second as the metallic doors were closing behind me. A tear escaped my eye.

"But.." I murmured to myself,Only that tear managed to escape. No more tears left in me to cry. I had sobbed enough yesterday.. I had no energy left to express my emotions nor fight back.

"I..never chose this." I whispered and then sealed my lips.

Hasn't my life been miserable enough?

My fiancé left me.

My family hating me.

I have no friends, nobody to care for. Nobody cares about me either. A loner I was, all my life. God, how I wish I never went back..

I was happy.

I was successful.

A young successful happy adult. It was a bless not everyone had. I was grateful, really.

I was proud of myself! I knew it was worth it after all..

But it crashed down..

That day.

The damned day i decided to open my heart for someone.