I stare at Grandma Suzy-May. Her words are like water, and my brain is a sponge. My heart immediately sinks.
She knows about these things. If Brent is using me, I'd rather learn from a third party than find out when Brent's tired of me.
I study her. I open my mouth to speak. The question I've wanted to know the entire weekend almost tumbles out of my mouth.
However, I close my mouth, pressing my lips together.
"Are you picking up what I'm putting down?" Grandma Suzy-May squints her eyes, staring at me.
Slowly, I nod. Tears sting my eyes. I want to tell her I feel something for Brent.
I'm not well-versed in love and relationships. So, I can't label what I feel. However, I never felt this way about the two boys I dated in school.
"Yes," I tell her, feeling like I'm in school. "You're telling me Mr. Halladay is using me--contract aside."
She sits across from me. Her brown eyes bore into me.
I glance down to make sure there's no hole in my chest.