Chapter 31: Insulted


"You're a STEM student, right?"

It's been a month since Brent and I went to Carpinteria. We've seen each other, according to the sex schedule. You know, my ovulation times. However, we haven't spent time together.

So, I've divided my time between looking at colleges and reconnecting with my high school friends. But, no, I haven't spent too much time helping my grandparents.

I tried to help three times. Each time, Emily would politely wave me away.

Today, I'm having fun.

It's Isey's day off, and we're taking college tours. We're on our last tour of the day when my phone rings.

As we pass the stadium, I look at my phone's screen. It's Brent.

I checked this morning. Today's not on the schedule.

"Yes," I answer Isley's question. "Why?"

My phone stops ringing.

"You seem to have your heart set on nursing. I'm wondering if anything else interests you."

I shrug. "I love math. We had a career day in my last year of school--"

My phone rings again.

Yes, it's Brent.