
This book was a journey. Over the months of this book's writing, there were many times when I wished to quit. Whether it was due to the story being too real at parts, or a lack of motivation, I did take multiple breaks and even eventually abandon the book for a short time. Even then, Since the day of this project's creation on Wattpad on April 22nd, 2022, to the day it finished writing on September 6th, 2022, I have never once thought that this project would come out as spectacularly as it did. This was a story that cooked in my mind since I was Nate's age in middle school and has been brewing and boiling all the way until I was his age in high school. I originally started this as a short story– a one shot web novel. I planned 10 chapters, 1000 words each. A tiny number compared to the likes of a real novel. Even then, by the time I reached the fifth chapter, I realized the world and character of this story deserved more. I could not abandon this story without fighting for it.

In the final stages of writing there was a bit where I did stall. Recently in the last two weeks, I started my senior year of high school. As a senior of class 2023, similar to Nick, I am coming to a point in my life when it is time for me to decide what must be done with my future. Whether that be, I spend my time creating more interesting stories and worlds, or I decide to pick up a plain office job to pay the bills, this is a time where I must start coming to a conclusion. Just as this book just did.

So, with the closing of this book, the closing and opening of two chapters of my life, I have a message to give to you, dear reader. Never give up. No matter how many times you fall, please, get back up. Do not ever let anyone tell you to stop! No matter how many people criticize you, or ridicule you, you push, and push, and push, until your arms give out and your legs no longer work. I need you to learn from me this one thing– that you will never give up. If you are able to do that, you should be successful in life. Happy. You'll have lived knowing you did everything in your power to accomplish your dreams. You'll have lived knowing that you truly did live.

So, dear reader, now I turn the question onto you– the one that was previously posed to our two protagonists: What is the color of you?