34: I am

As I reached toward the door, I saw a girl with long brown hair leaned over the sink with a cup of water in her hand. While leaning over the sink, she drank the water, grabbed her hair, threw it over her shoulder, and took some pills that were on the sink counter. She got another glass of water and washed them down. As she let go of her hair, I could see as each strand fell calmly and beautifully into its natural form. I could smell the sweet scent of her shampoo rush toward me as the girl who just put down her hair turned quickly around with a smile on her face. Her fair skin had a slight glow to it, almost luminescent, as her bright smile beamed at me.

"Hi! I'm Emma!"

I smiled.

"Hi! I'm Nate. What color are you?"

"Hm…" She thought about it for a few seconds before continuing, "I guess, I'd have to say white."

"Heh," I chuckled to myself, "Same."