Chapter 39

He held her hand and walked her to the table but she removed her hand suddenly. "Haatchooo""Haatchooo". she walked into the hall while sneezing. He followed her and passed a tissue to her. "Thank you.. haatchooo.

"But what happened suddenly he asked worried? "I'm I'm allergic to white roses. The color on Jeff's face changed into a dark one.

"I'm soo sorry Daisy, I didn't know I assumed you loving it because they are calm just like you.

"Why should you assume you should have just asked.. haatchooo

Bless you he said with a worried look on.

"Everything is happening soo fast and I'm soo confused... haatchooo. Before she could say anything else the world under her feet slipped her and she fell unconscious. He rushed her upstairs and quickly dialed the Doctor's number.

"You must get here in 60secs,have I made myself clear? He didn't wait for the doctor to reply and he hunged up and threw the phone across the room.

"Shit what have I done. I think I should take my time on her. He run his hands in his disheavled hair.

"It just took the doctor 30secs to reach the condominium. He rushed upstairs to meet a frustrated Jeff moving up and down in the room.

"Sir he called out gently...

Save whatever it is you want to say and start doing what you're best at...he snarled.

"Yes sir"

He rushed towards Daisy and started examining her, after a few minutes he was done . "Sir she is fine now,I have prescribed some drugs for her. Please make sure she takes them and also she's not to be stressed out.

"What happened to her?

She was stressed out. Her kidneys are weak and any little thing she does with effort makes her tried easily and that's how come she fainted. She needs to be very careful.

"Thanks for your help, my guard will see you out.

Jeff stayed awake the whole night taking care of Daisy.


Hrghh it's morning,I wasn't in the mood to wake up cause come on last night wast the best. I don't think I've ever gotten such a wonderful rest in my entire life.

Alicia swung out her legs as she stretched her tensed muscles while yawning.

"So you finally decided to wake up wife? Never knew you were this lazy...leo blurted while going through his files.

Alicia turned swiftly to the direction of the voice that annoys her soo much. She puffed at him and marched lazily to the washroom.

After an hour of taking her bath, she came out in a blue jeans and a big black top. she walked lazily to the large shiny mirror and blowed her hair with the hand drier.

Leo studied her intensely as he sipped his morning coffee. "Will you quit staring... Alicia blurted irritated.

"You do have a big mouth ha... I always knew from the day I met you that you lacked fashion sense. What do you think you're wearing?

Alicia turned swiftly facing him. "My clothes of course...she blurted with a quirked brow. Wait a minute, do you think I will wear those clothes you got me? she chuckled.

"Sorry darling but I'm much comfortable in my tacky clothes,as you call them.