The rogue Alpha paced in the run-down warehouse he was stationed in, half of his pack distraught and disgruntled at the horrible loss. Some were standing in the corner, tears streaming down their faces at the loss of loved ones or mates. In conflicts like this, it should be expected. Edicus couldn’t find much sympathy for them. Perhaps if they were stronger and a little bit less useless, they would still be with the pack.
The ruddy wolf entered one of the rooms, sitting down on the chair and contemplating matters. All his life, he wanted to live up to his father and take back what was his. He had never wavered from this path, because it was his destiny the moment the Moon Goddess turned her back on him and his pack. There never had been another option, right? The son of a defeated Alpha could never be anything unless he took the former pack back. That’s what had been bombarded into his head, after all.