Chapter 21: Gift For A Dragon

Noelle Gifford parked her small, new to her, metallic teal SUV at the top of the long, winding driveway that led to Castle Falk. She'd loved the color of the surprisingly powerful machine and couldn't stop herself from signing the deal to purchase it on the spot.

She'd gone looking for a bigger car to help cart around her purchases from her daily market trips. Owning and operating a catering business meant she'd had to make a lot of changes in her life just lately. Upgrading from her tiny yellow smart car was just one of them.

Noelle had yet to regret a single change she'd made in her efforts to increase her business. The SUV was kind of a perk. It gave her confidence, especially when driving in the snow. Okay Noelle, it's show time.

She exhaled a long, nervous breath that came out as a long, white stream from her naturally pink lips. You got this! She thought to herself as the butterflies in her stomach went full on mosh-pit!