Chapter 22 Crouching Human Sleeping Dragon

Alexsander groaned in his sleep. What the heck is that noise? The shrill sound had him sitting up in bed and wiping the sleep from his eyes. Fuck. He'd only gone to bed a couple of hours ago. No way. He rolled over and buried his head under the fluffy warm pillow, willing that awful ringing noise to just go away.

Ah, finally. Just when his eyes closed, the blasted thing went off again! He sat up in a tangle of sheets and growled. Who dared disrupt his sleep? Seething, his Dragon close to the surface, Sander puffed out a cold breath that left tiny icicles hanging from the huge silver-edged mirror that hung in his room.

He threw off the heavy brocade blanket and leapt from his bed. He stormed off down the stairs that led from his sleeping quarters to the main part of the castle.