Chapter 34: Witchy Woman

Joselyn looked down at her cell phone and cringed. Ugh. Not now. It was her business line. The one she used for her psychic website. Customers could phone in their questions for a fee as opposed to filling out the online form and buying a package.

She offered tarot card readings, dream interpretations, clairvoyant readings, scrying and more. A lot of people thought this kind of thing was uber scammy, you know, run by con artists and criminals. But every now and then, someone was, in fact, the real deal. Joselyn Coracao was that real deal. She was a Witch. An actual, magic-wielding Witch.

All Witches have talents or gifts, and for Joselyn, that meant her psychic capabilities. Most Witches don't receive their gifts until after they've reached puberty, but not her. Nope, she was reading other people's minds and getting visions since she could speak.