Chapter 33: Temper Temper

He would not dwell on the past anymore tonight. After all, he was home now to celebrate his brother. Edric blew out a breath and looked at his room. Except for the bed, the room was sparsely furnished. The pieces were expensive and elegant, but still, it was missing something. In fact, his entire wing was missing something.

Clean and functional, he told himself. Impersonal was closer to the truth. The warrior in him didn't have any fond memories that he cared to recollect. His soon to be sister-in-law, Noelle, had asked his youngest brother, Sander, to make him one of the prize tapestries he was renowned for in their world. He'd been honored by so valuable a gift.

It was the only piece of art to grace his walls. The tapestry depicted Edric in Dragon form, the glittering crimson scales winked at him in the light from the sun that streamed in through the large glass window. They had no neighbors in sight, so he hadn't bothered with curtains or drapes.