Chapter 37: My Witch

Edric could not believe it. Here? Now? His heart pounded inside his chest like a fucking freight train. It was damned near painful. He almost had to stop himself from reaching inside and ripping the offending organ out.

What tricks were the Fates up to this time? Did they not have enough entertainment at his expense? Those three Witches had woven his life thread through more gambits than he'd have ever thought possible. There was a time he swore he'd hunt them down and behead the lot of them with one swing of his sword.

Alas, they'd proved even more wily than he and he'd never discovered their hiding place. He'd thought they might have forgotten about him, until now. Well, he would have none of it. No more games with his heart. He'd live and die alone! In solitude! He was a Dragon shifter, he would not be trifled with!