Chapter 36: Hearts and Powers

Joselyn had been fidgeting with her napkin ever since he'd walked into the dining room. She recognized him immediately and judging from the looks he'd been giving her from across the table, he sensed something too.

Frigging Dragons! It had to be Dragons! Why couldn't Noelle fall in love with a banker, or a teacher, or hell, even a Werewolf? This was Maccon City after all, and the damn beasts were everywhere! But a Dragon!

Now that was something different. Ancient and powerful, why, she could feel the magic pulsating through his veins from across the table. The rhythm was hypnotic. A deep throbbing ache welled up in the pit of her stomach. Was this what she had been waiting for all her life?


"Huh?" She looked up into the startled blue eyes of her best friend and sat up straight. Her dark, curly hair was pulled back in a ponytail, but still, she smoothed the sides as if righting some imaginary out of place strand.

"Sorry, Noe, what did you say?"