Peaceful Port of Eikadir

Port of Eikadir, Eikadir Region.

A province that once belonged to Cerdeauxia is now in the hand of Barlia during the invasion hundreds or so years ago. In that long period of time, the Barlian successfully chipped away the Cerdeauxian identity and integrated its inhabitants as a part of the Principality. Now, if someone would ask them, without a doubt, they'll call themselves a Barlian.

Eikadir is considered to be the lifeblood of the Principality. It serves as a gateway to the southland and food production region. Without it, a huge chunk of Barlia's population would starve to death.

To better protect the province from slipping out of their hand, the crown has stationed a lot of troops. It's not an exaggeration. Despite having only two major cities, the amount of active soldiers there is enough to prevent the neighbouring countries from having a good sleep.