Dropping Bomb-like News

The four of them hopped into the carriage. As the carriage began to move, the escort knights cleared out the road for him. Thanks to them, the black horse-drawn carriage moves on the busy streets of the city with ease.

Inside, the Tetherswest couple is sitting opposite them. While Theodora is catching up with her mother about the wedding, her father gazes at the scenery of Bideford, marvelling at the neatly arranged buildings, factories, wide roads, schools and so forth. The trace of the modest town he once knew was nowhere to be seen and was replaced by a lively and vibrant city. He's a bit tempted to imitate Bideford in his own city, but again, the problem is cost. An agricultural duchy like his can't possibly fork out a lot of money to materialize his wish.

He expressed his thought, "I heard about the changes you made in this place from the merchants but I never expected them to be so drastic. I can see why many people want to move into this city."