Location: Temple Nightclub Denver, 9:00pm

Tori stood beside Jake at the entrance of the club. The cold wind slapped her face, causing cold shills to run through her spine.

She was wearing a black gown which hugged her body like it was her second skin. Her face was devoid of any make up yet her beauty was evident under the dull light.

The music from the speaker was so loud that Jake had to keep shouting if he wanted her to hear whatever he had to say.

"There's no way, I'll go in there and seduce someone. What for? Do I look like a whore?" Tori yelled back, rolling her eyes at him.

"Of course you're a whore" Tori rolled her eyes at him. She tried talking, but Jake covered her mouth with his palm.

He brought his face down to hers causing her heart to slam against her chest. She was not prepared for another kiss from him.

"You have no option than to do my bidding else consider your father dead"

That was all Jake needed to say if he wanted her to obey his command. Tori was prepared to do anything provided the life of her father was spared.

"Okay" she mumbled.

"Good girl"

With her heart in her mouth, Tori walked into the club. She had to attract Will, make him fall for her, afterwards led him out of the club for Jake to handle. Though the job seems easy, but it was harder than you think.

When she walked in, the dance floor attracted her first. It was filled with young adults, some were drunk while others were just having a good time.

Before their arrival at the club, Jake had shown her Will pictures, so she would get familiar with his prey.

So, it wasn't hard spotting Will at the VIP section of the club. He was relaxing with a glass of vodka in his hand while he scanned the whole building.

Tori was nervous, she walked up straight to him, but was prevented entrance by his bodyguards.

"Fine, just let me go" she scowled, slapping their hands off.

When she was released, she walked to an empty table, then sat down. She was lost on what to do at that moment. Her father's life was at stake if she didn't pull the job successfully.

Still brainstorming on possible ways to attract him to herself, someone walked up to her table.

From his clothing, she knew it was one of his bodyguards.

"He wants to see you whore" he smirked. Tori rolled her eyes at his words. If not for his muscular frame, Tori must have figured out something to injure his pride.

"Who wants to see me?" She replied with disgust. She had to play hard-to-get if she wanted to more attention.

"My boss"

"And who's your boss?" She retorted. She was twirling her light-brown hair around her tiny finger.

The bodyguard was annoyed with her act, but there was nothing he could do. He nodded towards Will, who had his eyes on them.

When Tori's eyes met with that of Will, she felt goose pimples on her skin.

He wasn't a handsome man, but he wasn't bad looking either. The only facial features she could pick was the large scar was on the side of his face.

She was still checking Will out when the bodyguard shook her lightly.

"Tell your boss if he wants to see me, he should come meet me here" she spat.

When he left, Tori did an inward dance, congratulating herself for being so confident.

She would have attributed her confidence to any liquor, but she hadn't taken any since her arrival.

Still basking in her confidence, she saw Will approaching her from the corner of her eyes. Fear overcame her confidence at once.

With a speed of lightening, she sprinted towards the exit of the club. Will was hot on her tail, he knew she was up to something, but he couldn't place his hand on it.

Due to the rowdiness, Tori found it extremely difficult to manoveur her way through the crowd, but she made it outside the bar all the same.

"Finally" she gasped, taking a deep inhale of the cool night air. The air back there in the club was stuffy.

Her hopes were dashed when she discovered Jake's car was nowhere to be found.

At that same time, she heard footsteps behind her. Lo! It was Will who just came out of the club.

No one needed to tell her she was doomed. She took on her heels, looking behind her at intervals to track her progress, but he was no match for her.

In her bid to escape Will, she ran into someone's broad chest.

"Please don't kill me" Tori cried.

She couldn't see the face of the captor, but she was pretty sure it was Will who caught up with her.

"Please…" Her captor didn't let her complete her words before hitting her head with the butt of his gun.

Tori became giddy, she tried to steady herself, but it was no use because she passed out seconds later.

The only sound one could hear was that's of Will, who was wincing in pains.

He was held to the ceiling with strong chains. His once smooth skin was now battered with bruises sustained by the horse whip which was used on him.

Standing at the end of the room was no other person than Jake. He had his hands in his pants pockets while giving Will a murderous look.

"You don't have to believe whatever Zayn said" Will cried out in pains.

He was experiencing a stingy sensation on his back. Jake had emptied bottles of alcohol on his wounds.

"I'm not interested in this back and forth convo you're planning to start up" Jake snapped.

He tightened his grip on his gun in anticipation to send a soul to the other world.

After what seems like an eternity, he pulled the trigger, sending a bullet to the other side of the room.

Will wasn't lying, neither was he exaggerating if he said he felt the force the bullet carried.

"Thank you for sparing my life" Will mumbled with his heart in his mouth.

Jake chuckled. He was definitely going to kill Will, but he needed further details from him, that was why he aimed wrongly.

"See you in the morning" He smirked, leaving him in the room.

Will shut his eyes tightly. The thought of being spared kept the pains he was feeling at bay.