His cologne was strong on the clothes she was wearing, she looked down then realized she was wearing his tee shirt.

"How come?" Tori mumbled. She climbed down from the bed she was lying on. She looked around the room, it was different from the one she was used to.

On impulse, she began to yell, "Somebody help me. I've been kidnapped"

She kept yelling until she heard heavy footsteps in the lobby. This made her hurry towards the bed, then hid behind it.

"Tori, it's just 4:00am,can you please shut up" Jake growled. He was resting his head on the door.

Tori crawled out of her hiding place when she heard his voice.

"Really?" She asked, rolling her eyes at him.

Jake hissed. Shutting the door behind him, he returned to wherever he was coming from.

Many things were running through her mind that she needed answers to. Instead of staying back in the room, she decided to run after him, "Wait!"

He stopped suddenly, making her crash on his huge frame.

"Sorry about that. What happened yesterday?" She rapped.

Jake chuckled. He could still visualize the image of her shocked filled face when she ran into him the previous day.

"What's funny now?" She scowled.

He didn't reply, instead, he strode towards the door at the end of the lobby.

Tori trailed after him. Deep down, she was glad he didn't mention anything about his tee shirt which serves as a gown for her.

The room behind the door was so small that a bed could barely contain it. She was still wondering what Jake was up to when the wall gave way, blessing her with the view of a large room.

Jake walked in without a word to her. Curious, Tori joined him in the room a few minutes later when it seems he wasn't going to come out anytime soon.

Jake was numbering some pictures which he pinned on the wall when she walked in.

When he was done, he pulled down Will picture, then shredded it into pieces.

"What are you doing?" She asked.

Jake delayed answering until he had shredded the picture into minute pieces.

"I'm learning my numbers" he smirked

"I'm not dumb if that's what you think" she gawked at him trying to make eye contact, but she failed woefully.

"I never said you're dumb"

"You want to kill those guys, right?"

"Do you have a problem with that?" he smirked

Tori kept silent for a while. She looked at the pictures on the wall, then back to Jake. She didn't know the men, but she pitied them.

"What's your profit when you kill innocent people?" She scoffed. Her hands were across her chest.

"No one is innocent"

"Then, what's their offense"

"They crossed their boundaries. If you don't mind, I want to sleep now" he smirked pulling her out of the room.

Tori was not done yet with her questions, she was trailing after him until he got to his room, not bothering to shut her mouth all the way.

Jake stood at the front of his room with Tori glaring at him. She didn't make any sign of leaving soon.

"Do you want to sleep with me?" He winked at her. She scowled at his question. All she wanted was a detailed explanation of the men's offense.

If possible, she can pled for their forgiveness.

She wasn't expecting his actions, it all happened in a flash. She only realized it was real when she found her self pinned on the wall of his room.

"Don't kiss me" she snapped. Their faces were inches apart and Jake was wearing his signature smirk.

"What if I?" He asked, leaning close. She could feel his warm breath cascading her skin. The air conditioner was on yet she was sweating.

"Just don't" she snapped after what seems like forever.

"Who stole your first kiss?" Tori's cheeks became blood-red at his question. Of course, he was the one. That was a few days ago.

"Leave me alone…" She bit her lower lips while staring at his hairy arm.

Looking up, she gave him a peck on his surprisingly smooth cheek, "Isn't that enough?" She scowled.

"You just pecked me…" She didn't allow him to complete his words when she kissed him on his lips.

"Done. Now let me go" she scowled.

"You call that a kiss?" She tried to slide out from his grip, but it was no use.

"I'll scream if you don't let me go" she threatened

"Go ahead, then I'll rape you"

Tori shut her eyes tightly as his words kept ringing in her ears.

"Oh lord, what have I gotten myself into? I would have just returned to my room, then all these won't be happening" she muttered under her breath.

While she was communing with her maker, Jake was watching her almond-shaped face which housed her thick brow, long lashes, perfect nose and her lips which he badly wanted to kiss.

Slowly, he placed his lips on hers causing her body to stiffen, he dwelled on her lips when she refused to let him gain entrance into her mouth.

Determined to get what he wanted, he pinched her butt causing her to gasp, giving him entrance into her warm mouth.

She was inexperienced, so she allowed him to have his way. Still savoring the taste of her warm mouth, his phone began to ring.

He chose to ignore it, but the caller was persistent. He had no choice but to break off the kiss, leaving Tori gasping for breath.

"Tori" Jake called, snapping her from her fantasy. Without thinking twice, she bolted out of the room. She had been thinking about the kiss they had shared earlier.

Locking the door wasn't enough for her. She made sure she wore a tight jeans pant before flopping on her bed.

Reason being, she didn't trust Jake. He might want to continue from where they had stopped, then forcibly have sex with her.

Tori woke up to the smell of pancakes. After her morning routine, she walked to the kitchen.

On arrival, Jake had his back to her, so she couldn't see what he was doing.

When he was done cooking, he turned towards her direction, making her to turn away quickly.

He chose to ignore her action as he laid the table for breakfast.

The first few minutes of breakfast was eaten in silence, not until when Tori decided to keep drooling and smiling over what happened few hours ago.

"Stop smiling like an idiot, it was just a kiss nothing more" He smirked.