Chapter 8 Flame Tooth

Although the Fire-Toothed Dog had a displeased expression written all over its face, it obediently walked over.

Qiao Sang squatted down and stroked the Fire-Toothed Dog's head.

The Fire-Toothed Dog closed its eyes in comfort, showing none of its earlier near-explosive appearance.

It was too easy to appease, Qiao Sang couldn't help but remark.

"Fire-Toothed Dog, you go up with the chubby pigeon," Qiao Sang said.


The Fire-Toothed Dog barked happily, turning around with its eyes suddenly full of fighting spirit.

Whoever says Fire Attribute Beast have bad tempers in the future, Qiao Sang will be the first to disagree!

"Use Charge!" Qiao Sang commanded directly.

She didn't care whether the girl opposite was ready or not; should you really give a heads-up before starting a fight?

This was her first cooperation with the Fire-Toothed Dog, and she didn't want to lose.

The Fire-Toothed Dog flexed its limbs and charged out in an instant.

Xu Linglan's gaze remained focused on the pair and their beasts, she suppressed the urge to curse out loud, and quickly responded, "Desert Tail Fox, tie it up with your tail directly!"

The success of the Fire-Toothed Dog's charge was because Xu Linglan's attention had been on the chubby pigeon; now that she noticed the Fire-Toothed Dog, she naturally made preparations.

The Fire-Toothed Dog was less than a month old, and its speed was laughably slow in the eyes of the Desert Tail Fox.

It leisurely stretched out its more than two-meter-long tail, waiting for the Fire-Toothed Dog to approach.

"Chubby pigeon, grab the Fire-Toothed Dog and fly up to the sky," Qiao Sang immediately commanded.

The flying speed of the chubby pigeon was slow only when compared to other Flight Type beasts—not for the young Fire-Toothed Dog. Naturally, it was much faster.

Even now, as the Fire-Toothed Dog was in a state of charge, the chubby pigeon quickly caught up, grabbed it, and flew upwards.

Xu Linglan was startled, not understanding her intentions.

"Ya?" The Fire-Toothed Dog also didn't understand.

This was its first cooperation with Qiao Sang and its first collaboration with the chubby pigeon; it clearly hadn't caught on yet.

"Just like that, the chubby pigeon should drop the Fire-Toothed Dog onto it," Qiao Sang said calmly.

The chubby pigeon hesitated with the Fire-Toothed Dog in its grasp.

After all, it wasn't Qiao Sang's beast and didn't immediately drop the Fire-Toothed Dog onto the Desert Tail Fox.

Qiao Sang was slightly helpless and was about to issue the next command when the chubby pigeon finally carried out her order.

Clearly, this was not a good timing; three seconds had already passed since Qiao Sang had issued the command, giving the opponent plenty of time to react.

The Fire-Toothed Dog flew towards the Desert Tail Fox, and Qiao Sang was startled, just about to tell the Fire-Toothed Dog to dodge, but the other side made no move.

Xu Linglan did not instruct the Desert Tail Fox to do anything.

Qiao Sang didn't understand, but it didn't stop her from issuing a command.

"Just like that, aim for its neck with Flame Tooth!"

The low defense of the White Sand Fox was precisely why it wasn't Qiao Sang's primary choice; even its evolved form, the Desert Tail Fox, was similarly weak.

Unlike its powerful tail, the body of the Desert Tail Fox was incredibly fragile, it would feel immense pain from even minor injuries, and its neck was a critical weakness.

"Dodge quickly!" Xu Linglan finally understood at that moment.

But it was already too late.

Fierce flames wrapped around sharp teeth and violently bit down on the Desert Tail Fox's neck.


The Desert Tail Fox let out a piercing scream, its fur standing on end, its body twisting violently as it tried to shake off the Fire-Toothed Dog.

The Fire-Toothed Dog clung on like a stubborn plaster, refusing to be thrown off.

"Jump off," Qiao Sang commanded.

The Fire-Toothed Dog didn't hesitate and immediately left the body of the Desert Tail Fox, jumping to one side.

The next second, the Desert Tail Fox's more than two-meter-long tail swept mercilessly onto itself.

Without the Fire-Toothed Dog on its back, the powerful tail struck its own body in full force.


Already injured at the neck, the Desert Tail Fox found the pain from the tail strike unbearably intense.

"Desert Tail Fox, calm down!" Xu Linglan was hopping anxiously beside them, not understanding how the situation had changed so quickly.

The pain on Desert Tail Fox's body was too intense for it to heed her words.

"Fat Pigeon, Wing Slash!" Qiao Sang pursued the victory.

Wing Slash is a skill exclusive to Flight Type pet beasts, which can transform wings into sharp blades; it's a move that most Flight Type beasts would learn.


The Fat Pigeon stared blankly at Qiao Sang with its gray eyes.

It didn't know how.


Although Qiao Sang couldn't understand what Fat Pigeon was saying, she still understood its meaning from its expression.

"Use Air Blade," Qiao Sang didn't hesitate.

With a flap of Fat Pigeon's wings, six air blades, condensed from the air, appeared instantaneously.

"Desert Tail Fox! Dodge it!" Xu Linglan was in complete turmoil.

The amber pupils of Desert Tail Fox shrank as it watched the oncoming blades, dodging to the side with great pain.

Still, four blades struck its body.


The Desert Tail Fox's body began to wobble, feeling as if it would collapse any second.

"Fire-Toothed Dog, charge!" Qiao Sang commanded.

The Fire-Toothed Dog had been eager to act, and now with the order, it charged vigorously towards the Desert Tail Fox.

Like the last straw on its back, the Desert Tail Fox's eyes rolled back, and it fell over.

Completely overwhelmed...

Xu Linglan's legs went weak, and she slumped to the ground.

Throughout the process, the Desert Tail Fox was like a target, constantly attacked.

Xu Linglan looked lost. She was going to be a high school senior next semester and had just been miserably defeated by a newcomer Beast Tamer who wasn't even certified yet.

Losing a 1 vs 2 battle wasn't a big deal, but she hadn't expected to lose without even executing a single skill.

Xu Linglan could tell that the fierce girl didn't even know what skills Fat Pigeon had; even Fire-Toothed Dog didn't have anything special.

She had been utterly defeated by her commanding ability...

Qiao Sang paid no attention to the girl's reaction as she hugged the Fire-Toothed Dog that rushed into her arms and smiled, "Well done."


"Ya Ya!"

The Fire-Toothed Dog excitedly gestured towards Qiao Sang non-stop.

Qiao Sang's expression turned odd.

The Fire-Toothed Dog jumped to the ground, opened its mouth wide and bared its teeth, and momentarily, flames enveloped its fangs.

The next moment, the flame disappeared, and it excitedly gestured to Qiao Sang again.

"Are you saying you've never successfully used Flame Tooth before?" Qiao Sang asked.

The Fire-Toothed Dog nodded repeatedly.

But she had clearly seen in the Beast Taming Codex that Fire-Toothed Dog had the Flame Tooth skill.

Qiao Sang was puzzled. She connected her consciousness to the Beast Taming Codex.

[Name: Fire-Toothed Dog]

[Attribute: Fire]

[Level: Beginner (63/1000) +]

[Skills: Bite Hold (Beginner 73/100) +, Charge (Expert 135/500) +, Flame Tooth (Beginner 2/100) +]

[Points 50]

Qiao Sang's eyes brightened—the numbers had changed!

Charge and Flame Tooth, as well as the points below, had all changed.

In fact, upon a closer look at the numbers behind Flame Tooth, Qiao Sang already had a guess in her mind.