Chapter 11 Shengshui Middle School

Qiao Sang felt a pang of distress.

"Is this why you suddenly attacked the TV?"

She lifted the Fire-Toothed Dog's head, preparing to give it a serious education.

"Click." The door opened.

Qiao Sang slowly turned her head and forced a stiff smile, "Mom, you're back."


The chubby family pigeon immediately went over to their mother and affectionately rubbed against her.

The mother was silent for a few seconds as she observed the disastrous state of the living room, then turned her head to Qiao Sang and kindly asked, "Do you have anything to say?"

Qiao Sang quickly lifted the Fire-Toothed Dog to shield herself, "It did it all!"

The Fire-Toothed Dog blinked its innocent large eyes.

After a moment of eye contact with the Fire-Toothed Dog, the mother said, "It will come out of your allowance."

Qiao Sang looked at her with a grievance.

"Do you have an objection?" her mother asked.

"No," Qiao Sang answered, going against her conscience.

Her monthly allowance was just 1000 Alliance Currency, and the TV cost at least 4000 Alliance Currency, so of course she objected to losing four months' worth of allowance in one go.

"I went to your school today," her mother came over and sat down on a single sofa nearby, and the chubby pigeon followed.

"Is there something wrong?" Qiao Sang asked.

Fang Sisi had mentioned it in the message she sent.

The mother didn't answer that question but instead asked, "Do you have any high schools in mind that you want to attend?"

Qiao Sang was slightly stunned, then thought for a moment and said, "Hangkang Sixth Beast Taming Middle School."

Hangkang Sixth Beast Taming Middle School wasn't ranked sixth in Hangkang City; it simply bore that name. Its strength was ranked 52nd out of 108 Beast Taming High Schools in Hangkang City, which was considered average.

She chose this school purely because it was close to home.

If it were based on Qiao Sang's past academic performance, she definitely wouldn't have been able to get into such a school, but now that she had awakened her powers independently, she could try for a special admission.

Her mother took out an enrollment brochure from her bag and placed it in front of Qiao Sang, "I think you can try applying for this school."

Qiao Sang picked it up and looked at it, her eyelid twitching.

"Shengshui Middle School in Hangkang?"

Without changing her facial expression, her mother confirmed, "Yes."

"Mom, aren't you overestimating me?" Qiao Sang said helplessly.

She put the enrollment brochure back on the coffee table.

Shengshui Middle School, ranked first out of the 108 Beast Taming High Schools in Hangkang City, and second in the entire Zhehai Province, with an advancement rate of 98.73%, was one of the top prestigious schools.

Students who could get into this school were naturally the cream of the crop in Hangkang City.

If there were still six months until the middle school entrance examination, Qiao Sang would be willing to give it her best shot, but even with today included, there were only 19 days left until the exam, making it completely impossible for her to pass.

Given that, why waste time trying for a special admission to this school?

Qiao Sang didn't understand; even if she was an independent awakener, was her mother's expectation unrealistically high?

Her mother looked at Qiao Sang calmly and said, "You sign up, you don't have to get in, just do your best and I won't deduct your allowance."

Picking up the enrollment brochure from the coffee table, Qiao Sang said, "It's not about the allowance, I just want to try."

Her mother's mouth twitched, "Then go register online now."

"Okay!" Qiao Sang picked up the Fire-Toothed Dog and left.

Ye Xiangting watched her daughter's retreating figure with a glimmer of amusement in her eyes, but her face fell again as she remembered what had happened in the school that afternoon.


Qiao Sang went to her room, turned on the computer, and registered for both Hangkang Sixth Beast Taming Middle School and Shengshui Middle School.

The two schools had vastly different rankings, and their special admissions requirements were also different.

Qiao Sang mainly looked at the section for special admissions for those who had awakened their abilities independently.

The conditions at Hangkang's Sixth Beast Taming High School are relatively simple: upload the proof of self-awakening online and wait for approval, then the score reduction for enrollment is based on the degree of brain domain awakening.

A 5% brain domain development would allow for a 100-point reduction from Hangkang's minimum middle school examination score, and 6% development would mean a 200-point reduction.

For example, last year Hangkang City's minimum score line was 332, so if Qiao Sang could achieve a 6% brain domain development, she would only need to score 132 points on the middle school examination to be specially recruited.

Given Qiao Sang's current grades, this shouldn't be a problem.

As for Shengshui Middle School, it's a bit more troublesome. They only recruit five self-awakened special admission students and, after registration and approval, one must participate in pet beast battles at a designated time and place.

The students who come in second to fifth place must score 50 points higher than the middle school examination's minimum score line to be admitted.

The first-place student has more relaxed conditions; they just need to reach Hangkang City's minimum score line.

Although self-awakened individuals are one in ten thousand, when you put together everyone from Zhehai Province, there are still about forty to fifty each year.

Excluding those who are guaranteed admission or choose other schools for special recruitment, the number of self-awakened applicants at Shengshui Middle School still reaches over a dozen each year—after all, it is the top-ranked school in Hangkang City.

Qiao Sang glanced at the information, noting that the special recruitment exam for Shengshui Middle School was on June 10th, one week before the middle school examination, which is in 12 days.

Pet beast battles, huh.

Qiao Sang pondered for a moment; those participating in the special recruitment were all people who had self-awakened this year, and their pet beasts were all beginner level. As she had contracted a fire attribute pet beast, it wasn't without its advantages.

Thinking of the Fire-Toothed Dog, Qiao Sang was momentarily stunned before her consciousness entered the Beast Taming Codex.

[Name: Fire-Toothed Dog]

[Attribute: Fire]

[Level: Beginner (115/1000)+]

[Skills: Bite Hold (Beginner 73/100)+, Fierce Collision (Expert 135/500)+, Flame Tooth (Beginner 2/100)+, Spark (Beginner 3/100)]

[Points: 0]

Qiao Sang's consciousness exited, and she looked at the Fire-Toothed Dog with a bizarre expression.

Scared into learning a new skill because of watching TV?!

Was it worth it to trade more than 4000 Alliance Currency for a skill?

Actually, it was quite worth it...

A pet beast's potential is limited. It's impossible to determine the quality of a pet beast just by its appearance. Those with higher potential learn skills much faster and reawaken earlier compared to average pet beasts.

If one is unlucky enough to contract a pet beast with mediocre potential, it could take a whole year to learn even one skill.

Qiao Sang looked at the Fire-Toothed Dog and fell into deep thought.

Her Fire-Toothed Dog had decent potential. Should she take it to watch a horror movie next time?

The Fire-Toothed Dog's body shivered involuntarily. Why did it suddenly feel a bit cold?



At 10:12 PM.

The night was deep and silent, all was quiet.

Qiao Sang lay in bed, hands behind her head, eyes full of eagerness. After tossing and turning for a long while, she sat up and looked at the Fire-Toothed Dog, which was still lively by her side.

The Fire-Toothed Dog, having been stared at for so long, wore a confused face.


Qiao Sang whispered softly, "I don't blame you for what happened this morning. Do you still want to watch TV?"

The Fire-Toothed Dog remembered this morning's events and knew it had made a mistake; the things inside the TV wouldn't come out.


It nodded, indicating it wanted to watch.

Qiao Sang picked up the mobile phone by her bed, searched for the most popular ghost movie recently, and placed it in front of the Fire-Toothed Dog.

The Fire-Toothed Dog watched intently.

A girl in white wandered within a forest enveloped in dense fog. Through the girl's perspective, a shadowy black figure could vaguely be seen hovering in the air...

Qiao Sang did not watch along. She placed her right hand on the mobile phone, observing the Fire-Toothed Dog's reaction, ready to withdraw at any moment.