Chapter 26 Help you take a leave

3:23 PM.

After finishing its weight training, the Fire-Toothed Dog came over to Qiao Sang.

Having adapted to the training over the past few days, the Fire-Toothed Dog's stamina had significantly improved, and it was still able to stand properly at the end of the training.

Qiao Sang took out the Miracle Source Milk she always carried and handed it over.

The current level of training meant that the Fire-Toothed Dog had to drink 8 or 9 bottles of Miracle Source Milk every day.

Watching the Fire-Toothed Dog chug down three bottles of Miracle Source Milk in a row, Qiao Sang felt a bit of financial anxiety again.

This money just flew away too quickly; in less than a week, she was down to around 30,000 Alliance Currency, and she estimated that by the end of the day, her assets would start with a '2'.

She still needed to find a way to make money.

Qiao Sang had thought about asking her mother directly, but seeing her leave early and return late each day, and then still having to cook dinner and prepare the pet beast's energy meal, she felt a bit hesitant to ask.

However, right now, the priority was the middle school exams; making money could wait a bit longer.

Once the Fire-Toothed Dog finished its Miracle Source Milk, Qiao Sang took it with her on the number 28 bus.


New Ocean Bookstore.

Since today was a day off, there were quite a few people in the bookstore, mostly students.

Qiao Sang was on the second floor, in the middle school section, selecting the set of middle school exam papers she wanted to buy to practice with.

Just as Qiao Sang finished choosing and was heading downstairs, a voice called out to her.

"Beautiful girl!"



"The beautiful girl with the Fire-Toothed Dog!"

Qiao Sang then turned her head around.

It seemed like she was the only one in the bookstore with a Fire-Toothed Dog by her side.

A girl with a bun and bangs came walking over quickly.

"Why didn't you respond to me?" the girl complained.

She looked somewhat familiar...

Qiao Sang couldn't remember where she had seen her before, but she was sure they had met.

"Ya," the Fire-Toothed Dog barked, clearly recognizing who the person was.

The Fire-Toothed Dog actually knew this person?

"Oh, it's you. I didn't notice just now," Qiao Sang said, composed.

"I recognized you immediately, especially with the Fire-Toothed Dog by your side. It's very eye-catching," the girl said with a smile.

Qiao Sang blinked, signaling her to continue.

"I haven't had the chance to thank you for the incident on the bus last time. I did send you a message to thank you, but you didn't reply," the girl continued.

Qiao Sang remembered.

It was Bai Yunmiao, the girl who sat next to her on the bus the day she received 50,000 Alliance Currency.

"I haven't been checking messages much lately," Qiao Sang explained.

She had been busy training the Fire-Toothed Dog and studying, hardly checking her phone.

"Knightess, you really are different. You can even withstand not checking your phone. I can't do that," Bai Yunmiao said admiringly.

After speaking, she noticed the papers in Qiao Sang's hand and curiously asked, "Why are you buying middle school exam papers?"

"Isn't the middle school exam coming up in a few days?" Qiao Sang replied with a question.

"The middle school exam has something to do with you buying... holy crap!" Bai Yunmiao suddenly realized.

Unlike earlier when she had tried to keep her voice down, this time she exclaimed without restraint, standing out awkwardly in the quiet bookstore.

The people around who were reading frowned and looked over.

Bai Yunmiao quickly covered her mouth and then looked at Qiao Sang in disbelief, asking in a lowered voice, "Are you still a middle school student?"

"Don't I look like it?" Qiao Sang said, somewhat glum. Could it be that she seemed more mature?

"No, no, it's not that. I just didn't expect it," Bai Yunmiao hurriedly shook her head.

Now that she mentioned it, the girl in front of her did indeed look younger than her.

It's just that she had never connected her with middle school students.

Who could have guessed that the one who had exposed the coral thief and contracted a Fire-Toothed Dog was a middle schooler?

A middle schooler who hasn't graduated yet has contracted a pet beast, what does that tell you? It means she's a self-awakened genius!

They didn't have anyone like that at their school.

No wonder she dared to contract a Fire Attribute Beast as her first beast and even trained the Fire-Toothed Dog to be so obedient. Bai Yunmiao subtly took another glance at the Fire-Toothed Dog beside her.

"Why do you even need to take the middle school entrance exam? Someone with your genius should be recommended for admission," Bai Yunmiao said.

"Do you have some misconceptions about geniuses?" Qiao Sang said helplessly.

What kind of genius, like her, still has to worry about meeting the minimum score for the middle school entrance exam?

Bai Yunmiao took her humility for granted and asked, "Which school are you planning to apply to?"

Qiao Sang answered, "Shengshui Middle School."

Bai Yunmiao looked at her with an 'I knew it' expression.

Qiao Sang couldn't be bothered to explain just how poor her grades were, and thinking that time was precious, she said goodbye, "I need to go home and do some papers. I'll be leaving now."

When she was about to turn around, Bai Yunmiao grabbed her, sounding aggrieved, "Genius, you haven't told me your name."

Qiao Sang: "..."



On the bus ride home, the Fire-Toothed Dog, as usual, enjoyed the scenery outside the window, and Qiao Sang took out her phone to note down Bai Yunmiao's name.

It was only when she saw the messaging interface that she noticed the conspicuous red 99+ in the top right corner.

Qiao Sang was startled and opened it to see.

The classmates she usually hadn't been in touch with were all sending messages asking her what was wrong.

In the eyes of her classmates, taking such a long leave right before the middle school entrance exam surely meant something serious had happened.

Qiao Sang was moved and replied to them one by one, saying she was alright.

After being touched, she saw a message from her mother that was sent two hours ago.

[When is the special admission time for Hangkang Sixth Beast Taming Middle School? I've called the teacher to ask for leave for you.]

Qiao Sang panicked and quickly called back.

The phone was connected after a short while.

"Mom, did you call the teacher?" Qiao Sang asked guiltily.

"I did."

"Mom, actually I…"

"But it didn't go through."

Qiao Sang immediately abandoned what she was about to say.

"Actually what?" her mother asked.

"Actually, I want to apply to Shengshui Middle School," Qiao Sang quickly pivoted.

There was silence on the other end of the phone for a moment, "Are the special admission times of the two schools conflicting?"

"No, Hangkang Sixth Beast Taming Middle School is on June 9th, and Shengshui Middle School is on June 10th. There's a day difference," Qiao Sang replied.

"Then that's settled, just go for both," her mother said.

Ye Xiangting initially hadn't asked about Shengshui Middle School's special admission time because she didn't care about it.

That day, she simply couldn't stand the school teacher's and that woman's faces anymore, and on an impulse, she thought of having her daughter apply for the special admission to Shengshui Middle School.

After two days, when she had calmed down, she also clearly understood that there was a 99.99% chance her daughter wouldn't be accepted, so she didn't bring up the matter of Shengshui Middle School in front of her daughter again.

But her daughter was clearly still concerned about the special admission to Shengshui Middle School, and since she was the one who had brought it up first, she couldn't do anything about it.

Ye Xiangting was now just glad that Hangkang Sixth Beast Taming Middle School's special admission was scheduled before Shengshui Middle School's. Otherwise, if the special admission for Shengshui Middle School was first, it could have affected her daughter's mindset for Hangkang Sixth Beast Taming Middle School's exam the next day.

"Mom, don't call anymore; I've already asked the homeroom teacher for leave," Qiao Sang instructed.

"Oh, I see," Ye Xiangting replied.

Having already made the call, she naturally didn't plan to call again. If it weren't for her daughter, she wouldn't even want to have anything to do with these teachers.