I Will Eat This Table on the Spot

Jenny blurted out, but soon realized that she was wrong, and quickly changed her mouth and smiled: "Your good friend!"

Alston pretended not to hear that, handed the jewelry to Jenny, and said, "This is our present."

Jenny smiled and said, "Oh thank you! Please come in!"

Saying that she hurriedly took the gift box.

"We'll find a place to sit first," Alston said.

"Okay." Jim said apologetically, "I'm sorry, Alston, there are too many classmates to say hello to."

As soon as Alston and Flores left, Jenny hurriedly opened the gift box from Alston, found a piece of jewelry inside, and frowned, "What did your classmate give?"

Jim said, "Can't you see it? Jewelry!"

Jenny curled his lips in disdain, and said, "What rubbish, this should be Tiffany's worst jewelry, I guess it's worth one or two hundred dollars."

Jim said sternly, "This a present of congratulation from my best friend no matter how much it is worth! "

Jenny said, "Let me tell you, in the future, such classmates will rarely come, and two people sending such a little garbage is not enough to pay for their meals!"

Jim's face was gloomy. "Jenny, why are you so snobby?"

Jenny suddenly became angry: "Jim, what are you talking about? I'm snobby? Don't forget, my dad invested most of the money in this restaurant!"

Jim's expression was embarrassed, but he was suddenly speechless.

At this time David came to the two of them, he directly handed over a thick red envelope, and said lightly, "I don't know what to give when your restaurant opened, so I'll just give you a red envelope."

While thanking, Jenny hurriedly took it, and when she squeezed it, she knew that there were at least tens of thousands, and she immediately flattered and said, "Oh, thank you so much!"

David waved his hand and asked her, "I think Alston came to give a gift just now? What did he give you?"

Jenny hummed and said, "A piece of jewelry, I don't know where he got it from, it's probably worth one or two hundred dollars!"

"Sure enough, it's rubbish!"

Alston sat down with Flores and Betty, and David followed and sat beside Betty.

As soon as he sat down, he asked Betty with a smile: "Betty, I heard that you came to Capce this time to work at Styllar Group?"

Betty nodded: "I just joined."

David smiled and said, "What a coincidence! My dad is in the Styllar Group and is the deputy general manager of a department. I'll let him take care of you more at that time."

As soon as these words came out, several people at the table exclaimed: "David, your father is the deputy general manager of Styllar Group?"

"Yes." David nodded and said, "Just got promoted last year."

Someone hurriedly complimented: "The annual salary of the deputy general manager is hundreds of thousands of dollars, right? It's amazing! No wonder your family is so rich!"

David said with a smile: "Hundreds of thousands of dollars are just salaries. My dad has a lot of power, and he still has some other income. Now Styllar Group is working on a hotel project. After this project is completed, my dad can earn at least 10 million to 20 million dollars."

A male classmate sitting across from him hurriedly asked, "David, I also want to join the Styllar Group. I have submitted my resume several times and have not heard anything from them. Can you tell uncle and see if he can recommend me?"

David nodded and said cheerfully, "Okay, go back and send me your resume, and I'll say it to him."

Alston couldn't help frowning. He didn't know that David's father turned out to be an executive of the Styllar Group.

"This is a bit interesting, then I will send a text message to Rita Ross later and let her fire David's dad."

So, he deliberately asked: "David, since your dad is so capable in the Styllar Group, why didn't he get you in?"

David sneered disdainfully: "It doesn't make sense for me to enter the Styllar Group, and the relationship between father and son can't be concealed, and people will always stare at me when I enter."

Having said that, David said proudly: "So I don't think about Styllar Group at all. Now I have a building materials company. When that time comes, I will directly cooperate with Styllar Group through my dad and take over the supply of Styllar Group's building materials."

Someone exclaimed: "Then you would make a lot of money?"

David hummed: "It's not that much, in a year, I should be able to earn tens of millions."

As he said that, he deliberately looked at Alston and asked, "Alston, what are you doing now? Could it be that you have been washing clothes and cooking since you entered the family?"

Everyone else at the table burst into laughter.

Alston said: "Every day, in addition to washing clothes and cooking, I have to take my wife to work and massage my wife's back."

David's lungs are about to explode, this bastard should be so proud to take it for granted.

Restraining his anger, he gritted his teeth and said, "Alston, I didn't expect you to be so at ease!"

"Otherwise?" Alston said shamelessly: "I didn't steal money, and I didn't rob money. Why don't I feel at ease?"

The classmates around were dumbfounded.

They had seen shameless, but they have never seen such a shameless person as him!

The key was that everyone was still very envious!

After all, Flores was really beautiful, and it is the dream of many people to be able to marry such a beauty!

If there was a chance to serve a beauty like Flores, why not being a son-in-law? Being a son-in-law was also a winner in life!

David was choked to death.

At this moment, Jim's wife Jenny suddenly appeared on the stage.

After thanking everyone for their appreciation with a smile on her face, she said, "Thank you for giving us so many gifts today. We are all very moved. To express our gratitude to everyone, we decided to announce the details of the gifts here. Thank you again!"

Originally Jim didn't want to do this, but he didn't have much rights in it, so he could only let Jenny do it.

But many classmates were not surprised by this, because people had a mentality of comparing and showing off. Everyone wanted to judge how old classmates are doing after entering society.

Afterward, Jenny began to roll names.

"Thank Toby for the 1,000 dollars!"

"Thank Duke for the pair of bracelets!"

"Thank Eden for the Versace kitchen knife!"

"Thank David for the 10,000 dollars!"

The first few gifts, whether it was red envelope or a gift, were mostly around 1,000 dollars in market value. When David suddenly arrived, he gave a red envelope of 10,000 dollars at once, which shocked all the students.

It's just the opening ceremony, just with a red envelope of 10,000 dollars, this is a big gift!

Many people looked at David in amazement and praised his acts.

David also looked proud. It seemed that he easily won first place among these classmates.

At this time, Jenny said again: "Thank you Alston and Flores for the jewelry!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone laughed!

Are these two too rude? Jim's restaurant just opened, and a feast like this is so sumptuous. It costs a few hundred dollars per person to eat. The two of them come over to eat, and give a small piece of jewelry from a street stall. Not afraid of being laughed at?

David also sneered: "Alston, you can afford a Porsche 718, and you can afford to refit it. Why did you only send such junk when restaurant of our classmate opened?"

Alston smiled: "You don't know its origin, why do you say it's tattered?"

David sneered: "Don't think I don't know what your idea is, you just want to buy that jewelry to pretend to be a good thing so that people can't figure out how much it is worth!"

After speaking, he said aggressively: "To tell the truth, how much did you buy your jewelry? One hundred or eighty?"

Alston smiled: "That jewel is worth more than all the things that were given away today!"

"Hahahaha!" David took the lead in laughing: "You are so bragging! I gave 10,000 dollars, and there are more than 20 classmates, each of them gives more than 10,000 and 20,000. What are you talking about? Do you mean that your jewelry is worth more than thirty thousand dollars?"

Alston laughed. "Almost."

"Ah ha ha!"

Now, the whole class is laughing.

Everyone thought that Alston liked to brag!

At this time, Jenny on the stage was also very contemptuous, and asked curiously: "Alston, I don't know which jewelry you gave?"

Alston said lightly, "Tiffany's."

Jenny laughed and said, "Oh, what a coincidence, my dad is Tiffany's appraiser. His name is Mike Baker. If you know jewelry, you should have heard of his name?"

Betty exclaimed: "Mike Baker? I remember this guy, who was in Fortune Magazine! Is he really your dad?"

Jenny smiled and said, "That's true, it's my dad. He's upstairs now, how about I invite him down to appreciate the jewelry from classmate Alston?"

David stood up and said loudly, "Then let Uncle come down and help us all appreciate it. If the value of Alston's jewelry can exceed all of the gifts that everyone gives today, I will eat this table on the spot!"