How Do You Eat This Table?

As soon as they heard that Jenny's father was a jewelry appraiser, all the classmates present gave Alston a look of contempt and sympathy.

Alston was so unlucky!

He wanted to pretend to be coercive, but met an expert working at Tiffany & Co. Isn't this insulting himself?

If Jenny's father came down in a while, wouldn't he be embarrassed?

Flores was also a little embarrassed, and whispered to Alston: "Alston, so many classmates are watching, don't be rude, or you will be embarrassed!"

Before he came, Alston said that he bought Tiffany jewelry, but he said it was worth a few hundred dollars, and now he said it was worth tens of thousands and Flores was a little shocked all of a sudden, thinking that Alston might have lied for the sake of face.

But Alston didn't care at all, and said, "Since you don't believe it, let a professional identify it."

After speaking, he said again: "By the way, everyone, don't forget, David is unrepentant, and he swears again to eat the table at this time."

When David thought about the car being burned just now, he gritted his teeth and scolded: "Alston, don't be so arrogant! What happened to the car just now was a trick! And I'm already willing to lose the bet! If the Tiffany you gave is worth tens of thousands of dollars, I will eat the table on the spot! If it's not worth it, will you eat it?"

Alston nodded and said, "Okay, if it's not worth it, I'll eat it."

This jewelry was the treasure of Tiffany's town store. When Alston bought it, it cost 200,000 dollars, not just more than tens of thousands!

Flores wanted to stop Alston, but he didn't react at all, and Alston had already agreed. In desperation, she had to sigh.

Betty was also a little surprised. How could Alston be so sure?

This person was still so mysterious. That day in Jade Palace, the famous Lord Beck was very polite to him. She had never figured out why.

But she was sure in her heart that there must be a secret on Alston!

David felt that he finally had a chance to regain a city, and immediately blurted out: "Okay, everyone is here to witness, we asked Jenny to invite her father to come down and help us identify it!"

In front of everyone, Jenny made a direct phone call and said, "Dad, please come down. Jim's classmate sent a piece of Tiffany jewelry and said he wanted to ask you to identify it."

A minute later, an old man slowly walked down the stairs on the second floor.

This person was Capce's famous jewelry appraiser Mike Baker.

Today was the opening ceremony of the hotel for Mike's daughter and his future son-in-law. He also invited an old friend to gather in the private room upstairs. He heard that there was jewelry that needed to be appraised. As soon as the professional habit came up, he would come down and take a look.

Mike walked over and onto the stage. Jenny handed him the gift box containing the jewelry and said, "Dad, please help me identify this jewelry. Some people say it is worth tens of thousands!"

Saying that she looked at Alston with a look of contempt.

Tens of thousands of dollars in jewelry, who would believe it?

No need to guess, this Tiffany must be a fake!

Everyone else thought the same way.

No one believed that Alston can go to Tiffany to buy a piece of jewelry worth tens of thousands of dollars. In their eyes, it was an exaggeration that Alston can go to Tiffany to spend thousands of dollars!

Mike took the gift box and carefully opened it under everyone's attention.

The color of this jewelry was quite simple, and it looked inconspicuous. Many of his classmates who like to judge people by their appearance said: "Oh, it doesn't look like a good thing!"

"Yeah, I think it's worth fifty dollars."

"That's not the case. After all, the Tiffany brand is here, and there are still a hundred."

"I don't think that box is worth anymore. That box is estimated to be worth one or two hundred!"

Mike observed it carefully. After examining it for a few minutes, he asked with a smile, "Is this jewelry given by a classmate of Jim?"

"Yeah," Jenny said. "He's still a good friend from college!"

When she said this, what Jenny thought was, "you are good friends, and they gave you a piece of garbage worth 100 dollars, and immediately exposed you in front of everyone!"

However, no one thought that Mike sighed: "They must be good friends! Who would be willing to give such a precious thing?"

Everyone was stunned when they heard this!

What's the situation? Precious? Was this shit expensive?

At this time, Mike said seriously: "This is a diamond from the Tiffany Victoria series! It should be around 200,000 dollars."

After speaking, Mike said again: "This should be the most expensive one sold in the Capce Tiffany store, right?"

"The most expensive??!" Jenny was dumbfounded. She thought this thing was not worth a hundred dollars. Who would have thought that it was the most expensive!

Jim was astonished and blurted out, "Oops! Alston, how could you give me a present so precious!"

Alston said indifferently: "It's just a gift, don't pay too much attention to its price."

Jim was very moved. He didn't expect that a good friend in college would be so generous!

David looked bewildered.

what's the situation? This shit is worth more than 200,000 dollars?

David looked at it carefully again, this thing didn't look like a diamond at all, it was just an ordinary stone with a fairly good carving.

The classmates were also shocked.

This time, no one dared to look down on Alston again!

After all, he is a person who gives jewels of more than 200,000 dollars as a gift!

Everyone was so envious of Jim!

At this time, Jenny was also shocked, and immediately changed her view of Alston,

She knows very well how authoritative her father was. Since her father said that this jewelry was worth more than 200,000 dollars, it must be worth this amount!

OMG! Jim's classmates sent such an expensive gift, but this was not a big deal to him!

Thinking of this, she looked at Alston with stars in her eyes.

Flores asked in confusion, "Alston, how much did you pay for this jewelry?"

Alston smiled slightly and said in a low voice, "Actually, it didn't cost much, mainly because I brought jewelry from a good friend."

Flores couldn't help but say: "2000000-dollar jewelry, he just sold it for thousands of dollars to you?"

Alston said lightly: "Many people don't care about money that much, don't they? Or I wouldn't give this jewelry to Jim."

Flores nodded lightly. Alston was right. If he valued money, no one would give him such an expensive thing. It seemed that his husband was a bit useless, but his spirit was still extraordinary!

At this time, Alston stood up, looked at panicked David, and asked with a smile, "David, how do you eat this table? Do you eat it directly, or use a knife for you to chop it into pieces and eat them piece by piece?"

David wanted to die!

"Oh shit!

How did I get slapped in the face by the jerk Alston over and over again?

Even if I beat myself to death, I would never have imagined that this jewel was real, and it was worth more than 200,000 dollars!

However, my words have already been put, what should I do now? Do I really need to eat the table?"