Chapter Thirteen.

I opened the door to see Zina.

"Who is that?" Mum asked from inside.

"Zina." I yelled back.

"Oh...greet her for me." Mum yelled.

"Zina." I called out after shouting " will do." To mum. I was Surprised to see Zina on my doorstep, especially at night.

"You look surprise." She said and laugh.

"I am." I said. " Why don't you come in." I made way.

She shook her head. " You come out."

"Out?" I asked my eyebrows drawn in confusion.

"Yes. Out." She stated . " It's a nice night for a stroll."

"A stroll?" I asked quite confused. Looking at the dark sky.

"Sure." She said with a nod.

The guards walked up to me. " Miss if you are going for a stroll we will need to come with. It's dark out."

"No need , Thank you." I said to the guards.

"But Mr and Mrs Hernandez will not be happy." One of the guards said

" They don't have to worry,am not going." I told the guards,they said nothing ,bowed and left before i turned my face to Zina.

"If you're not going, i am going to go alone. If anything happens to me it's on you." Zina said with a smile and button up her jacket.

"Not interested. I'm so tired right now" I groaned.

"Then, I'm going alone" Zina said and was about walking away until I stopped her..

"Are you seriously leaving? We just arrived not up to two hours ago and now we are going for a stroll? Why?" I said.

Zina smiled before looking at me.

"Can't we go for a stroll without any reason?" She asked. " Beside i miss you."She said.

"Miss me? But we just parted ways two hours ago." I said my hands on my waist. "I'm not going anywhere." I said.

"You aren't saying that to me. Let's go" Zina dragged me out of the house.

"Damn! I forgot my ear pod!" I exclaimed when we got outside.

Zina smiled before dipping her hand into her pocket.

"I had a feeling you were going to say that,so... I've got you covered" she handed the ear pod to me.

"You already planned this all along?" i chuckled.

"You can't blame me, I missed the two of us together.." Zina said. "Its like we haven't seen ourselves in ages."

"Thanks Zi." I said before putting it on.

"Are we good to go?" Zina asked and I nodded. I already told my guards not to come with us so we are alone.

"Its been long since both of us had some alone time." Zina said happily and hugged my arm as we walked along the road.

I let out a cute smile.

New York in the night time was a sight to behold. The cuties was even mkre beautiful at night and it was in the night time that different characters come to display their talent, like the guy who was sitting on a bench playing his guiter as he string along to the music.... Or the dancers who already had tons of crowd around them spraying them money. Ot even the upcoming artist who had their spraycan with them as they design the wall showing the world their talent.

I let out a smile at the sound of teens bursting with energy and raw talent displaying it for whoever wanted to see.

"Let's go get that ice cream, I'm suddenly craving for it right now" I pointed at an ice cream vendor not faraway from us.

"Wait while I go get it." Zina said and head towards the ice cream Vendor.

I fixed my ear pod and waited for Zina.

Just then, someone bumped into me and I almost fell but the latter was quick to hold me by the waist to prevent me from falling. My hands went to his chest for support.

My eyes went wide in shock when I saw who saved me from falling. " My knight in shinning armor." I called out cheerfully.

"Carly." Lucas called in surprise.

"You seem surprised to see me?" I asked.

"Well... That's because i am." He replied. "I never expected you to be the kind of girl who takes night walk."

"That's because i am not." I said with a shrugged. "My friend dragged me out here."

"Such a good friend." He said and laugh.

"But actually... I am having fun." I said with a smile looking at the teens having fun doing their own thing.

"You do?" He asked his eyebrows raise.

"Yes." I stated." During the day they get to do what they are told for the betterment of their future. But at night they do what they love because it brings them joy and happiness."

"Wowww . I never thought of it that way." Lucas said staring at me.

"Same here. It just came to me." I said and turned facing the dancers who were putting all their strength and energy just to make their crowd happy,and it was working as the crowd cheered for the dancers to keep dancing.

"So...." Lucas dragged on. "I was thinking about our next date."

I turned sharply to him,my face already heating up. "Da...te?" I stuttered out.

"Yes. Remember i promised you another date." Luke stated with a chuckled.

I nod my head. "I thought you were joking."

He shook his head. " I don't joke with something like that. Unless.... you don't want to go on a second date with me?" He asked nervously.

" no." I said shaking my head. "I didn't mean it like that,and beside you owe me a concert." I mumbled.

Lucas let out a laugh." I guess i do."

I laughed before facing the dancers,one of the dancers was break dancing, i watched in fascination.

"So.... Who are you waiting for?" Lucas asked after a while.

"My friend." I said my eyes on the dancers.

Just then,Zina came back with two cones of Ice cream." What is going ln here?" Zina asked as she came closer.