Beginnings (1)

His raspy breath filled his ears, hearing his own exhaustion and desperation.

To be fair, who wouldn't? He was currently running from the hands- or rather tentacles of aliens, so it'd be expected.

In the distance, the squeals of innocent humans were quickly hushed, suffering the wrath of bloodlust-filled Aliens.

The sounds filled this boy with adrenaline, making him run quicker than most of the students at his school, hell, even the city.

His arms were tired from going back and forth non-stop, and his legs aching from running without pause.

Fortunately for him, he wasn't one of the unlucky ones to die from the starting point. He read too many fantasy novels to sit there, patiently waiting for death without knowing it. Seems like being a geek comes into use sometimes.

The destruction of his school wasn't that sad. It was assembled of delinquents. Smoking on campus, constant fights breaking out every day. Hey, not bad as a few murders, right?

Every single day in that damned school, he would be the target of these delinquents and their antics. In the lunchroom, kids would freely steal his food, steal things, get forced to do other's work, be forced to give money, and beat up in the bathrooms.

There was not a single day at school where he was able to live normally. He would come home with bruises, an empty wallet, and a horrible mood.

His mother cared extensively for him, treating all his bruises and replenishing his wallet with money. Little by little, the amount he received decreased.

She was aware of the school, but it was the only one she could get into with her funds.

She only attended high school for 1 year, and with such a lack of education, it was hard to get a job to pay the bills and rent if it was far overdue.

However, he did not despise his mother for putting him in such a dangerous environment.

Jason, the boy running, was filled with fear, his eyes open wide in fright, letting the adrenaline rule his body as he feared exhaustion would soon overwhelm him.

He continued speeding down the highway littered with deserted cars, with only thin gaps for him to fit in. Beads of sweat easily streamed down his forehead into his eyes and mouth, but did he care?

He had a single goal on his mind-- To survive.

His shirt was drenched in sweat, and his feet blistered in immense pain. His long, black hair flowed freely as he ran, constantly covering his eyes. He somewhat regretted having long hair at the moment.

In his sight were destroyed buildings, car alarms screaming as if they were the ones getting hurt, smoke floating in the air, and fires that radiated an intense heat. The whole city was in a ruckus.

He quickly ran by a few cars, eventually reaching a small black honda, with a family sticker placed on the back window.

"WAAA!" A cry hollered out, startling Jason. Flicking his head instantly to the black Honda, an infant, at most a year old, was crying in a baby seat, flailing his arms and legs.

'A baby for crying out loud? ' He said to himself in his head. He finally halted his escape, staring at the baby while hunched down.

The baby continued crying, however, Jason was getting as much time as he can compose himself- and most importantly get some rest.

Wiping his face with his sleeve, he was finally able to clearly open his eyes, welcoming the full sight of the devastation of his hometown.

Anywhere you looked, may it be north, east, south, or west, destroyed buildings or other environmental objects were thrashed.

He then looked at the baby, a single soul on this highway, unaware of what was happening.

'God dammit...' As much as he didn't want to, he couldn't leave a baby to die.

It's ironic though. He left his classmates to die, but wouldn't leave a baby.

He did leave his classmates to die. However, they deserved it, but this baby didn't.

With wobbly steps, he approached the car, eyes fixed on the still-crying baby. Opening the door, a wave of hot air assaulted him, forcing him to take a step back.

'How is that baby even alive!' He said in his head, amazed at the fact the baby wasn't dead of dehydration.

He reached into the seat, quickly unbuckled it, and took the baby. On the seat was a pink pacifier, and pink flowers with cartoon faces were drawn on it.

"C'mon, c'mon, stop crying," Jason whispered, smoothly rocking the baby back and forth while rubbing his head.

[+1 Luck]

Jason didn't see this message, as for 1, it wasn't visible to him currently, and he wouldn't have even paid attention.

Jason kept flicking his gaze with worry, the aliens could be anywhere.

Not wasting a single second, he began walking with haste in his original direction, praying that he could get out of the city without any further problems.

However, Jason overlooked the fact that the cut on his ankle would lead to some conflicts in a short time.

Although he had 3 minutes of rest, his heart was still beating at an intense pace, sweat still dripping off his face.

"Jason!" A faint voice called out to him. It had no direction- as unaware to Jason, it was in his head.

He slowly turned, not daring to wake up the now calm baby in his arms, as if it was a ticking time bomb.

'What the fuck? Am I hearing things now?' Jason asked himself, his eyes squinted to help him see further.

Unfortunately for Jason, he was blind. Although he told his mother about his sight problems, he never received glasses, therefore making it difficult to see in class- and most importantly, see now.

However, upon his gaze, he saw something. A large round ball of purple, squishy skin. Using its slender but sharply pointed tentacles to maneuver around the highway.

The worst thing about this? 1 It was an alien, and 2, Jason was exhausted, meaning his odds of survival were minimal.

'God fucking damnit!' Ignoring the roaring aches in his legs and what seemed like his heart was about to explode, he began running.

The alien, although with no ears, was still able to locate Jason awfully easily, as in the middle of its body was a giant red eye.


And at insanely quick speeds, it rushed forward, digging its tentacles into cars left and right, creating massive dents in them.

Its speed was amazing compared to Jason's, so in no time, it was within reach of him.

The alien swung its tentacle with power, aimed directly at Jason's heart, hoping to kill him in one singular blow.

Twisting his body left, he barely managed to evade it, yet the tentacle easily redeemed itself.

As the tentacle went past Jason, it quickly stopped, then flew to its left, wrapping around Jason with a tight squeeze, instantly ridding Jason of his breath.

As if he was a feather, the alien bashed him against an old white car, triggering the screeching alarms.

A very unpleasant noise to hear as you're about to reach the end of life.

Jason spat out a mouthful of blood, it still flowing as it dripped from his lips to his chin, then onto the baby's head.

Once again, the baby started screeching, although in agony. 'God damn.'

The alien lifted Jason to its face, or rather body.

Lining up his body with its eye, Jason was face-to-eye with the alien, although his eyes were barely open.

The alien stared at Jason, and vice versa. With one more squeeze, loud crunches could be heard, along with deafening screams of Jason.

Blood sprayed from his mouth, along with a few guts...

The pain was enough to make a normal person pass out, but Jason had determination, usually being the hardest-working student in his class.

With deep breaths, he composed himself, trying to ignore the pain his whole body was experiencing.

Quick to realize, the baby's screaming was no more. Peering down to his legs, he saw the crushed corpse of the baby he saved, his eyes rolled back into his head- dead.

'Ah, shit...' He looked at the baby's corpse in solemn, not even a single noise escaped from the baby as it was crushed mercilessly.

Releasing its firm grip on Jason, his body fell to the ground with a thump, not a single movement.

He was still alive, although severely injured, and his spine was completely shattered under the alien's insane strength.

Laying next to the baby's corpse, a pond of crimson slowly itched towards him, threatening to dye him red.

"Jason!" Another voice yelled out, keeping him awake. In a slurred way, he spoke, "Who.. is.. it.?" barely moving his mouth at all.

However, no response besides the movements from the departing Alien satisfied with his killings.

He let his consciousness fade, a bitter taste erupting from the back of his throat right before he died.


[Starting Point: Eagle Palms Highschool.]

[Checkpoint #1: None]

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