Beginnings (2/2)

A rush of colors filled Jason's retina just before someone called his name again.


He shot his head up, eyes wide, struck with disbelief. Around him were his classmates, teacher, and the window.

'I-I'm alive?' Jason questioned himself, disguising his look of disbelief to make it look like he was surprised due to the yelling of the teacher.

Looking in the corner of his eyes, he could see the classroom, everyone was alive, and it was in decent condition- considering that it was filled with hoodlums.

Some gave him an odd gaze, some kept their full attention on their phone, or neither and did whatever they were doing.

"S-Sorry." He said with a slight smile, rubbing his eyes.

"Stay on task and stay awake; if you don't, ill gladly send you to detention."

"Understood, Mr. Romero." With a simple response, the teacher was back to teaching.

[Welcome, Jason Pruitt, to the Extermination System.]

A red-colored message greeted him. His heart raced- a geek's ultimate dream happened.

A game system! He barely constrained himself to blurt out yelling in excitement, his heart raced with a wave of positive emotions.

'Okay... Open attribute screen!' He commanded in his head, and so it did.

[Name: Jason Pruitt]

[Age: 14]

[Title: None]

[Level: 3]

[HP: 10/10]

[Affinity: ?]

[Strength - 4]

[Agility - 7]

[Stamina - 6]

[Intelligence - 6]

[Mana - ?]

[Magic - ?]

[Attribute points - 2]

'I see. How do I know if my stats are good or not?' As if the status was listening to his every word, it pulled up another screen

[The average stat for a human is {5}. The peak human can achieve {10} for any stat. The lowest is {0}. Level 1 is below average, Level 2 is average, and level 3 is above average and higher.]

'Oh! I see. I'm pretty above average. What are the question marks for?' Jason once again asked the system, and it provided the necessary information.

'Oh... So I haven't unlocked those yet? Weird. Is there a level requirement?'


'In that case, remove the locked stats, and when I ask, only provide my stats and level, please. Until I unlock those stats or get a title.'


'Thank you. And finally, the 2 stat points.' Jason pondered his thoughts on what stat to upgrade. He could upgrade his agility, and hopefully, have a higher chance to escape the city, but his stamina was really struggling.

'Alright... Fuck it.'

[1 Stat point allocated to Agility.]

[1 Stat point allocated to Stamina.]

'Alright... I should have a better chance of escaping. Let's hope it's worth it.'

Caught up in the new system, Jason completely forgot that the invasion was about to begin, and he realized this as soon as he stopped exploring the system.

'FUCK!' He yelled in his head. Quickly pulling his phone out, the time read '12:42 PM, Monday 11/21/22' In 3 minutes, the first alien would appear in

his classroom, seemingly out of nowhere. As if they just spawned inside.

Peering outside the window to the left of him, he extensively viewed the outside, making sure to take the same route he did last time, as he did meet a single monster till his death.

'12:44.' He stood up, masking his intentions with a simple stretch, letting a groan out to exaggerate it.

"Be quiet, fucker." A low-toned voice ordered him.

Looking behind him, a tall, well-built figure sat leisurely with his legs on the desk, sunglasses covering his cold gaze.

This man was Jax. he was probably the strongest student in his high school. He didn't purposely look for fights, but if he was in one, he beat the other viciously.

And you could tell it was him based on 2 things. 1, he always wore sunglasses. Regardless if it was inside or even at night. And 2, his white-haired slick back. There was also the fact he had 2 different colored eyes, white and black.

This occurrence was considered an anomaly, and Jax was a 1 in billions.

"Yeah... sorry." However, as soon as he went to sit down, the unfortunate happened.

A purple alien, spikes protruding throughout its entire body, knife-sharp tentacles, and 1 gigantic eye exploded through the door, leaving a large cloud of dust and remnants of the door in Infront of it.

The students located close to the door were caught up in the explosion, either getting hit by the rubble or bashed by the alien.

If you could even say it was fortunate, none died but suffered some bad injuries.

As if it was proud of its own prowess, the alien chuckled. Its tentacles were flowing freely in the air, using two to support itself up.

Immediately, the students began to scream in terror, hastily getting as far as possible from the alien.

However, it would be in vain, as how could they possibly escape the alien?

From outside the destroyed wall, you could hear the screams of other students. Loud bangs, and pleads; however, Jason muffled these sounds out.

Jax silently stepped back, eyes wide. Compared to the other students, he was well-composed, although still filled with panic.

Jason, however, was confident. With the slight stat boost and knowing his route was safe, for the most part, he was guaranteed to survive longer than his peers.

The alien shot its tentacle forward at horrifying speeds, aimed directly at a student's chest. As slicing through butter, the tentacle dug straight through his chest, coming out the other side, and lacerating another.

Blood slowly dripped from his wound as he was slowly brought towards the alien. In a quick and fast motion, another tentacle decapitated him, spewing blood all over the roof, walls, and students.

And so, the alien invasion officially commenced.