Mage (2/2)

A surge of power rushed through his body. The flowing from before accelerated and was far more exaggerated.

He felt the power overflow his body to the very brim

Pleasure took over his body, and his leg recovered to its normal state, far more powerful than before.


He re-attempted the kick from before, and it miraculously connected with the same man, completely bending his knee backward, the bone gruesomely protruding from the other side.


Blood flowed freely from the wound, dying his white bone completely red.

The others stood in shock. Not only did Jason overcome the sword's numbing factor, but he was also even stronger than before!


The group charged forward, attacking Jason with no intention of letting up. A relentless flurry of blows whizzed by his head and body.

If he were to fight any of them one on one, he would win, but against multiple? Fighting them was courting death.

'This baby is holding me back!' Jason thought as he bitterly defended himself against 4 consecutive attacks.

Not only did the baby hinder his movements, but his range of motion was also slightly hindered.

He wasn't winning, but at the same time, it wasn't a definite lost fight.

Punches occasionally landed on each other, but due to Jason's dominant stats, he landed more powerful attacks which they acknowledged during the fight.

Leo on the other hand was occupying the other 2. Unfortunately, he couldn't defend himself, but he was still moving around attacks, buying time for Jason.

Out of nowhere and caught off guard, another fireball was cast.

It ravaged throughout the air. The distance was far too short to dodge, let alone react.

Jason could only brace himself as the fireball neared.

The fireball landed cleanly on Jason's thigh, knocking him back a few meters, and destroying his leg in the process.

[-10 HP. 10/25]

His pant leg was burning and it was spreading at an alarming rate.

There wasn't much he could do to stop it. With no magic, he couldn't stop the fire. His leg also took the brunt of the attack, making it completely numb and burnt.

Intense heat radiated off the area, even making the attackers step back.

The caster had a pale complexion, panting and exhausted. Only casting two fireballs he exhausted his mana.

At his mercy, the caster made the flames recede, what use was a slave if it was crippled?

As for Leo, he was getting overwhelmed. A barrage of attacks assaulted him, landing on various parts of his body.

The number of opponents increased along with the amount of attacks at once.

His body frailly got pushed around, and blood could be seen flowing from wounds. Bruises littered his body.

"HOW DOES IT FEEL! HOW DO MY PUNCHES FEEL!" The bearded man roared. He was a sadistic freak with a habit of fighting people.

His blows cleanly connected with Leo's body, breaking bones constantly.

One of the men pivoted his foot, creating a loud bang as his roundhouse kick connected with Leo's thigh.

Acting as the final blow, Leo collapsed. Out of breath and hands covering his thigh, gritting his teeth in pain. "Kill him, he'd be worthless even as a slave."


"Yea. He's old. He'll be useless soon."


Retrieving the sword from the man Jason viciously injured, he readied himself to kill Leo.

Lifting his arms far above his head, he pitched them down, cruelly skewering Leo's chest.

Leo's life seeped from his eyes. Usually, a person just dies, but his life quite literally was drained from his eyes.

All the color drifted away, leaving a blank slate. A ghostly white filled his eyes.

Blood leaked from his stomach, painting the road red- a sight Jason saw far too much recently.

The fight was over. Leo was killed and Jason couldn't fight any longer.

The burly man kicked Jason with the bottom of his foot, breaking his nose as it made an impact.

Blood messily spewed from his nose, staining his uniform and hands, even a round bruise the size of a golf ball was left on his nose.

[-3 HP. 7/25]

"YOU BAS-" His sentence was cut off short as another kick collided with his head

[-2 HP. 5/25]

This time, Jason stayed put on the ground, accepting his imminent death. He recalled the memories he experienced during his childhood when he attended a law-abiding school.

The friends he left at the school, both previously and during the apocalypse.

[An unknown god pities you.]

[20% HP remaining. The user will be put to sleep.]

After reading the messages, his vision grew dark and gloomy, slowly closing in toward the middle of his vision.

In the next second, he went unconscious

"Pick him up and take him to the van, we'll lock him up and sell him once people start looking for slaves." The men took the opportunity to spoil themselves with Leo's and Jason's loot they've gathered.

The reason they were gathering slaves was simple; Once people started to look for slaves to do their work, like farming, and gathering resources, they'd make a great profit out of it.

Jason was dragged a few hundred meters by his legs, his skin getting chipped off, and a long trail of blood was drawn on the road like the white-dotted lines separating the lanes.

The line lasted until they reached the hidden white van with tinted windows.

They all climbed in with their new gear, already equipping it and enjoying it.

The baby was silently cradled by the lone lady in the group who watched the whole fight.

While she was calm, the man who had a broken knee was furious.

He could only stare at Jason with fury. Veins were visible as they popped from his forehead as he continued looking at him.

His intrusive thoughts were let loose. Thoughts of murdering Jason ravaged his mind, he was consumed by anger.

"Adrian, calm down." The lady ordered him.

Waking out of his angered stupor he calmed himself, complying with her orders. He'll get his revenge soon enough.

He nodded in response, leaning back onto the walls as his wounds were cared for.

The van grumbled as the engine was turned on, and they drove off in stillness, abducting Jason and leaving the corpse of Leo behind.