Kidnapped (1/2)

A bucket of water splattered Jason's face, purging his face of blood and exposing his moderately handsome face.

"Finally awake, eh?" A man said. He was unrecognizable, he wasn't with the gang that jumped him, only further confirming his suspicions.

There weren't only a measly 7, there were probably plenty more people in this group.

Jason didn't respond. The aftermath of the battle left him confounded and stunned. His head aimlessly moved around, trying to keep himself awake.

The fight left him severely injured and shaken, suffering a concussion from the kicks delivered to his head.

Everything was a blur and delusion. Every object had a clone in Jason's eye, further exacerbating Jason's daze.

He gently rested his head against the stained and grungy concrete wall, not caring that it had blood almost all over it.

"Stay awake. I want you to experience it all." The man said, picking up a pair of pliers from the wooden desk that was the height of his thigh.

He stepped over Jason's defenseless body, grabbing Jason's lower jaw with a firm grip and pulling it apart.

He slowly brought the plier to Jason's mouth, the stench of dried blood filled his nose. If it wasn't for the dim light that hid the man's face, you would be able to see it stained with other victims' blood, sharing the same fate as Jason.

He latched the pliers onto his teeth, which to Jason looked like a hungry shark ready to devour its prey, Its prey being Jason's teeth that is.

"AHHHHH!" Jason let out a terrifying roar as the man pulled. He squirmed under the man's body, banging his legs against his.

He didn't budge, a single centimeter.

Was it because he was weak? In his current state, yes.

He still had under 10 HP, which was slowly going down with each tooth maliciously yanked apart from his mouth.

Each time he ceaselessly pulled out another tooth, a wave of pain soared through Jason's mouth, making him squirm like a bug.

He couldn't stop the man either. His hands were trapped by a chain bound to the wall; he couldn't even have the leisure to move his hands around a few inches.

Blood dripped onto his pants and the ground, most of his teeth destroyed, pulled from his mouth, all left on a plate covered with a napkin.

Not only was his crotch area dyed red, but the pliers and the hands of this brutal man.

"YES! SQUIRM MORE! LET ME HEAR YOU CRY!" Every time Jason voiced pain, the man itched him to make more sounds, not even trying to hide his sadistic personality.

For the next few hours, his mouth was destroyed, bloody and toothless, maniacally plucked out by the man, who merely begged for more sounds of misery while torturing him.

The fume of blood heavily hung in the room. The man silently licked his lips, his cheeks slightly rosy.

Jason gave a toothy grin and spoke in arrogance. "Once I break out, I'll kill you. Torture you, rip off your limbs, ears, eyes, everything. I will make you experience the embodiment of pain." His eyes dilated while saying these things like a madman.

He arched his eyebrow, bewildered at such vile insults the man spat out. He chuckled, knowing that it was impossible. A soon-to-be-dead man couldn't raise a finger to him.

"I'll be looking forward to it." He said whole-heartedly, knowing that it'll never happen.

After gathering up all his used tools and placing them in a rusty red toolbox, he walked out of the room, softly closing the large metal door that trapped Jason.

[A unknown god is displeased with your loss after sacrificing 0.01% of its stats to help you.]

Jason acknowledged their presence with a sneer. He looked at the ceiling, envisioning it as an ample space filled with stars, galaxies, and planets. "Fuck you, gods."

'System, current odd's of breaking out of here?'


'Odds of living If I stay?'


Jason drooped his head. Even the system was uncertain that he'd live through this predicament.

'Do you think I'll escape?'


Jason grinned. He had never defied any odds, never 'clutched' up for his sports teams, never done anything exponential.

However, the feeling that wrapped his stomach and chest after reading the words made him feel different and angry.

'Oh system, may I get magic early if I prove you wrong?' It was a long shot, but Jason simply grinned, he assumed the system was some law-abiding existence made by a gaming nerd, but he was proven wrong.

[Although those insults insulted my creator and not me, I'll listen to your request. Escape with your life intact, and you'll receive magic despite your low level, although it will be weaker. Every level up gained until you escape will reward double stat points..]

An ominous smile came upon Jason's face, which soon erupted into maniacal laughter.

'Am I finally going insane?' He questioned himself before calming down. With the necessary motivation, he began looking for ways to escape the hellhole.

No matter how much he examined the room, there was absolutely nothing.

There were no windows, lights, or anything. He wasn't sitting in absolute darkness because of the tiny light that went through the door's window.

[That's why your odds are low.]

'I can see that.' He said, slowly losing confidence in his escape.

His heartbeat raised. He feared death but never encountered anything close to it.

'Shit shit shit!' he reiterated in his head, the eyes flickering to every corner of the room, looking for any way out that he could've overlooked in his initial try.

But then it hit him, the realization that there was no way to escape.

He already knew one way: to un-shackle himself, but how? The chains are pretty durable, and there's no key slot to unlock him. It seemed they were planning to kill him no matter what happened on the street.

'Wait, the baby!'

Jason didn't even know if the baby lived while Jason was getting attacked.

He doesn't even remember if he fell on the baby!

He could only sit silently, dreading while locked up against his will.

Waiting to get killed by his kidnappers.

[Giving up?]

He hardly paid attention to the message, merely looking at it and then reverting his gaze back to the uncomfortable floor.

'I don't know.' He honestly answered. No emotions on his face as he aimlessly stared at the floor.

The racket of a door swinging got Jason out of his thoughts, peering at the metal door and what was to come out of it.

A woman's silhouette stepped in, taking short steps, her heels creating clacking sounds with each step. She seemed to be carrying a baby in her arms, which clung tightly to her and was fast asleep.

The same baby he rescued twice, fed, and killed someone, all while carrying her.

Only when she came close enough that Jason could smell her luxurious fragrance could he see the baby.

After he laid eyes on the baby, he produced a smile, his first in hours. Knowing that the baby was alive and okay, he was delighted.

He just prayed that the baby grew up as one of their own and wouldn't be forced to live as a slave while growing up.

"You're a mess."

Jason chuckled, "I know."

The lady continued to talk. "Listen, I was forced to join if I wanted to live, and to be frank I dont like these guys at all. I'm going to get my point across and the rest is up to you. I'll give you weapons and armor to fight them.

Kill them, and you can escape, and so can I. I'll only do this if you let me escape with you and this baby they brought home."

Jason nonchalantly looked into her eyes, contemplating if this would get him more torture.

"I have a certain feeling this is a trap. If I agree, I get the shit beaten out of me. If I don't accept, I still get the shit beat out of me, maybe just a little less."

The woman stared blankly at him. She understood his thoughts that this was a trap, but it wasn't.

She didn't appreciate the way these people acted and, in fact, wanted them all dead.

"You want to live, correct?" She asked to which Jason nodded.

"After Adam is done torturing you, I'll come and slacken the shackles. They'll still be in the wall, but you should possess enough power to rip them from the wall. I'll give you all the necessary equipment, and you should prepare for your attack at night. I'll also leave your phone in here."

Jason consumed all the information as soon as she told it to him, instantly realizing what she wanted him to do- kill most if not all of them, and escape with her. A tragic end befitting for such a group of tyrants after only a day of the apocalypse.

"Alright, I'll go along with your little plan. But just know, that is my child. Do anything to it, and I'll cut you down without second thought."

She only nodded and returned from where she came.

She stopped right before exiting and glanced back at Jason. "I sincerely hope you can do it, boy."

[An anonymous god believes in you.]