
It was a short and quiet walk back. The moon released its powerful shine onto the Earth, giving it a serene sense of beauty that reigned half of the world. Reaching the shack, a disgusting stench of alcohol clung to it, even being 20 feet away he could smell it. 'Are they those people who non-stop party? This is annoying.'

Opening the worn-down door, every member had a bottle in their hands, gleefully laughing and joking with each other. All of the 'players' were present, including Hugo. The first one to notice Jason's presence was Christian, as he was the only one not involved in the little party. "Ah! Jason! You're here. We were waiting for you although it seems you took your time."

He stood up and shouted to the others, grabbing their attention. "Jason is here!" Before they could cheer, Jason shoved his hand out, stopping them. A few seconds is all it took to see the expression on his face, and it screamed seriousness.

"I discussed the mission you talked about, the fourth. It's been changed into a new mission. We are searching for an S-Tier soldier, Salvador. He was supposed to be on a scouting mission, yet he has not returned. We've been tasked with his retrieval. Tomorrow at 7 AM we are heading out. Jovian told me to tell you guys myself, if you have concerns or questions it would be best to ask him." Jason was blunt and quick, not giving anyone the chance to talk to him before walking out.

He strode over to his own place that Jovian gifted him and instantly fell to sleep, awaiting the new day.

Quick enough, Jason woke up at 6 AM, equipping a simple set of leather armor. He knew the metal armor would be better, but being able to move fast and be swift was his preferred type of armor and fighting style.

It was a beautiful sunrise, a orange light illuminated the buildings and painted the sky just above the mountains, a flock of crows circling about. "I hate waking up early."

Jason made his way to the cafeteria and made himself a bowl of cereal, and a few eggs on the side. He wasn't a heavy eater, just enough to where he wouldn't be hungry for some of the days.

As he bit in, Hugo slid himself along the long seat, just next to Jason. "I'm nervous but excited." There was no further clarification to know what he was talking to.

"I am too." He simply agreed, consuming his food at a normal pace.

Soon enough, it was time to head out and the group assembled outside the city gates. Everybody wore armor similar to Jason's leather or a simple breastplate with elbow and knee pads to support the joints.

No one spoke, an air of professionalism and seriousness hung around them. All of them were conscious of the dangers that would be proposed once they step out of the gates. None of them wanted to endanger themselves, but could they all trust each other?

A fundamental for teamwork is trust. When officers are clearing a room, they trust the officer behind them to clear the area behind them, not even turning to check. Do they have that trust in each other? Only time will tell.

Finally, the person they were waiting for made his grand appearance. He wore his typical attire, a doctor's coat with his clipboard in hand. "I see you all are ready and serious, good. It would suck to waste more time by drilling the risk of this in your goddamn heads." He sighed and an even more potent look of seriousness overtook his eyes.

"With all my heart, I can assure you, you guys will come in contact with a Suljar. It's practically inevitable," Everyone but Jason, Hugo, And Jax shuddered, and concern overwhelmed their faces. Obviously, all of them were worried although they were better at masking it. "So, I managed to make a breakthrough with my magic. I can create vials, significantly potent vials. I don't know the limits, but there is one for each of you. I would bring more, but my mana is exhausted to an extreme, so use them ONLY if necessary." It was silent once again before he gave his farewells. "Live, and bring Salvador back. If in two weeks you do not, come back. The only thing we can do is assume he's dead and notify his family. Until then, do your task. And I assume you got a quest or whatever already, so instantly come to me after you finish it if you didn't plan to."

With a wave of his hand, the guards opened the gates, revealing the large and gloomy buildings that they chose not to include in Altidor. "C'mon, we have someone to save," Jax stated as he took the lead, acting as the head of their little pack.

The walk wasn't long to reach the forest, only thirty minutes or so. Although the path recommended was safer, the detour they all agreed to take was shorter by some margin, enough to make a small difference. On the trek, surprisingly, nothing crazy occurred. Night time descended and the group set up their tents in an empty patch, no trees or any of the sort present.

This was more than enough space for the party, they were comfortably able to space out their tents to have an acceptable space and bubble to themselves.

Unexpectedly, Jason's best friend casually entered Jason's tent, sitting next to him as he pulled out a party-size bag of Cheetos puffs presenting it to Jason.

He seemingly only smirked as he grabbed a handful of the delicious snack, shoving it in his mouth without a second thought. "Jason, I want to hear your thoughts," Hugo spoke. Asking something like this was new, as Hugo wasn't really the worrying type at all.

"Do you honestly think we, the entire party can defeat a single Suljar?"

Jason very well felt was Hugo was thinking. Before, Suljar was easily able to kill any human, and now that they were taking them more seriously it was even more sinister for humanity. It no time they would fall under the Suljar's.

"Honestly, I don't know. It really comes down to the Suljar's strength, assuming they vary. Even then, one of us will most likely die," Jason turned his head to Hugo's and spoke more ominous words that would get him kicked out and possibly killed if the others heard, "And I'll do everything I can to assure that it won't be me or you."

Hugo's eyes widened for a second, understanding it instantly. "You plan on sabotaging one of them? If we die it's cause we are weak, and we deserve it!"

"God damnit Hugo, I really have no one in this apocalypse as of now besides you. I value your life a million times more than theirs. You saved my life, I owe you. And I won't only assure your life cause I owe you, but rather because I think of you as someone I can fight with, a friend."

Hugo sighed, Jason was right. They were friends, and he certainly did owe Hugo. But Hugo wouldn't let him have one of his teammates die in order for him to live. "You won't have to. No one will die. We'll make sure of that." Hugo reached out his hand and patted Jason's shoulder, and a night of jokes went on until the two passed out.