Chapter one (1): I Miss Our Mother

Three sisters called Perpetual Mayi, Ann Ella and Sarah Lenlen were in the house. Ann and Sarah were comforting Perpetual because she was crying

Ann: Sis, it's okay, we all do miss our mother and we can't do anything about it

Sarah: All we have to do is find work and get some money to go to school

Perpetual: I think you guys are right we should forget about our past and be in the present

Perpetual wiped her tears

Ann: Uh huh so what work will we do

Sarah: Go to the streets and beg for money

Ann: Yuck. I would rather be a maid

Greenee: You're right

Ann: Huh what I say now

Perpetual: We will be maids and get some money for school

Sarah: But where

Perpetual: We have to go to house to house to get work

Sarah: So when

Perpetual: Maybe tomorrow. Now let's go to school

They went to school🏫. Brianna, a mean girl came with her three friends David, Arielle and Marie

Brianna: Look at the three garbage girls here

Ann: And who are you calling garbage girls

Arielle: If it's not you then who

Ann: We are not garbage girls you guys are the ones who smell really bad so mind your business

Perpetual: Ann, it's okay. Let's leave here

Brianna: Shut up you bitch

Ann: You can't call my sister and a bitch and can't also tell her to shut down

Brianna: It's shut up not shut down

Ann got angry and held Brianna's hair. Brianna also did the same to Ann. Kurt, Andy and Gerald came tear them apart

Brianna: I hate the three of you so much

Brianna said and left. Her friends followed her

Ann: You three are just dogs always following Brianna

Gerald: Mayi are you okay

Perpetual: Yes I'm fine

Gerald: Are you sure

Perpetual: Yeah

Kurt: You shouldn't have started with that fight with Brianna

Ann: She's always getting on my nerves and I can't stand her insulting my sister Mayi

Perpetual: Ella and Lenlen, let's go to class now

Ann: Hmmm

Kurt: Next time, don't try to get into a fight

Ann, Sarah and Perpetual left

Andy: Hmmm. I see you like Ann Ella a lot

Gerald: Love at first sight

Read my stories from beginning to end