Chapter 2: The Juice And Water

Mayi, Ella and Lenlen went inside the school

Mayi: See you guys after class okay

Ella: Okay sis

Lenlen: See you later sis

Mayi hugged her sisters before leaving

Lenlen: I guess we have to go to class now

Ella: Hmmm

Ella and Lenlen went to their class. They were in the same class. Later, a lot students came and joined them and class started when the teacher came. Breaktime came and Mayi came to her sisters

Mayi: How was class

Ella and Lenlen: Great

Lenlen: I loved every bit of it

Mayi: Now let's go buy something for break

Ella: Buy we don't have money remember

Mayi: Ah yes, its true now we will go hungry

Gerald: We will support

Kurt: We will buy food for the three of you

Ella: Really

Andy: Yes

Mayi: Thanks a lot Andy, Gerald and Kurt

Gerald: It was nothing

Andy: So let's go so that we can buy the foods for the three of you

Lenlen: Okay

They left. Brianna was watching them all this while and became very jealous of Mayi and Gerald

Arielle: You see Mayi wants to take Gerald from you so be very careful with her

Marie: So what are you going to do to her

Brianna: Watch me

Brianna went to the place Mayi was and poured juice on her uniform

Mayi: Oh no

Ella got really angry and stood up. Kurt held Ella's hand

Kurt: Don't get into a fight and create a scene

Ella: She's always getting on my nerves and I can't this time

Ella went to Brianna and slapped her

Ella: Why did you even do that to my very dear sister Mayi

Brianna: Oh it was all an accident. I didn't mean to. Accidents do happen right

Ella: I know you did it intentionally and purposely also

Mayi: Ella is okay. Leave her alone

Lenlen: Let's go and get you dried

Mayi and Lenlen started going

Brianna: I believe you're also going with them

Ella: Oh yeah and it's none of your business

Ella took her bottle of water and poured it on Brianna's uniform

Ella: Oops I did it accidentally, Sorry

Ella said and left

Brianna: Gerald, you see what Ella has done to me

Andy: I'm sorry I didn't see anything

Brianna: Shut up, I'm talking to Gerald not you

Gerald: You caused all of this so I have nothing to say to you