Obito And Kakashi Meeting Once Again

On that same day, in front of Konoha's main hospital, a strange person came out of a spatial vortex, 'I wasn't here in so many years already huh...', He could teleport himself to any location in the world he had previously seen once in his life. Obito Uchiha was also in Konoha more than fifteen years ago when he unleashed the Nine-Tails attack onto this village. At that time, he did that to effectively cut out all the ties between himself and this village, and even the world as a whole. He still remembered how his Minato-sensei failed to recognize him at that time. He didn't manage to redeem himself after he previously always failed to arrive on time to save his students, to save Rin...

'It's time to recover my other eye back!', Obito already knew what his other eye ability was thanks to Zetsu who had his clones secretly enter Konoha's sensing barrier after it noticed the commotion happening inside. Usually, they were sneaking underground near the village just for spying on situations like this one. Hence, Zetsu witnessed when Kakashi employed that ability there earlier.

Obito currently had an eye with the Kamui ability that could teleport only himself or the people he touched inside of that pocket dimension. Whereas, the eye he gifted Kakashi back then could teleport anyone or anything inside of that dimension, from a long-range, not just from a touching range like him, albeit with greater difficulty. It wasn't one shot kill as his own previous close-range Kamui ability. However, using both of them in combination, one as a diversion, while the other as the main attack was perfect. Not to mention the other benefits like more soul energy or Susanoo.

Obito promptly entered the building presently moving so fast that no one, of the personnel, could notice him. He was checking for and going straight for Kakashi's room. He already knew that he collapsed right after using it. After all, he was not even an Uchiha, and even for them, it was dangerous to use. That ability could only bring him more harm than good, 'Kakashi I let you play with my eye long enough, but now is not the time for playing anymore!', Obito looked down on him. He doesn't know why he waited until now, maybe it was because of his pride that he didn't take it. After all, it was the gift of Obito Uchiha. But now, that even their plan was in jeopardy, Obito didn't even need Black Zetsu to remind him. He understood best what his essential priorities were.

After that powerful person invaded Konoha earlier, Obito clearly understood that the situation around the world was getting more difficult and unpredictable. Not to mention, that same individual previously used to look around secretly for information regarding their organization. Zetsu's clones found that out and informed him of that as well, 'That person is very dangerous...',

'Found it!', Obito soon found Kakashi's room on the top floor. Then he opened the door casually. He immediately noticed that familiar silver-haired person lying in bed, 'So defenseless... Give me back my eye!', However, before he took the next crucial step, he suddenly noticed something beside him.

'That's a Shadow Clone on the bed, and then he used a Transformation Jutsu to turn himself into this vase...?', Obito thought as Kakashi, who held a kunai, passed right through him. He was caught off guard because he thought that Kakashi was in a coma after using his left eye's Mangekyo ability.

Kakashi looked flabbergasted as his carefully thought-out attack passed right through this unknown person. In fact, he was woken up from his coma because of that unknown smell appearing suddenly inside his room. He accomplished that level of sense over many years as a shinobi, moreover, his mother was from the Inuzuka clan, which had a genetically superior sense of smell to other humans.

Kakashi was already weakened from using his Kamui beforehand therefore as soon as he passed through Obito, Obito materialized himself again and took him by his neck viciously, "W-Who are you?", Kakashi could only weakly mutter with veins popping all over his neck. Obito immediately changed his voice into a horse one and replied, "You weakling doesn't deserve to know, not give me your Sharingan.", "A-Ah...", Kakashi shouted as Obito directly took his left eye out of his eye socket.

Obito then threw Kakashi at the other side of the room, "You ant don't even deserve to be killed by me. I don't want to dirty my hands!", Obito spoke as his presence was vanishing in a spatial vortex. Kakashi could only stay glued to the wall and silent at those words as he passed out once again due to physical and mental shock. After all, that Sharingan accompanied him for nearly decades already.

Obito suddenly appeared outside the Konoha. Complete Zetsu was already waiting for him there. He nodded toward it and then slowly removed his mask and put his reclaimed eye into his empty eye socket. And as soon as he did that, he felt a rush of power slowly filling his head and entire body. He felt extremely powerful like he could conquer the whole world, "Yes, this is it, hahaha...",

"I feel like now in the top bracket of the so-called Six Paths level Neji Hyuga mentioned back then. Him, that otherworldly-looking person, Nagato, no one is my opponent anymore!", Obito marveled at his new power, "With this, the Eye of The Moon Plan is sure to get completed without a mistake!"

Black Zetsu looked at him strangely and snickered inwardly, 'Thankfully, this fool doesn't know about that juinjutsu placed on his heart, or else he would have probably got out of my and Madara's control after this...', 'However, he sure is powerful now, by my estimates, he's on the same level as Madara and Hashirama were while they were alive... He now has the complete, trickiest space-time ability in the world as well as Hashirama's cells...', Black Zetsu analyzed in an instant.

"Nagato can't last a few minutes against me now. But still, I will wear the same mask and keep this a secret.", Obito finally felt unexplainably complete after many years in terms of power and dojutsu.

"What happened to Kakashi?", White Zetsu asked curiously. He still remembers how connected Obito was to Rin and Kakashi at that time when Madara saved him. Obito turned and looked at him dismissively, as if he somehow asked a dumb question, "That loser, I didn't want to dirty my hands on him. I left him to live without that eye in humiliation in the future. He's miles below me in both power and mind for me to personally end him.", 'You say that but, I think that you still have some kinds of good feelings for him, Obito...', White Zetsu thought feeling amused, he knew him best.


Ten days passed by since Kakashi got his left Sharingan eye, the memento from his best friend, unexplainably stolen. He was already woken up from his coma. However, he was still under the mental trauma of losing it. He only moved from his hospital bed earlier today. Currently, he was inside the Konoha's graveyard visiting Rin and Obito's graves respectfully. He disappointed them once again. He was powerless against that mysterious powerhouse who stole Obito's eye from him.

And the only reason why he lived on was that the opponent 'didn't want to dirty his hands on him'. Kakashi looked at Rin's grave now and wondered when did he become so hopeless. He thought that he could finally protect his closest people and Konoha after realizing that new ability of his Sharingan, however, now it wasn't the case anymore. It got stolen the first time he used it in battle.

It wasn't always like that, once upon a time he was Konoha's most talented genius in history, but now he felt like he wasn't even qualified to participate in a battle against the likes of Neji Hyuga, that person with white hair, that person who stole his Mangekyo Sharingan, in the Akatsuki cloak, against their whole organization... Kakashi clenched his fists, wondering how could he protect Konoha and his team in the future, and how to bring Sasuke back. He can't go on like this forever.

During his early years, he subsequently lost his father, his best friend, his love interest, his teacher, and his teacher's wife. He joined the Anbu out of pain. However, he never gave up on protecting Konoha or turned in the wrong direction. He forgave Konoha for spreading all of those rumors against his father, he even vowed to protect them just like Minato sensei and Obito also always wanted to. However, after all of that happened, it was understandable that he somehow lost a little bit of motivation to develop. That's why he stagnated, being only on the jonin level, for decades.

But that changed recently, he finally got a team, his students, and he remembered Obito's words about protecting his teammates. He wanted to make Naruto and Sakura happy and bring Sasuke back. That's why he developed and realized that he had the potential for that Mangekyo Sharingan ability. He didn't want to fall back behind them too much, having seen their potential. And, even if that ability got taken away from him now, he didn't give up. After three days of contemplation and after conversations with Sakura and Tsunade, he decided to not give up and develop himself in another way, 'Father, it's time that I pick up your sword again!', Kakashi thought and disappeared.

Inside the Hatake clan residence, a few minutes later, Kakashi looked at a distinctive sword carefully. He held it again today after many years. It was his family's heirloom called the "White Light Chakra Sabre". It was a straight-bladed tanto with a small, circular hand-guard. It gave off a white streak of chakra when it was swung, thus earning Sakumo Hatake his famous title of "Konoha's White Fang".

It was a very valuable weapon constructed of the finest materials from the Land of Iron. It was perfect for their clan's kenjutsu style. Kakashi was currently the only living member of that clan so the weapon became his. It was usually attached to someone's back for the quickest response time.

All of those materials create something called the chakra metal is one which perfectly conducts the chakra without losing any in transmission or damaging the metal itself. While this would not be wasted on standard sets of kunai and shuriken, it is typically used for more customized weapons meant for long-lasting use such as katanas used by swordsmen or this "White Light Chakra Sabre".

Chakra metal is also able to absorb and hold an individual's chakra nature when it is channeled into them. Sakumo Hatake was famous for his white-looking lighting chakra motions and waves. Even after the wielder stops focusing its chakra on it, the metal will stay charged as the energy slowly dissipates over time.

The Hatake clan was a special clan honing in on kenjutsu, so it was one of a kind clan in Konoha. They were famous for their swordsmanship ever since the shinobi Warring States period, or even before that, during the Samurai Age. There was even a legend that they immigrated into the Land of Fire a long time ago from the Land of Iron, the only remaining samurai heaven in the world now.

The essence of the Hatake clan's kenjutsu was developed to allow for a single person to defeat numerous foes single-handedly. The two main principles of this style are slashing efficiently and effectively, with a minimum amount of energy being expended at the maximum speed possible while striking opponents' weak spots. Eliminating an enemy fast then moving on to the next one.

This technique can be greatly enhanced by using chakra, whether through the use of chakra flow in your sword or by enhancing your movement speed by sticking it onto the soles of your feet. High-level practitioners of this technique are able to kill the enemy shinobi even before giving them the chance to finish their seals and perform ninjutsu. There are even those who could expel that chakra outward in a form of a white light chakra wave. Such a master was the legendary Sakumo Hatake. Kakashi could do that during the Third Great Ninja War as well, albeit not on the scale of his father.


After a while, Kakashi arrived at Tsunade's office. Tsunade, Sakura, and Shizune were already there. Sakura was now Tsunade's disciple in medical ninjutsu. She was already taught basic techniques such as the Mystical Palm technique. Sakura was also taught Tsunade's most prided battle technique, her peak chakra enhancement alongside medical ninjutsu combined physical strength.

Using her perfect chakra control and medical knowledge of the human body, Tsunade learned to collect chakra in each and every cell of her fist in an instant to maximize the impact of her punch. And by collecting chakra to the absolute limit of each cell, she could unleash an outrageous level of destructive force with the smallest effort. Doing so allowed her to vitalize her muscles to the point that they could unleash the greatest amount of force without damaging them at all while using exactly the amount of chakra she needs for exactly the amount of time she needs to deliver the blow. Anyone else who attempted such a feat would be more likely to hurt themselves than achieve anything close to her strength.

Naturally, this technique evolved over time through practice and experience as she learned to collect chakra like this not only in her hands but in any part of her body. Knowing exactly how the body worked, she could apply chakra to every muscle used for punching or kicking with perfect timing to increase her damage output. She could even do the same for more complicated actions such as lifting giant objects and wielding them as weapons.

This allowed her to release her inhuman strength with any kind of physical blow she launched as well as perform feats of great strength such as lifting giant objects and wielding them as a weapon.

Just as shinobi learn to focus their chakra on their limbs instinctively, Tsunade did the same with her own version of enhancement until every blow had the potential to deliver incredible destruction. Yet she was perfectly capable of restraining herself to avoid causing unnecessary harm as well which, in many ways, made her seem even more dangerous to her enemies.

Finally, her extensive knowledge of the human body and mastery of medical ninjutsu allowed her to enhance the development of her musculature through specialized training. She continually pushed her muscles through a cycle of destruction and rebirth to build their strength while carefully optimizing them for their purpose, essentially remodeling herself into the incarnation of physical strength. Tsunade passed all of that knowledge to Sakura already who perfectly grasped it before.

And that was not even everything that Tsunade had at her disposal, she also had the "Strength of a Hundred Seal", and the accompanying techniques, although she didn't teach the rest to Sakura yet. Sakura was more talented than her other disciple Shizune, who didn't even manage to grasp her basic chakra enchantment and instead had to rely on her personal chakra conversion jutsu called the Poison Mist.

There are some ninjutsu that involved converting chakra into another substance that do not fall under the seven nature transformations. Shizune's Poison Mist converts her chakra into special chemical substances within her body which she expels through her mouth and, when they are exposed to the air, transform into a deadly poisonous gas. Jiraiya's Toad Oil Bullet converts chakra into oil and expels it all at once as a huge mass.

What makes these jutsu different from most is that they require more knowledge than just the necessary hand-seals. The Poison Mist is a jutsu that combines ninjutsu, chemistry, and medical knowledge since the caster requires a certain level of understanding for those subjects to be able to effectively convert her chakra into the correct substances.

Similarly, the Toad Oil Bullet uses Jiraiya's knowledge of toads and the oil that they naturally produce from their bodies, as well as use for their jutsu, to replicate that substance with his chakra.

The difference between this and nature transformation is that nature transforms is creates different types of chakra whilst this "chakra conversion" causes the chakra to adopt the properties of another substance. It is chakra disguised as something else instead of another kind of chakra altogether. In theory, as long as one understands a substance to a certain degree, one could potentially develop ninjutsu that creates said substance.

Chakra conversion has also been used with elemental ninjutsu as well, Asuma Sarutobi's personal "Fire Release: Ash Pile Burning" converts fire chakra into explosive powder. Instead of fiery, burning chakra, it becomes a type of matter with the potential to burn. The moment the powder is ignited by a spark or flame, it generates a fiery explosion. While the "Fire Release: Hiding in Ash and Dust" converts fire chakra into hot ash. So it takes the form of matter with an incredibly high temperature that burns with heat instead of flames. Konoha's special jonin Izumo Kamizuki's "Water Release: Starch Syrup Capturing Field" is a lesser example of chakra conversion since it doesn't actually create a different substance but it does slightly alter the water's composition to make it viscous.

"Kakashi-sensei, are you all right?", Sakura quickly rushed over to Kakashi, after he passed through the long hallways to enter Tsunade's office. Kakashi smiled and responded gently to her, "I'm good Sakura. I came to talk to Lady Tsunade regarding her offer. I agree that she tries to cultivate a new eye for me through the cells of my other eye!", He knew that he couldn't focus on kenjutsu with only one eye next. He planned to start practicing and reacquainting himself with his father's saber and kenjutsu style even before that. However, to truly reach high in the future, he needs that eye.

Tsunade was one of the greatest experts on cellular research in the whole world, and as soon as Kakashi woke up, she recommended to him that she creates him a new eye. After all, she knows how much weaker a shinobi would be without one eye, and they still need Kakashi even though he lost his Sharingan. He was still an important jonin and a member of the village. Sakura and Tsunade immediately let out an internal sigh of relief after hearing him and realizing that he still didn't give up on his shinobi duties or life even after experiencing such a shock. They were concerned for him.

"That's great to hear, Kakashi! Also, it is a very good choice you picked that weapon, of your late father, once again.", Tsunade smiled and glanced at the smart sword that was now on Kakashi's back, it brought back memories. Sakura looked curious, but Tsunade continued, "You will learn about that later, Sakura. Kakashi, it will take some time for that eye to be cultivated out of cells, maybe even months in time. Therefore, I will give you an exemption for all missions until then.",

"You should get familiar with that sword once again in the meanwhile. I'm sure you realize just how much trouble this village is facing, both internally and externally.", Tsunade suddenly made a serious face. Kakashi already told her that the masked man who attacked him wore that black coat with clouds on it. Danzo also recently made some small moves. Not to mention, the situation with the Hyuga clan. There was recently always some kind of shocking commotion happening among them.

However, all of a sudden, they heard some kind of loud commotion outside the office in the hallway. Tsunade suddenly smiled joyfully, 'They are finally back! With them here, I feel much safer!', Sakura already rushed out while Kakashi also smiled and spoke, after seeing Sakura leaving, "Don't worry, Lady Tsunade, I have another idea for a new jutsu, I will get stronger and protect this village!", Kakashi felt like he wasn't this motivated for a very long time, 'Chakra Nature Intensification, huh...'

Naruto and Jiraiya were recalled earlier from their trip due to that strange invader with white hair, who attacked the village, and Kakashi who also lost his eye. However, even without that, Jiraiya would've come earlier than planned after hearing all of that information from the Great Toad Sage.