Flowers of Padma Wijaya Mulya and Wijaya Kusuma

The kingdoms of Wirata (Virata), Mandura (Mathura)and Dwarawati are in mourning. The loss of two dashing youth figures, Prince Wisata and Prince Arya Gunadewa (Sumitra).They both had to die at the hands of King Bhomabomantara .The King of Balarama contemplated without thinking while continuing to shake his head. The King saw for himself his son and nephew. Who was trying to protect his father as well as his uncle.From an attempt to kidnap General Kismaka. But fate had other plans for the son and his nephew, Prince Wisata and his nephew, Prince Gunadewa, who died sacrificing his life for him.Prince Guritno feels sorry while waiting for the corpses of his two cousins. They only hope and wait for the arrival of the king krishna.Than Only the Wijayakusuma Flower belongs to the King Krishna, which can be expected to bring them both back to life.Then they were all startled by the shrill sound of a giant eagle. The eagle had just landed in the courtyard of the Virata Palace. Prince Sitija and Paksi Wilmuna arrived there and the Prince immediately saluted his uncle, King Balarama.Suddenly, King Balarama embraced his nephew Prince Sitija. The mighty King shed tears.

Prince Sitija just smiled at the sadness of his Uncle, King Balarama.

"Son, I'm sorry as your uncle... That's your brother and your little brother, son...!" said the king to his nephew. With a trembling voice, he couldn't hold back his sadness.

"Patience and calm yourself, Uncle..." replied Prince Sitija while patting his uncle, the King of Balarama.

"I will ask my mother Goddess Pratiwi for help. So that Big Brother Wisata and younger brother Gunadewa can rejoin us..."

"What about Princess Hyangyanawati, my older brother Sitija...?" Prince Guritno asked his cousin brother.

"For the time being, Princess Hyangyanawati I entrust to Aunt Erawati in Mandhura..." Prince Sitija replied to his cousin's younger brother.

"Where are the bodies of my older brother and my younger brother Gunadewa, Guritno's younger brother...?" asked Prince Sitija to the younger brother.

"I put their bodies in the backyard of this palace. Sitija's older brother ..." explained Prince Guritno to his older brother cousin.

"I ask for your help, Guritno's younger brother. We will carry the bodies of the two of them to the ground beneath the ground. Come on... Guritno's little brother!" asked Prince Sitija to invite his cousin's younger brother.

"Please ... Come follow me, Sitija's older brother ..." replied Prince Guritno taking Prince Sitija to the backyard of the palace.

In the courtyard of the pavilion lay two bodies lying stiff. They both lifted the two lifeless bodies and Laid In The Ground Of The Backyard Of The Palace.Everyone who was there, including King Matsyapati and his consort, Empress Sudesna, King Balarama, and Prince Udara watched with worried eyes.Prince Guritno took a few steps away and sat cross-legged on the ground. Prince Guritno while observing his cousin, Prince Sitija. Prince Sitija put his palms together then closed his eyes.Suddenly a Shocking Thing Happened In The Courtyard Near Prince Sitija . Inside the soil suddenly bursts of water that wets the ground. Slowly the waterlogged land becomes mud. And the mud then boils Instantly the ground that turned into boiling mud and popped up. Slowly the mud formed the figure of a beautiful woman.The woman who is middle-aged and is none other than Goddess Pratiwi Or Empress Satyabhama In her Goddess Form, Mother of Prince Sitija.

"I'm sorry my mother. Can my mother help me and the others, We still need the presence of Big Brother Wisata and younger brother Gunadewa, my mother."explained Prince Sitija immediately sat down on his knees to his female parents.

Prince Sitija while reuniting the two palms. While bowing his head to his mother. The Mother Smiles at the Son. Then She lifting the body of her son, the mother smiled in response to the son. While nodding his head to his beloved son. Goddess Pratiwi then hugged and kissed her beloved Son's forehead.

"My son...Do you remember, when you left Ekapratala. I gave you the Padma Wijayamulya Flower...?" The mother replied.

"The efficacy of the Padma Wijayamulya flower is the same as the Padma Wijayakusuma flower. The Padma flower brought by your father, King Krishna.The Padma Wijayamulya Flower and the Padma Wijayakusuma Flower grow in all the Ekaprathala and Vishnuloka Heaven Regions.And only expands for a hundred yugas, or once a hundred years. The Padma flower is used to enter the border of Hell and Heaven.Asking your Uncle Lord Yamadipati, to bring the souls of the dead back to their bodies..." The mother explained to the son.

"Take it and put it in your hands, my son. Then put them together in your palms. And pray while keeping your eyes closed, my son Sitija..." said the mother while holding the son's arm.

The mother and son approached the bodies of Prince Wisata and Prince Gunadewa. Prince Sitija also took the Padma Wijayamulya flower and put it together with his palms. Follow orders as the mother said.Then Prince Sitija closed his eyes. By trying to empty his mind, Prince Sitija began to regulate his breath.Immediately Prince Sitija felt something was taking him to a place. A place that passed a lot of light. Prince Sitija felt a hand like the hand of a giant The hand stroked Prince Sitija's hair..

"My niece Sitija, open your eyes. Ha...Ha...Ha..., when you want to meet your uncle, you are still accompanied by your mother, the Son of Earth."Suddenly there was a voice that was known by Prince Sitija.

Prince Sitija smiled, then opened his eyes. In front of him Prince Sitija saw a god with a giant body. A god with four arms but a very friendly face.

"Uncle Yamadipati...?" asked Prince Sitija to Lord Yamadipati.

"Yes…, my nephew. Is there anything I can help you with, the Son of Earth...?" said Lord Yamadipati who was sitting on the throne.

The God while stroking his beloved four-eyed two-headed dog. The god who looks almost the same as the biological father of Prince Sitija, namely King Krishna (Lord Vishnu).

"Would Uncle Yamadipati return the spirits of my older brother, Prince Wisata and my younger brother, Prince Arya Gunadewa...?" asked Prince Sitija to his Uncle Lord.

"Ha...Ha...Ha..., Is this, my nephew the son of the Earth. Their spirits...?" replied Lord Yamadipati emitting two bright blue lights.

Then the God gave it to Prince Sitija and his mother Goddess Pratiwi.

"Actually..., if you don't ask, my nephew. I will give the two spirits to my pet dog, so that he can take him to heaven.But since you asked for it. Maybe your two brothers are my nephews. Maybe you my nephew still needs his presence. So bring back your brother, my nephew, the son of the earth."answered Lord Yamadipati.

"Thank you my little brother Yamadipati. You have helped my son..." said Goddess Pratiwi smiling to God Yamadipati,Goddess Pratiwi bowed her head and saluted her Divine Brother.

"You're welcome…, my sister Pratiwi ..." said Lord Yamadipati Replying to Goddess Pratiwi by bowing her head.

"Thank you, Uncle. I'm sorry to disturb. Now me and my mother, we beg to say goodbye, my uncle..." said Prince Sitija as he put his palms together, Not forgetting the Prince Sitija while bowing his head to his god uncle.

"Please, my son and sister. If it's really in a hurry..." Lord Yamadipati replied while spreading his right palm.

Then Prince Sitija closed his eyes again. Without feeling Prince Sitija seemed to be attracted by something through the blinding light. Until Prince Sitija heard the voice of the Mother again.

"My son, now open your eyes..." said the mother to Prince Sitija.

Prince Sitija opened his eyes. Raden Sitija was back in the courtyard of the Wirata Palace. Prince Sitija saw Prince Wisata, his older brother and younger brother Arya Gunadewa standing in front of him.They both smiled at Prince Sitija. Then they both embraced Prince Sitija's body.

"Thank you, my little brother Sitija...!" said Prince Wisata.

"Thank you, Big Brother. Thank you..." Prince Arya Gunadewa said.

Immediately the King of Balarama ran followed by all who were there. And they all hugged each other with joy.

"I have to say goodbye first. My son, brother Kakrasana, older brother Matsyapati, my son Wisata and my son Gunadewa..." said Goddess Pratiwi to all of them.

"Thank you, my sister-in-law Pratiwi..." said King Baladewa as he put his palms together.

Then followed by everyone who was there.

Then Goddess Pratiwi replied while sinking into the ground.That day became a moving day and a happy day for all the residents of Wirata's palace.

Prince Guritno also said goodbye to follow his father's entourage.The one who just arrived at the border of the Wirata Kingdom. Then Prince Guritno flew into the air and smiled. Prince Guritno then nodded at Prince Sitija's older brother.Prince Sitija returned his nod with a wink of his right eye at his cousin's younger brother.

........... .......

Trajutrisna Palace at night looks very sturdy and magnificent.Troops from many countries gathered to joke with each other and exchange opinions. No exception with the sons of King Balarama and King Krishna.They chatted by the bonfire while burning fresh meat and making warm drinks at the same time.It looks like Prince Sitija, Prince Wisata, Prince Wimuka, Prince Arya Gunadewa, and Prince Samba.

"My brother, I want to tell you, when I kidnapped my wife, Putri Lesmanawati. At that time there was a contest in Hastinapura. And the contest read: Whoever wins in the contest.Then you will be able to marry Uncle Duryudana's daughter. Because previously I and Princess Lesmanawati already know each other and we love each other. Finally, at night before the competition starts.I asked Princess Lesmanawati to get ready. Because I will pick her up. And take her to Dwarawati to become the daughter-in-law of my father King Krishna,My future wife wanted too. When we were in the middle of the road. We were stopped by Uncle Radheya The King Awangga / Angga( King Karna), Grandpa Dewabrata (Bhisma) and Grandpa Durna.I was arrested by them and put in jail. I was also beaten like a clothesline thief by Uncle Dursasana, but fortunately Uncle Kakrasana (King of Balarama)came to take me and my future wife.After not long I was finally free. What surprised me, I was married to my wife. By Uncle Duryodhana at once we were given a place to live. A place to live in the form of a magnificent palace.Which is filled with 1000 maids for my wife, 60,000 war elephants, 60,000 war chariots, 1200 war horses. And one laksa of gold and diamonds." Prince Samba's story to all his brothers and cousins.

"But all that for my wife, Princess Lesmanawati like nothing. Because almost more than five years we were not given offspring.Until one day my wife wanted me to marry again. But actually it was very heavy, brother. Once my wife tried to set me up with another woman.But I refused, my love for Princess Lesmanawati still exceeds everything. Even to this day ..." continued Prince Samba.

"Be patient, my little brother. One day there will definitely be an answer..." said Prince Sitija while embracing Prince Samba's younger brother's shoulders.

"Hey..., Samba. Do you remember when we were little, you used to throw chicken manure in my face..." said Prince Wimuka while pointing at his cousin's face.

"That's how vengeful Wimuka's brother is to me. Ha…Ha…Ha…" Prince Samba replied with all those who were there laughing.

"Even when our time was up yesterday when we attacked Giyantipura. How could you lie to me so many times.You said when we passed the river from the small village, Big Brother Wimuka, did the older brother not see that there were many naked females?As soon as I turned, you pushed my head until I fell and rolled into the river. Where is the Thick River with lots of Buffalo Manure again..."Prince Wimuka's voice immediately made everyone laugh out loud.

"It doesn't stop there… Bathing time at only pants were exchanged for a women's long skirt. Who else if not him, yeah… him.don't know where you got it from. That's a women's long skirt, SAMBAA. DON'T YOU…!!" Prince Wimuka rebuked.

But those who were rebuked even laughed out loud.

"The problem is, Big Brother forgot that time. Big Brother said it was a wet dream. Did you wash your own pants...?" Said Prince Samba Dodging While Laughing out loud.

"When did I have a wet dream, huh...?" muttered Prince Wimuka, confused while scratching the back of his head's hair.

"The problem is it's time to sleep. Big Brother wakes up already in the soldier's horse dump. They say people have seen Big Brother Delirious while walking..." replied Prince Samba.

"When was that, Yes... Oh... So you, Yes... Who moved me while I was sleeping. Suddenly when I woke up. My face was exposed to a lot of dirt and urine from the soldiers' horses...!" said Prince Wimuka again .

"No…, that's how big brother is. When he's delirious, it's true. But it's time when big brother sleeps while walking. So I direct older brother to a special place.Instead of Big Brother sleeping cold. He said he wanted to find a warm place.How would I know if in the end, Big Brother Bears Horse Manure. Ha...Ha...Ha..."

Suddenly they were all laughing non-stop. Except Prince Wilmuka His face immediately turned red with embarrassment.

"Not only that, you also Prank for Uncle Seta, your parents Prank too. When He are tired, He are tired when He sleep. The next morning the horse's saddle is gone. Then he said Uncle Seta's butt hurts.Because of Riding a Horse Without a Saddle "

"It's gone. Where's Uncle's saddle…?" Asked Prince Wisata Surprised.

"No…, when we departed between us. Only the saddle was the Samba whose footing was damaged due to missing one.Hey...Then you entrust one of the Soldiers. DON'T SAY YOU NO..., And you're the one wearing Uncle Seta's Saddle, RIGHT...!!?"Ask Prince Wimuka to Prince Samba.

"No, Yeey ...!" replied Prince Samba while pouting his mouth to his cousin.


"Uncle Seta is sometimes senile. Just look at his gray hair. Uncle Seta's saddle was left behind in the next squad. The problem was, I was told to put Uncle Kakrasana's saddle next to him."

"Then why don't you bring it...?" asked Prince Wimuka with a probing face to Prince Samba.

"The problem is we are already half way through, I remember it, sorry I forgot..." replied Prince Samba with a smile And scratching his head again innocently makes everyone laugh out loud again