The King Arimbaji

Prince Sitija headed towards the burial of his ancestors in the Gandhamadana hermitage area. The funeral of the ancestors of his father, King Krishna.Prince Sitija and his father set off together before the sun shines.

"My son ..., Have you prepared the tools for the preparation, son ...?" Asked the father to his son.

"It's according to the wishes of my grandfather Brahmin Jembawan, my father..." replied Prince Sitija while bringing his palms together.

Don't forget Prince Sitija always bows his head to pay respects to his father.

"We'll just ride horses, my son. Heading towards Gandhamadana. Because the location is also not far enough from here?" Said the father to his son.

Prince Sitija smiled and nodded his head to his father again.

The courtiers prepare the chosen palace horses,Then the courtiers also put on the saddle and harness.

"We salute you Lord Your Majesty the Prince. Do Your Majesty the King and Your Majesty the Prince need a guide?" said a palace servant while sitting cross-legged. Then the courtiers put their palms together. Also bowed his head to his lord.

"No need…, Uncle. We already know the direction is only a few yards from here. Please, Uncles, rest first." Said Prince Sitija Seraya replied Respectfully to the Servant of the Royal Palace.

"Thank you, Your Majesty the Prince ..." said the courtiers saluting back as he left his place.

They both immediately mounted the horses that had been prepared. And gently stomping the reins,Instantly the horses neighed then ran fast. The horses headed towards the Hermitage and Burial of Their Ancestors at Gandhamadana.

Without realizing it, the father and son pair had arrived at the Gandhamadana Gate. They were greeted by the Brahmin Jembawan and his grandson, Prince Gunadewa. Seen in front of the gate of King Balarama together with his two sons, Prince Wisata, Prince Wilmuka.The eldest son of Prince Partajumna (Pradjumna), Prince Sitija's eldest brother, namely Prince Arya Bawana and the younger brother of Prince Samba. They welcomed their father and brother as well as their younger brother.Then they immediately headed to Petilasan. To pray for the souls of the Mandhura Elders.

The King Krishna and King Balarama invite all to sit down cross-legged together.They began to put their palms together. Then they closed their eyes and prayed together. But over time, Prince Sitija felt something else.Prince Sitija felt there was a similar situation. When it was time to pass through the gates of Lord's Yamadipati, God's Uncle.Prince Sitija tried to concentrate his mind. Prince Sitija tried to concentrate his mind. But everything was dark. Prince Sitija felt like he had entered another realm. The realm where Prince Sitija met his god uncle Lord Yamadipati.

"My cousin, Prince Sitija...!" there was a big hoarse voice calling him.

"I Am Arimbaji, My Cousin's Older Brother...!" Suddenly a Deity Giant figure dressed as a Brahmin appeared.

The Brahmin Giant Deity walked towards Prince Sitija. Then the Brahmin followed the sitting pattern of Prince Sitija. With a cross-legged posture the Deity Brahmin then paid respects to Prince Sitija.

Prince Sitijapun returned the respect of the Great Brahmin Deity.

"I know, my cousin's younger brother. About the story of my cousin's younger brother Arimbaji from Uncle Prabakesha..Finally I can meet you in person. Is there anything That I can do for you, my cousin Arimbaji's younger brother...?" asked Prince Sitija to the figure of his younger cousin, Raja Arimbaji.

"I'm here to see you, my cousin brother. Because I feel guilty, By allowing the souls of the Pringgondhani Army, which used to follow me.And now their souls and spirits are trapped in revenge in Wana Goa Siluman, my cousin brother. I want my cousin Sitija to free them..." asked the king Arimbaji to Prince Sitija, the older brother of his cousin.

"How can I do it, my little brother...?" asked Prince Sitija.

"They are victims of my actions, my brother.I was too selfish in worshiping the Gods. Without paying attention to my surroundings, the people and everything I believed in had to die because of me."I want to make amends to them. All the people and spirits of the troops who have been near me. The spirits believe that later someone can revive them.They believed that it was me. My Big Brother...! "explained the King Arimbaji to his elder brother.

"You are innocent my little brother Arimbaji. It is sometimes what we want. Not what we expected. You have done a lot of good and wisdom as a king.You have many people who love you. And a great army of brave Soldier who are always by your side.There's nothing to blame a pure-hearted Deity Giant like you, my little brother. It's just that you always believe the words of Everyone Who Speaks To You.It's because of your innocence that those who are savage take advantage of your kindness. My little brother..." replied Prince Sitija to his cousin.

"Lord's Yamadipati said to me, If I wish I will be given life again in the mortal realm. But my heart is heavy, my brother.Let Me reach Eternal, And I want to appoint you, to replace me. Yesterday I saw you, Big Brother. My Brother revived Big Brother Wisata and Big Brother Gunadewa.Now if you will, my older brother. I beg and beg you to return. Please go back to the Jungle of GowaSiluman Wilderness. And revive the Troops who are also my friends and companions.I beg you. Live them, my older brother. So that they can devote themselves to you ..." said the King Arimbaji while kneeling to Prince Sitija.

The Great Brahmin King Deity clasped his palms together and bowed his head to Prince Sitija.

"Stand up, my little brother. Okay, I'll try to do it for you..." replied Prince Sitija.

"Thank you…, thank you. My older brother Sitija. I'll say goodbye first, big brother.And I wish, May You, my Brother. Stay in the protection of Sang Hyang Wenang, the creator of the universe and the father of all the gods and goddesses in this universe, the eldest brother.." The King said goodbye, then King Arimbaji brought his palms together again.

And the Great Brahmin King Deity saluted Prince Sitija then stood up and left. Prince Sitija closed his eyes again. Suddenly the feeling was dark again.And when Prince Sitija opened his eyes something strange felt. King Krishna, his father sat cross-legged doing the same thing with him. While the others were not there.The King Krishna opened his eyes and smiled at his son.

"My father where the others...?" asked Prince Sitija surprised to the father.

"You did Meditation while performing the Prayer for Our Ancestors, My Son. I have followed you..."

"My father, I'm sorry..." said Prince Sitija while respecting his father.

"My Big Brother...,Stayed in that position for three days and Three Nights..."said the voice behind him who turned out to be Prince Arya Gunadewa.

Prince Arya Gunadewa smiled when he saw his older brother back.

"Until our father feels worried, but thankfully. The important thing is that you both have returned..." explained Prince Gunadewa to his older brother.

Prince Sitija and King Krishna smiled at last the three of them embraced each other.

"My father…, I ask permission to go at midnight to the GowaSiluman Jungle...?"

"If that is the direction given to you, do it, my son. Later I will order your younger brother Tetuka, Pancatyana's younger brother and Prabakesha's younger brother.By bringing a few Pringgondhani troops to accompany you, my son..." said the father to his son.

"Thank you, my father..."

"Hmmmm..., Soon the sun will be rolling. We'd better get ready to go back to Trajutrisna, my son...!" said King Krishna as he stood up and was followed by the two sons.

"Yes, let's please my father...!" Answered both of them

while walking towards the Gandamadhana Gate.

And they mounted their respective horses and headed home towards Trajutrisna.

The night came, the full moon adorned the gloomy sky. After saying goodbye to King Krishna and King Balarama along with all his brothers .Prince Sitija, Ditya Pancatnyana, Supreme General Prabakesa and fifteen Giant Deity Warriors of the Pringgondani Kingdom. They are getting ready to travel to the Jungle GowaSiluman Wilderness.

Prince Sitija put the reins on Paksi Wilmuna, Then Prince Sitija then climbed the back of his friend.

"Are you ready. Son...!" said Ditya Pancatyana to Prince Sitija, his nephew.

Prince Sitija answered by nodding towards the Uncle.

"Well ..., before morning comes. We have to get there, Uncle ...!" said Prince Sitija.

"Son…, I appointed the fifteen best Pringgondhani Soldiers.

They were on guard outside the Cave. When We Entered GowaThe Demon..." said the Supreme General Prabakesha.

"Alright all uncles. Let's go ...!" Said Prince Sitija while slightly stomping the reins of Garuda Wilmuna.

The Giant Eagle Paksi Wilmuna also made a shrill sound many times while flapping its wings. Wilmuna's Paksi floated in the air for a while then sped quickly towards the sky.

"Are you ready my little brother Pancatyana..., Who will we eat first? Ten forest deer...!" said Supreme General Prabakesha, smiling at Ditya Pancatyana.

Ditya Pancatyana answered with a smile while bowing her head to her elder brother.All of them while taking steps to run

"PRINGGODANI ARMY…, LET'S GO…!!" Supreme General Prabakesha exclaimed to all his soldiers.

The Deity Giants immediately ran using their body lightening abilities. Even though they were big, they had incredible speed. They all run sometimes jump high enough without making a sound. They run through the silence of the night without a sound. The Pringgodhani Kingdom's Convoy of Deity Giants followed the direction From the Flying Direction of Paksi Wilmuna and Prince Sitija.In order to remain visible in their sight. They Undaunted Run towards the Jungle GowaSiluman Awful Wilderness.