Temporary maidens _1

"I have prepared your bath my lady"

Bella came to inform"Hmm" I nodded and replied laconically. I shifted my gaze away from the huge window and followed her to prepare for the day, she helped me with my bath and massaged my head with different oil types, I closed my eyes and savoured the feeling, the massage helped me think less about the dream I had and relax a little...

after she was done helping me with my my bath,I sat in front of the mirror as usual she oilled my hair and combed it, she then styled it by braiding two sides and letting the rest fall, before she tied the braids at the back and added golden flower pins to match After she was done with my hair,she brought out dresses for me to choose from, right then there was a knock on the door and Anna came in "I brought Madame Bridget just as you had instructed my lady "| nodded indicating that she should let madam Bridget in.Anna then walked in along side madame bridge whom i had requested to meet..

" good morning your highness you requested for my presence" She greeted and bowed "Hmm good morning Madame Bridget"l replied and gestured for her to raise her head as I walked

over to the dresses being laid on the bed"I want for you to assign other maidens to replace Anna and Bella"I said as I picked up a dress and examined it "My lady I shall do as I have been told, but did Anna and Bella do

anything wrong, don't worry my lady i shall punish them accordingly" she said a little bit surprised as my request because I had loved and treated both Anna and Bella as big sisters ever since I was still very young both Anna and Bella were older than me.. i could still remember clearly the first day that they where assigned to be my chamber maidens.

I was still little and scared to sleep alone that night so I requested that they join me on the bed , but they instantly refused and I started whimpering and looked at them with sad eyes as they were already filled with tears that were threatening to fall,they both quickly climbed up the bed and patted my head telling me that it was alright . Bella slept by my right and Anna slept by my left. I could finally sleep thinking I was safe , if any monster tried to grab me from my right they would eat Bella before they got to me , I would have escaped from the left side of the bed with Anna ,if the same were to happen in the left side I would escape with Bella ... After all they were my friends ...

I smiled reminiscing about my childish thoughts back then, they were both years older than I was.. that

was 6 years ago" No it's just temporary, I want them to have a day's full rest from duties " I turned my back to face madame Bridget' they could stay in my quarters and are free to do whatever they like,also have maidens attend to their needs"

Madam Bridget stood stiff as that was too much of special treatment for a maid , she looked at me with raised brows"but your highnes.."I raised my hand to cut her off "Just do as I have said "I turned my back on her again contemplating on what to wear

"Yes my lady " she bowed and left..One dress in particular caught my attention it was a green ball gown dress that perfectly matched the color of my eyes, I picked it up and examined it..