Temporary maidens_2

Chapter 10

After Examining the green dress I had picked, Anna and Bella helped me get dressed and brought out similar green coloured matching shoes for me to pick, I picked the one that had golden designs that matched with the golden lines on

my dress and my hair pins.After dressing up I sat in front of the mirror to check my self out, not that I was the type to care about looking perfect,but i just felt to put in effort on my looks today "My lady Madame Bridget is here

with the maidens you requested "

Bella came to inform"Let them in" I replied without tearing away my gaze from the Mirror

"Hmmn" i could hear Anna's groans as she was still unsure of my decision to let them have a break together with the special treatment probably still thinking that was too much.Although both Anna and Bella were my supposed to be only chamber maidens I had made them my

personal maidens also because I had grown quite fond of them, not only that but I felt strangely connected to them and very familiar in their presence.

"What is the matter Anna? " I asked pretending not to be aware of the

reasons" if you keep quiet like

that for long I can't understand you, you know " I said and turned to face her

"Um your majesty isn't it a little too

much that you asked to take a day's brake and request for special treatment, I don't mean to sound ungrateful but it's not proper for us that way my lady" she said all that while keeping her head low and squeezing her fingers as if she was

scared of something.I looked at her suspiciously but didn't say a word, I knew the reason she was scared wasn't because of me but something else"You do sound ungrateful you know, am just trying to be nice and you tell me it's im proper " I said and pouted my lips playfully and squinted my brows " I didn't know that being nice was a bad thing to

do "l added and folded my arms

"Am sorry my lady that is not what I mea.." She couldn't finish her sentence when Bella walked in with Madame Bridget along with the madiens

"I have brought the maidens you requested my lady " Madame Bridget announced and slightly pushed the two forward, those girls seemed to be around my age, and they were acting all weird around me like they were scared or uncomfortable with me

"Names" I said and looked at the two girls that were shaking like I was actually going to eat them up ,do I look like some kind of monster that was planning on having them for breakfast I raised my brows questioningly, for God sake Madame Bridget picked these two out of all"My lady, Viola at your service " the girl with really short brown hair,amber eyes and fair skin stepped forward to introduced herself and bowed"My lady, Stella at your service"the other girls with dark skin and curly black hair stepped forward also and bowed"Good" I said and dismissed Madame Bridget .Anna and Bella still unsure of what to do looked at each other as if saying' now where do we startfrom'

"You can go now, make sure to have fun as your allowed to leave the palace or have quality time in my quarters, or you can take this as opportunity to reunite with your loved ones outside the palace "I said winked and smiled, Bella seemingly over the moon with my words grinned widely and tried to pull the hesitant Anna, I clasped my hands together,stood up and pushed Anna playfully she finally gave in and walked out with Bella holding her hands