Please let me go

Adrian had just started working as a bartender six months ago, to lessen the burden on his aunt and ameliorate the financial difficulties they were facing.

Well, it didn't come as stupefaction when he got the job on his first try. Normally anybody under sixteen years is considered still too young to take on jobs. But The latter's looks had deceived the bar's owner into thinking he was a seventeen-year-old. And in desperate need of someone to work for him, he hired Adrian on the spot.

Adrian's looks had always attracted attention, most especially from women. He had these breathtaking feminine facial features that never seemed to fail to make him noticed by many. With his gorgeous jet-black silk hair which never seems to lose its glimmer. He has a pale skin color, that never loses its shine. a tall slender well-built body stature and well-defined abs, the curls of his eyelashes were pristine, with thick well-shaved eyebrows and green irises, and his lips were a gorgeous glow of light pink which was quite plump and miniature

With all these heavenly features, he possesses it was quite a hard task to stay away from ladies, as they swarmed around him for attention and practically fights for who gets to be near him. The most annoying part is that even older ladies try to derive his attention also. but he answers them all with a cold attitude.

Currently, it appears as if his cold attitude proves ineffective toward the ladies. They think it is part of being cool, or he was only trying to play hard to get .making their advances toward him even harder than the previous times. Especially Amanda.

Amanda is one of the most arrogant of all girls, due to her indomitable beauty. She could be considered one of the most beautiful lassies in town. she also has men that craved her attention but she on the other hand wanted Adrian to steal her first kiss as she was obsessed with the latter. she believes that only the most handsome deserve to be with a goddess such as herself. Most girls couldn't show their admiration towards the latter in front of her anymore because they were scared of the consequences they were going to face. Amanda's father has connections with the duke of Sparta causing most people to be scared of her as she wasn't a good description of nice. Her father had spoilt her too much as she was the only girl he has, the rest were boys. she is also the last child of her mother. To crown it all she got her alluring beauty from nonother than her father himself.

No one dared to mess with her as she got the ability to make them knee in front of her if she pleases. Sometimes she punishes people just for entertainment and she goes Scott-free without anyone questioning her actions...she browbeats anyone she finds interesting, especially ones that we're destitute. But Adrian's case was different, even in his poor state she still admired him so much that she was willing to give up her body anytime for him. her obsession with him just continued to grow immensely. as she was hell-bent on making Adrian hers. and nobody else's ...she just couldn't stand the thought of seeing him with another woman.

All these just seem to annoy the latter, he doesn't even find interest in chasing ladies. To him, it's a waste of time. even his aunt's rules wouldn't allow him to think of such. To crown it all nobody knows Adrian's real age. This was another rule from his aunt, he wasn't allowed to share the detail with anybody.

Amanda had already reached the age of matrimony, but her blind obsession with Adrian was getting the better of her. she refused to marry another person but him. Her father had started getting fed up with her nonsensical attitude. He doesn't want his daughter to end up marrying a mere commoner, that was just a disgrace to their lineage. He had tried many ways to convince his daughter but she wouldn't budge.

His worries for her just continued to grow as she was almost eighteen years old but still hasn't found a suitor. Nobody would want to marry her if she was any older than eighteen. she does not even realize that she was a lot older than Adrian, who could serve as a junior brother to her.

She had even tried to persuade him by promising all sorts of riches after their marriage. After noticing all the cold responses she received from the latter, she had to threaten him, by using the only family he has 'his aunt'.but that didn't even work either...she didn't have the guts to mess with his aunt as that would only prove to be futile. it would only make the latter hate her more, she knows.

Adrian's beauty proved to be ineffective when at work though, as the owner had predicted. Part of the reason Adrian had been accepted was also his beauty. The owner of the tavern had thought if Adrian worked for him, he was likely to have more customers because of the attention the latter drew. It was like his bar was cursed never to receive good customers.


The noble lady got up to leave but changed her mind and walked closer to the counter "Estaban?" she called and gaped at Adrian with the doubt that never seemed to cease from her facial expressions ever since she entered the tavern.

Adrian turned to look behind, to inspect if she was referring to someone else. but her beautiful eyes stared directly into his. she stretched her hands forward and used her thumb to caress his cheeks as her eyes welled up.

he immediately pulled her hand off his face and stared at her with confusion written on his face " Please ma'am am not Esteban, you must be mistaking me for someone else" he made sure his tone stood firm. he also couldn't deny the fact that he felt camaraderie with the woman." I'm never wrong dear" her tone also changed to a much colder one.

By now everyone's attention was centralized on them. making the moment awkward for the latter. she sighed and took a few steps back from the counter right then came a scream from the entrance.

"How dare you! " Amanda barged in like a barbarian while she sent warning glares at the woman, whom she taught was flirting with her lifelong desire.

'This is gonna be interesting ' Adrian thought to himself and smirked.

"Do you know who I am?! "she questioned once she was standing right in front of the woman who seemed pretty bored with her drama.

" you crazy woman don't you have any shame? how dare you flirt with my fiance? you don't have any idea of the impact of what you just did, do you?" she yelled and everyone watched as she attempted to slap the woman. But she got her hand twisted instead. the woman was very brisk that no one even predicted her fast moves.

Amanda hollered in pain as tears strolled down her cheeks "let me go, you crazy woman!" she yelled as the cracking sounds of her bones were being heard. her face had turned completely red." Ad...dri... please come save me".she begged. but instead of helping her, he sat on a stool and stared at her miserable condition. " please let me go" she finally begged the woman when she saw that nobody was willing to save her.