" No "

Adrian couldn't help but chortle inwardly as he gazed at her miserable situation. The noblewoman had extricated her, and now she lies on the floor helplessly. " You won't even dare think of such an act next time " the woman spat and turned to Adrian as if saying ' I'll come to find you soon 'and then left the tavern.

Immediately after she left, some guards walked in and scurried toward Amanda who still sobbed, while on the cold floor.

She had also heard of the noble's visit and was here to ascertain if it was indeed true. the impoverished tavern was full by the time she got there, to her utmost shock. But what made her aggressive toward the lady was the fact that she was making seductive advances toward Adrian. The only person she truly treasured.

Nobody dared to come near the chaos that took place right in front of them, they knew it was a terrible idea to try and stop the woman. And by the way, they all thought she deserved it.

"Adrian...how...how could ...you?!" she said amidst her tears.

"let go of me! " she yelled at her guards that were trying to lift her" you saw me in pain, but instead of coming to help me you sat and enjoyed my screams"Adrian ignored her and continued to attend to the customers.

" Am talking to you, you son of a bitch !" she yelled in frustration and stood up from the floor. Immediately she did she cried out in discomfort "Ahhhhhh" she held her twisted arm which was now swollen.

"Okay, I forgive you. we can make this work ...please" she sobbed.

" please" the please came out as a whisper. Even with all her desperate petitions, Adrian did not even attempt to glance her way, he was occupied doing much more important things at that moment to even take a glimpse of her misery. which was something he wanted to see the most.

The people over at the bar stared at her with pity and started whispering. Which soon turned into a loud murmur. The people that were present were mostly men who came to check the woman out, but couldn't make advances due to her cold aura...some even planned to rob her of her jewelry but changed their plan immediately after they entered the bar. While some women stared at the commotion from outside the windows.

The embarrassment Amanda felt at that moment sent her into great despair whilst the guards toted her out of the bar.

it was inappropriate for a lady to be seen entering a bar, any lady seen stepping into the bar was deemed a whore. Amanda's reputation could easily be tainted but she didn't care. All she wanted was for Adrian to be hers and hers only. she couldn't stand the thought of seeing another woman near him.

After she left, the murmurs died down.

Throughout the day, customers kept increasing which made the day exhausting for Adrian. That day when he got home he immediately took hiatus not even bothering to have dinner which his aunt had readied.


" it seems to me you had a pretty much interesting day at work, mind sharing?" he heard his aunt's voice by the entrance of his room. Adrian forcefully got up from the floor and let out a tired sigh. The woman had her arms crossed over her chest while she rested her back against the portico with an interrogative look.

" No " he simply stated and also rested his back against the wall. He was pretty much sure the woman had heard of their phenomenon customer and the attraction she induced upon the tavern he worked. So why press him for more information? He was certain that she knew cause the countenance on her face enunciated it all.

" mmmm? " she replied with a raised brow

" well you heard me clearly, I said no, now stop bothering me, am tired as it is already! " he strained his voice in frustration and curved his brows like he was having a headache. Right after did he realize what he had done.

he noticed a frown etched on her face while she stared at his like she was seeing something he couldn't right on his face, and then she started sniffing like a dog that had found something really unusual or rather unbelievable

. " Adrian, today while at work did you notice someone or something unusual around you?, don't lie to me boy, you know what I'm capable of " she stared directly into his irises as if searching for answers in them.

The boy stared at her like she was crazy for a moment and then he opened his mouth to speak but words refuse to come out so he sealed his lips shut and tore his gaze away from hers. " answer! " she yelled losing all her patience right at the moment.

" No " Adrian replied

" you're lying, I can still scent the person's aura around you. The person had physical contact with you, and I know you must have probably felt something when it touched you." she declared while giving him a warning shot.

" you can what now?" he snickered and rolled his eyes " what do you mean by you can still scent the person's aura around me " he polled and gave her a questioning look.

" urg! " she seemed pissed now

" you know just about everything about yourself now stop pretending and answer my question before I take action " she threw her hands up in annoyance.

Well, it was true that Adrian had finally found

answers. Well, it was not that his aunt just told him, he found answers by snooping around her things. He was just so curious about what they were, the feeling of curiosity had taken over him ultimately that he broke one of his aunt's rules ' don't go near the basement, talkless of even stepping inside '