What are you?

After she introduced herself she stared at Adrian expectantly and kept on smiling.

He noticed it ever since he stepped into this dwelling. The people here seem to be very friendly and they live a very peaceful and quiet life even though he just got there a few minutes ago Well all of them except the chap Ash. The latter looked like a lifeless frog to Adrian. the latter just kept giving him cold glares which didn't make the tiniest of an impact on Adrian. Instead, he returned the cold stare with a much colder one...

"Aeh my don't mind my brother, he's just a lost cause, let's focus on something more important... Like getting to know how you awakened and... " lilou paused and sealed her lips upon setting her eyes on someone behind Adrian.

Adrian turned back to discover a tall-looking woman staring down at him with confusion and then she smirked upon realizing something.

She has extremely long red hair and gray-colored eyes, she maintains plump black-colored lips. Her well-defined curves were revealed in the long black dress she was putting on. It was a long-sleeved black gown that was tightened with ropes at the back from her shoulders to her hips, which from there was free-flowing with the wind. All in all, she was excessively good-looking.

She walked past the latter and stopped when she was standing directly in front of lilou " now lilou why would you name your brother a lost cause? " she said in a whispery voice but loud enough for someone standing near her to hear what she said clearly.

" Maybe because he is " she replied and shrugged nonchalantly

" That behavior is unacceptable lilou, we have a guest amongst us at least show some regard"

'Oh, she noticed me? Isn't she the one who just walked past me like I was a nonexistent bug? and here she is telling someone to show regards' Adrian thought to himself and rolled his eyes... Didn't these people just call him the mighty one? He shook his head thinking they were mistaking...

The woman turned to Adrian " I was expecting you " and smirked. She then grabbed his right hand and teleported to an unknown location.

" wow!...how did you do that? " Adrian found himself asking in astonishment as he looked around in awe.

The woman simply ignored all his questions and proceeded toward a shabby-looking cottage. Which looked like it was going to collapse any moment now.

The latter had decided to break his principles of restraining from talking to people. he needed answers and he was sure he would get what he had always craved from his aunt here or maybe even freedom.

" Why did you bring me here," he asked another question looking forward to getting a reply from the woman who looked like she knew a lot

She stopped in her tracks" what do you mean? "

" you brought me here, why? "

" you came here yourself, I didn't do anything" she replied and turned back and grinned

" Wait... The voice I heard... It was you? "

" Took you long enough " she rolled her eyes and continued to walk towards the cottage " follow me "

" why?"

" you ask too many questions " she seemed a little irked by his constant questioning

" yes that's cause you're keeping me in suspense " he replied and started running towards the woman to fill the gap between the both of them.

The woman unlocked the door and went inside and Adrian followed her in only to receive another shock. The wrecked-looking cottage he saw earlier was gone!... They have once again traveled somewhere else. The interior decorations of this huge mansion made his jaw drop to the ground.

There were golden statues of weird-looking creatures at the entrance of the door, the floors were made of marble and the entire building inside was painted mostly white and gold including the furnitures . Enormous paintings were hung on the walls, which were mostly paintings of flowers...

" How did we leave the cottage? " Adrian questioned.

" We never left the cottage, we're in the cottage "this time she answered his question surprising the latter a little, he had thought the woman would probably leave him in suspense as usual.

" so you're a sorceress? " he took slow strides toward the paintings on the walls, those flowers he has seen before but cannot remember when or where...

" you've seen those before? " she was surprised 'how'

" you can read thoughts? " the latter turned to her.

" well that I can, but with you, I can't " she answered.

" what are you? "