
" I'm a Hyde " she smirked

" Hyde?" he questioned, shocked by the revelation. Never in his entire life has he heard of ' hydes ' it was a new assertion to him. he believed she was some sort of high-ranking witch due to her dark aura. He probably had only heard of witches

" all of you are hydes? " he questioned referring the to ones he met earlier...

" yes we all are " she replied and sat on a white couch " here " she gestured for him to sit on the chair opposite hers.

" is that another name to dub witches? " he polled again just to be sure they weren't witches. As he took his place on the white comfy chair opposite hers.

" No, it's not! we're not witches we're hydes " she slightly raised her voice insinuating that she wasn't pleased with him calling them witches...To their kind, witches were just weak mortals with little magical abilities and aids of spell books and some other magical equipment to perform certain magical spells to aid their powers.

" You're in asnah, a magical realm, the home of hydes which has existed since The beginning of time " she started to exemplify like a mother narrating to her child a fairy tale story.

" we hydes are immortals born with high magical and supernatural mastery, although we have different species of hydes " she enunciated.

" There are the water hydes, conflagration hydes, the waft hydes, the dark hydes, and finally the light hydes "

" The water hydes possess the ability to easily manipulate anything water affiliated, they dwell mostly in the grete ocean...They can also contrive sea creatures, well not that they don't have the power to do other things the rest of the hydes can do but it's limited for their kind is mainly focused on water proficiency "she concluded

The aghast Adrian could only listen in amusement as he was as enthusiastic as a kid receiving lots of sweets from a grown-up for the first time ...

" the conflagration hydes, they're hydes with special fire abilities they are the fiercest when it comes to the manipulation of fire, they live in clans and are very territorial, they also possess other abilities the other hydes do but their potency is mostly focused with fire energy while the rest of their powers are limited..."

" We have the waft hydes, the is the controller of winds, that's their potency. They also possess the ability of the other hydes but it's limited also. "

" The dark hydes, are one of the most powerful species, they have complete control over the other hydes mentioned... Their leverages are extremely influential. They are the complete description of darkness, they are masters of magical supremacy, they also live in clans are and much more territorial than the configuration hydes, they rule, they destroy they kill relentlessly they are the darkness of asnah " she stated her words with passion, anger and with an unnerving tone...Like they had taken things away from her, something she treasured, something that made her life miserable that she wants to live very far away from the rest of the world.

" Are you a dark hyde? " Adrian questioned. He could sense that, every description of darkness within her even her aura alone reeked of it... But her dwelling is nothing compared to darkness as it's filled with light and its energy in this house of hers.

" you guessed right " she replied in a hushed tone...

" The light hydes, they're the complete opposite of the dark hydes, they're also rivals in terms of power and supernatural abilities, they seek peace, fruitfulness, and abundance of the hydes, they're not territorial and welcome the others with an open heart. Their power is mainly based on the light which can overthrow darkness, the other abilities they possess aren't restricted. They are as capable as the other hydes in terms of any kind of use of powers. and they have the ability of earth " she concluded with a smile barely noticeable " earth? " Adrian questioned

" yes, it means they can communicate with nature," she replied.

" communicate with nature? How?"

" you'll get to find out more as time goes on. " she retorted.

" What am I? " from here Adrian had concluded that he had connections with these people, he just wanted to know the truth.

" That was why I called you here " this time she smiled genuinely.

" Ever heard of demons? "

" well yes " he retorted

" oh ok, tell me what you know about them " she queried

"Well, they're evil beings who work alongside devils and witches? " he replied unsure about his answers.

"pfft" she couldn't hold back her laughter.

" Demons working alongside witches or what am I hearing," she said admitting her laughter.

" what's so funny? " the confused latter inquired

" is that what Belladonna had been teaching you all these years? " the laughter had died down a little.

" well no, but I've heard people say " he replied.

" Humans are so pathetic, they're mere mortals who have no ideas of the other realms that lies beyond them except theirs, they fabricate stories that are not even true just to satisfy their curiosity and do not even try to find out the truth about their existence, they find supernaturals dangerous and alarming to the extent they execute the ones with little magical abilities amongst them, considering them a threat...what do they know about demons? " she expressed her hate for humans.

" There isn't such as demons working alongside witches "

"witches and demons only have one thing in common, they both despise each other "

" Demons also have high hatred for our kind, we also have adversaries with demons "

" They almost destroyed our home once, due to a grave mistake that our leader had made a long time ago. " she stared at Adrian with mixed emotions. hatred, love, guilt, disdain...and many other feelings he couldn't fathom.

" A grave mistake my sister made " her eyelids claimed half of her eyeballs as she stared at her knotted fingers unsure whether to unveil the truth to the latter...she let out a sigh and decided it was time.

" what might that be? "

" you, the mistake she made was you and your twin sister," she replied

" Twin? sister? " he was excited to know that he had a twin sister, but also confused. All this year he had been living a lie, his aunt had kept many secrets from him including the existence of his sister, he had always thought he was an orphan, with no other relatives apart from his aunt. Now that he thought of it he had never questioned his aunts about what happened to his biological parents, not that if he asked she would tell him the truth. She would just keep in the dark as always.

" yes twin sister " she replied

" your mother, the former queen of the asnah empire was a light hyde, the greatest of all lights there is, and governed the land for millennials. she was a great warrior who stood as a role model to the other light hydes, although she was a fierce warrior she was still kind-hearted and governed her people with love, her beauty alone was a sight to behold. She was an enchantress, many desired to be with her but non got her attention."

" you see... We hydes have something we call 'mates'..."

"They're like heavenly matched couples with a special bond that makes one feel that they are meant for one another... The bond can be broken by non, nobody can break that special bond between mates... I won't go further in explaining. You'll also get to find out about the bond sooner or later "

" demons also have that mating bond " she sighed.

" unlucky bacillia was the mate of a ruthless demon lord," she said those words spitefully. She had a deep hatred for demons.