The future

" I discerned a destructive ambiance and had to inspect if everything was OK Empress, " Klat adjusted his belt as he justified.

" I'm sorry for my vulgarity my Queen" he ranked his right hand on the left side of his chest and kneed with only his right knee.

"Rise" she hailed, with her voice a little bit shaky as she was insecure if he had listened to the absolute conversation. Had he been camouflaging? She rumbled her eyes inwardly, of course not! If he had been hiding she would have known all along, except if he was using uoy to conceal his presence...

" for how long have you been hiding sir Klat?"

Taken aback by the sudden question Klat brows arched, but he made sure the Empress didn't notice, that would be a sign of disrespect if she did, he might face a penalty for confronting the Empress openly.

" Empress, this loyal disciple of yours did no such, I had just come to inspect the area if it had been intruded because of the consequential ambiance I felt while on duty. " he looked enthusiastic as he conveyed, making Bacillia a little culpable towards him.

" leave" she nodded.

" I'm sorry your highness, may I ask about the aura I groped? I'm infallible that you must have discerned it long before I did, but I had to ask because it wasn't just any powerful ambiance, It was perilous and alarming," he looked around again as if looking for the source...

But now that he came here, there was nothing? Had the Empress dealt with it? Or was it all an ideation? He was sure it belonged to a demon!

" or perhaps my lady dealt with it in advance?" he asked when he got no reply.

" There is nothing out here as you can see, are you perhaps presuming a false aura sir Klat?"

" No, my lady, I'd never" the situation looked a little tense as Kalts struggled to maintain his balance after noticing the distortion of her face.

" leave! You're interrupting us" she made sure she extended her mouthpiece a little to make him demoralized and leave.

Kalts wondered what made her so insecure, that made her react that way, but he didn't press further and simply teleported out of the province in order not to provoke her the more.

" Till when do we have,to prepare for battle?" Alrak, who had silently witnessed it all with a malevolent smile, inquired as she turned to leave.

" He didn't say, but I know we have paltrier time to prepare," she replied, and stared at her sister suspiciously, of course, she had been so stupid to have revealed everything to her, she suspected her sister had something in mind, but what could she do? She had seen everything anyways, there was nothing to hide, and telling her made the burden on her decrease to a certain echelon, she just needed someone to share her problems with, and she chose Alrak? She just hoped things won't turn out the way she was thinking.

The aura around subsided as Alrak left.

Had I been so misplaced in introspection that I didn't detect her? Or did she use uoy to suppress her reality? Why would she? Had she known all along? Oh, that viper! Were the thoughts that rambled around her head as she prepared to leave.

She placed her middle finger and her index finger concurrently using her right hand, her eyes gleamed as she muttered some words under her breath and slashed through thin air, and she was gone.

On her massive bed, she sat, as different words swarmed through her mind, she found it hard to sleep. How could she when she had a bad feeling about everything that had transpired?

She lay on the bed and closed her eyes trying to get some shuteye, but it proved futile as she kept turning and tossing.

Did she even want to sleep? Urg! Right, the absurd dreams she keeps harboring anytime she does off, it's been quite some time now, but it seems the dreams won't stop occurring.

She knew her life was as good as done once Alrak has seen everything, Or was it when she found her mate? Maybe both, even the dreams she was having, something terrible was going to happen, she had that at the back of her mind already.

Mild jumped on the bed and walked towards her, as soon as she was close enough to Bacillia she made a comfortable squeak and made herself comfortable beside her as she snuggles closely and then latched her eyes, Bacillia caressed her soft fur with the back of her hand as her eyelids became impotent.

' I heard everything ' she said as she curved her tail making sure it brushed Bacillia's skin.

'And? ' she got up and sat on her bed suitably. toting Mild on her lap, she sighed.

' That was fatuous ' she sat up from her lap and acclimated herself beside Bacillia.

' What? ' she asked in a knowing tone and flicked mild's head.

' what? ' mild sat up as her chortle rang in Bacillia's head.

' you understand what you did was witless! I told you I had an inadequate sentiment about that silt good-for-nothing sister of yours ' she belittled.

" what was I supposed to do? She saw everything" she said out loud but with a calm demeanor.

' you could have had our mate kill her on the spot dummy! And bury her where nobody can uncover '

' after all, nonentity would reckon you ' she said boldly and stretched her limbs.

" aren't you being too outlandish Mild?" Bacillia polled with a scolding tone.

' tomorrow shall tell ' she closed her eyes ready to dose off, but changed her mind immediately. ' what will you do about the dreams we keep having? It's thwarting! ' she rolled

' can't you have some magic and just make it vanish? ' the dreams were getting too much and she just couldn't stand it any longer, she had to admit it was quite chafing.

" don't you think I've tried that?" she detonated and held her head.

' hmmm,' she laid like a lifeless bird on the bed and soughed.

" what do you presume the dreams might denote?" she paused, trying to see if she would get a reaction. " those dreams signify something" and continued when she got none.

' I can't comprehend, but if you'd ask me I'd say it's definitely about what the future is going to be like ...I guess, ' she giggled at her ludicrous riposte, she stopped when she noticed the discomfort on her master's countenance. Did she take it seriously? The dreams weren't something to omit anyways, there was going to be war, that she knew.

" The future" she reiterated

' hmmm, hopefully, we would sleep peacefully tonight ' she distrusted.

" The future" Bacillia recited yet again.

'Will you keep quiet! ' Mild released, aggravated by the repetition. ' oh good Lord did I make a mistake? '

" Don't you think it makes more sense Mildred?"

' what ' she cried.

" The future"

' huh? '

' I undoubtedly made a mistake ' she groaned.

" No," she got down from the bed and strode towards the sitting region where some books were disorganized on the table in between the chairs that surrounds it.

She strewed it with her hands, darting for one book in precise. Mild saw this and directly flapped towards her. ' hmmm, this is the book you're looking for, I presume? 'she landed on a big book at the center of the scattered ones and sat on it.

The book had a simple blue cover, with straight line concocts on each end, and in the middle was a beast, a beast trapped in a circle configuration that was meant to insulate it, the scene of the beast was a grove with tall trees... The beast looked like no anyone had ever witnessed, the explication of it was murky. The book had a rough texture and at the bottom of the book were undeciphered words with a strange-looking flower guiding it, although it was bearly evident.

" hand it over" she stretched out, but Mild simply stood up from it and sat right next to it as she wagged her tail.

' you can have it ' she smiled.

Bacillia didn't waste time as she grabbed the book in her hands, the cover was as hard as a rock, and it skimmed like a rock from up close too.

There was a lock situated on the book, guiding it from being opened, she circled her fingers around the lock, and prepared to unlock it with a strong spell. Holding up a black liquid she bit her lip. ' Gnivah's special, hope it toils, hmpt, not like it's the first time I've endeavored it. ' she smirked and left the sitting area to a more free space.

She sat on the floor maintaining a meditation posture, the book was situated in the middle, and candles had been lit all around her, she then added a drop of the black liquid to the open space of the lock and resumed her meditating stance.

Mild knew what was coming so she braced herself, Bacillia, on the other hand, recited some spells under her breath, making her eyeballs gleam, momentarily it was completely luminous, the air around had tensed, and her hair flowed with the wind ever so slowly, the candles lost it's glowing one by one and soon the only source of light in the room was Bacillia's glowing eyes and hair.

Mild groaned, her fur had also completely changed, same as her eyes. She felt a disconcerting pain shoot through her cranium, the pain was bearable, but the pain was pain after all. She let out a loud growl, she knew Bacillia was going through the same pain, after all, they were correlated, and she could feel whatever it is her master feels.

Bacillia swung her index finger without opening her eyes and placed it on the beast's head, she muttered strange words and hauled her head violently. Blood percolated from it and immediately got sucked in as her fingers healed.


Was the only sound they heard after the room had returned to its normal temperature, both their bodies had returned to their decorous normality?

She hurriedly opened the book and scoured for a page in particular, she had come across the stone in this book somewhere before, the last time she unfurled the book, he had seen it but before she could do anything she got hindered by the knocking sounds coming from the huge golden porticoes and closed the book in a hurry.

She felt great energy residing within the book and paused for some minutes to absorb vitality, and afterward continued her search.

Unable to locate it she sighed and closed the book in frustration.

' Nooooo, are you crazy? Do you want me to go through all that furthermore? Why did you seal the book? ' Mild let out her silly rantings not noticing when the pages of the book flipped and stopped at a particular porter.

Grabbing the book, her eyes landed on a stone with clear writings on it ostensibly delineated on the page of the book, right next to it was an old language with seemingly indecipherable.

On the stone was a flower, the same flower on the front cover of the book, it existed as a tiny dot on the stone at the end of the writing, if not for her grand sight it'd have proven to be a hard panorama to detect.

She squinted her eyes ' Mildred ' she called telepathically, not wasting time Mild was standing right next to her as she gazed down towards where her pointer led.

" do you recognize this? " she polled.

' What does it mean? ' Mild raised a question.

"I'm not sure, those phrases, we've certainly come across those before. But the problem now is reciprocating those words..." she closed her eyes trying to refinance something.

' how does it connect to the dreams we're having? I can't comprehend '

" Gnivah, that's where I got the book from".

' Who's that? '

" A tremendous highly ranked dark hyde."

' how come I've never heard of her before? ' she sneered.

" She had been long banished by the former Emperor, for practicing forbidden occult"

' heh? Forbidden occult you say, '

' how did you get the book from her, and how does it relate to our persistent Dream? ' she rolled her eyes.

" I stole it, from her former place" she smirked. " Mild I'm very sure you just confirmed seeing the stone before, why press for reasons?"

' you stole? That's something you don't hear every day from the virtuous Empress of Asnah ' mild snickered.

" get out of my head, and let me concentrate!"

' sorry. ' she left her side and went to her place to lie.

Bacillia sighed, ' finally. '

She lifted the heavy book from the ground and kept it hidden under the loose floorboard that was located under her bed and magically sealed it.

Staring down at the mess she created herself, she soughed and went ahead to rest nonetheless.

Where could she be? It's been a long time since she had been banished, and I need her help in deciphering those words. Why am I even so hell-bent on finding the meaning behind those phrases? It undoubtedly is related to the dream I'm having! Why am I even worried about these dreams? Maybe because I'm scared it would come to pass? These were the thoughts that rambled through her head.

She had tried to decipher those words using magic but failed.

Latching her eyes, she saw the rock and the phrases on it glimmering, it was under a cave deep in the woods, she was walking towards it but couldn't see herself, someone was following her, but hiding in the shadows.

Nonetheless, she continued her voyage disregarding the person who trailed behind her.

The scene shifted, and the image was murky, but she still managed to find a hazy description of the surroundings.

She was with her silver sword fighting against an opponent who she couldn't see quite ostensibly, she made each attack with determination, but the person she was trying to take on, dodged her attacks easily, and mocked her attempts.

The scene shifted again, they were on a battlefield, the scenery wasn't a sight to behold, several bodies lay dead on the ground, while some still struggled to grasp their last gusts, the battle wasn't over as cries of men could be heard in the background, she could see herself battling the same person, the only difference was that this time her moves were brisk and well calculated.

She launched her attacks ferociously, the opposer had a hard time coping, the opposer could feel her rage, her eyes glimmered crimson red, and her body language screeched slaying attempts, she already had blood stains on her clothes but she maintained her vitality.

The battlefield was littered with deceased bodies, the sky was gloomy, the stench of the place at that moment could transmit the feeling of nausea to a wussy on the field, and the air was cold, but none was willing to give up!

more enemies raided the field with the pledge to finish off the enemies, and the battlefield was occupied with thousands, if not millions of soldiers from each congregation...strangely neither of the parties was using magic to fight which was quite unusual.

It was like something powerful was stopping the use of magic, each detachment maintained the use of physical combat.