Bonus chapter!

Amidst the throng stood two exquisite-looking women looking disturbed, they both were clasping Babies against their chests as they dodged attacks efficiently, one of the women splotch her and squinted her eyes as she operated her feet swiftly dodging incursions skillfully. Her eyes were emotionally empty, her hair was tied in a simple bun making the fight effortless for her, she tossed the baby to the second woman that had been by her side and unleashed her sword in a very fast attempt and lacerate a demon in half.

The other woman now hauling the two babies with her as she made a run for it, while the second one held back the assailants, soon additional men came to converge them and lent them an enabling hand. The babies without any care in the world wailed loudly at the harsh movements and gauche habitat.

Bacillia spared them a glance and continued to combat.

The scene shifts again,

This time she was on the floor clutching for air, surrounded by a pool of blood, the horrible stench had become much worse, her opponent moved closer dragging the sword tiredly on the floor and making to finish her off, the tip of the blood-stained sword was what she saw and the loud cries of both babies was the last she heard before she blacked out and jolted back to reality.

Subsisting not so laboriously she inaugurated up from the bed and pushed to scour her face, she had evolved to be used to this, but each time she retained the dream, some pieces were omitted from it, if she were to have this dream likewise, some other time not all would she see of it. She felt something soft caressing her feet and looked down to find mild curling up beside her, she dropped the towel she was using and went back to the bed quarter and Mild ensued her.

" do You catch now? Is it conspicuous to you why the book and stone are communed to our dreams?" propping up the black potion she polled and limited a glance at the disturbed-looking familiar of hers.

After all, she was feeling whatever her master felt, so Bacillia was disturbed but hid it in her constant calm demeanor, trying to hide the fact that the dream pestered her.

After getting ready for the day, she existed in the throne room as she had called for a meeting even before getting out of her Chambers, she had Gladys inform the council members and high tribunal constituents of a momentous meeting. Sitting on the throne and looking down upon the representatives and court she had called upon with her face void of emotions. Although most of the court and council members were much older than her, she still was their leader and so she would rebuke any investigative criteria they hurl towards her, she has been on the seat for quite some time now and knew very well what they were proficient of doing.

The council associates stared at their leader expectantly, she hadn't just called them to stare at their faces, they were beginning to get impatient as their superintendent just stared at them like they were frivolity, or rather she looked lost in introspections. Norab knew the reason behind the meeting she called, driving his stare to look at the others he chuckled, silently waiting for the drama to get underway. "Empress" one of the members called, jolting her back into reality, " I'm apologetic, but you've been silent for quite some time now, you didn't summon us here to watch you stare back at us, according to the missive being provided, this was vital, we also have places we should be by now" distorting his face in irritation.

" Tobias, seems you've lost all respect for the Empress! How dare you! You couldn't even approach her with consideration, do you perhaps want your head rolling on the floor? " one of the elders spoke with disdain.

Tobias with bitterness bowed his head, he twisted the corner of his face in disgust " I'm remorseful, Empress. "

" Tolerated. " she finally spoke up and gave a short nod.

" Thank you elder Burton" she nodded in appreciation.

" Good day to you all my highly favored court constituents, I have summoned you all here reason the demons have waged war against us, and the significance we use in debilitating those who intrude on our realm is getting weaker, we need to prepare ourselves for the forthcoming battle, it'll be anytime soon, we need to expand our forces and secure our realm." she studied the reaction on their mugs for some time.

The expressions their faces gave were quite a stupefiedonese. The conflagration hyde superintendent, Dmitry that had been silently observing the Empress spoke up, " it's been quite some time since they've waged war against us, and besides the demons don't make public of their plans on attacking, they mostly come out of the blue." his hands guiding his beardless chin as he asked suspiciously.

" I agree, the Demons don't proclaim their plans of attacking the realm, and it's been an extent since we heard of them" The waft hydes superintendent Telford, consented. They felt something wrong as the air pulled tautly.

" The last attack was from the elves, and that has been decades ago." Norab sided.

" Empress, how did you get to know of this, if I may?" one of the elders on the high table queried.

" How I got to know, shall stay undercovered, I don't wish to publicize it" she answered in a relatively raised tone.

" Hmmm, Empress are you perhaps playing games with us, you don't wish to publicize it?" the elder spoke up again this time with sarcasm. " By my orders, get our soldiers prepared for battle, and tighten our security forces!" she raised her voice still maintaining her expressionless demeanor, and turned to Norab.

Her eyes searched for someone in the room, but she couldn't find the individual. Heaving a sigh of relief she veered around and realized all eyes were on her already. " yes my lady, I shall respond to your command and prepare ahead for the upcoming battle" Norab returned.

Almost immediately Alrak forayed into the throne room, everybody's attention was diverted to the black lipid woman with perfect curves walking into the throne room with great determination as she puffed up her chest proudly, the dark green robe she was putting on wasn't doing well in hiding her breasts fully as it hugged her skin tight and had a V-neck void to her chest.

She carried her dark aura toward the high table and stood directly in front of Bacillia gaping at her wickedly, the woman just stared at her back consciously.

" Lady Alrak, please respect your position and stop disrespecting the Empress!" the Yaqs spoke from his sit making his voice well stuffed with travesty.

" Lady Alrak what are you doing!" another yelled out " what gives you the right to stand in front of the Empress like that? Don't you have any shame? You even dared to interrupt the council's meeting?" Amadeus, the superintendent of the light hydes spoke up and stared down at Alrak in disdain.

" Aren't I also part of the court?!" she fired back with a sneer.

"Does that give you the liberty to disrupt an ongoing symposium? You should have been here before us Lady Alrak!" Yaqs retorted, displaying irritation.

" Enough!" hitting her staff on the ground everyone immediately became silent. " Alrak if you reached here just to cause disruption please leave instantly, I don't want disturbance!" she yelled loudly and her void expression became aggravated.

" leave!" she yelled out again.

" Hahahahaha" Alrak seemed like the most psychotic being that had ever stood at that point, as she clasped her paunch and laughed out vociferous virtually descending to the ground. This particularly made some old-timers on the opulent table intensely irritated and comfortless, to them, it appeared like she was ridiculing them alongside the Empress. Only Norab understood where all this was moving. Yaqs scrunched his nose and stared at his sister suspiciously. Not that everyone presented there favored the Empress, some were just putting on facades to hide their true sentiments toward her. Many favored her and some others didn't, especially from the elder's council.